
Universal Magus

Genres - Heavy Incest, R-20, Harem, Tragedy, Romance, Transmigration, Xuanhuan, Somewhat a Dark Fantasy, Action, Weak to Strong, Rape (99% not by MC) My Discord: [Universal Sect] https://discord.gg/pDtMQbESKP The main character will be somewhat close to the character of Vincent from the "Collateral" movie with Tom Cruise as the main lead. (He would also have the same name as Vincent after transmigration) This is my first time writing, and my eng is not my main language, so there might be some mistakes in writing quality. I like psychos-type characters like Michael Mayers, Hannibal Lacter, or Vincent. [I do not own this cover. I just saw it in google images and found it quite fitting for my mc, so, if you're the owner and want me to take it down, contact me in discord.] Have a good day. ********* David Strom is an orphan who witnessed a lot of hardships in his life. His parents died in a plane crash when he was a child. Bullying at school. Hard college time... He studied a lot of different martial disciplines. He is tall and, handsome, with long white hair and somewhat red eyes. But he overcame that all. The most important person for him was his aunt. A beautiful and caring woman in her thirties. One day on his way back home, his life changed...

Zarackkk · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
156 Chs

Inner worry

  30 minutes later.

  Vincent looked at the beautiful woman that was moaning under him and wondered.

  'This world and power gifted by Zarack are truly corrupting me. I never thought I would become like this. I guess Alina's last words and my arrival into this world of sin was the main reason that I've become like this. 

  I guess I'm just some sort of a pervert that has a hidden fetish for making broken women fall for him without care whether the woman has blood ties with him or not.

  When a despaired woman like Anna, Emilia, or Emily, meets a man that shows them that there is still a man who will not use them, will not harm them, not betray them, but will care about them, support them, love them and protect them even with the price of his life, it forces that broken heart to repair as if wanting to give birth to "love" once again and give that love to that man. Give everything to that man.

  After the heart repair, that love becomes so strong that it evolves absolutely. 

  Such love would never betray. 

  Even though I was not betrayed in the past, I… still fear it more than my own death, and only to such a woman, I can put my trust in without fear since they'd rather die than will betray me. 

  I can't let anything bad happen to them since I will prob go insane if I lose them because of me,' thought Vincent and glanced at his wives who were currently having a good time with their maids. 

  'When we will be having sex tonight, I will please them more emotionally than physically. I know that they crave for my body, there is no doubt of it, but I guess, they want more feeling from me, more care than just the pleasure of the flesh,' Vincent glanced at Anna and Emilia, who was currently fucking the voluptuous woman in her 30s.


  Suddenly, as if sensing his gaze at them, they both stopped and turned to look at him. 

  Anna and Emilia felt that something was bothering him and gave their husband a gentle and loving smile that could calm his heart.  

  Seeing their loving smiles that they show only to him, Vincent's breathing started to become somewhat unnatural and suddenly, in his mind, he saw a scene that he feared the most. It was so real that he thought it was a hallucination. 

  'What is this? What was that just now? Would this happen if I ignored my enemy?' Vincent quickly calmed down to not make others notice his worry. 

  'Teren family... Torn family... Red Cloud sect… Untouched Flower sect… Untouched Lotus sect… Raising Tiger sect… Raising Dragon sect… Sweet Desire sect…'

  Vincent froze and his face darkened when he listed his enemies in his mind. 

  Suddenly, he felt a warm and soft, but shaking hand on his chest. 

  "M-m-master, y-you scaring me…" said Skylar with trembling voice when she looked into Vincent's crimson eyes as if he was some devil. 

  He also lost control under his ACA for a moment, making Skylar, who still had his cock inside her, tremble.

  Vincent came back from that state and berated himself before leaning down to gently kiss her lips.


  "I'm sorry, Skylar, I just remembered someone who should not live anymore and lost myself for a moment, don't be scared, okay?" said calmly Vincent before he stood up and summoned his dark red robe. 

  He turned to look at Skylar and Selena who also stood up and started to dress up with still red faces. 

  They just lost their virgin status and became their master's women. His hot semen was still inside that reminded them of their sex with him just moments ago. 

  Vincent neared them and placed his hands on their shoulders. 

  "You both will be my personal maids, are you okay with it?" asked Vincent, even though he didn't need to.

  Selena looked at Skylar who was also looking at her before they both smiled. 

  "I belong to you, master. You don't need to ask me, but I am flattered to hear it. I also hope that I will soon… conceive your child," said Selena shily and placed her hand on her belly that was full of his essence. She can hardly believe that a few hours ago she wanted to kill this man, but now she craves his child...

  She doesn't mind being his maid, but… she wants to be his concubine by conceiving his child. 

  Skylar also has a hard time believing how she came to be like this.

  Just a few hours ago, she was a respectful elder of a woman-only sect, but now she became a maid, her new master's maid who was basically a slave, a sex slave. But she doesn't care about her status since she also wants to be a mother of his child after he showered her with so much pleasure that she went crazy. 

  They both looked at their master before asking.

  "Master, what about others?" asked Skylar and looked at Fiona, Flora, Aurora, and Remi who were all nearby.

  Vincent glanced at them, especially at twins.

  "What do you think about being my maids? You don't need to bother about your sect since I will devour it in a few years," asked Vincent calmly.

 Fiona and Flora glanced at each other before answering.

  "You are our master. If our guess about our parent's death is true, we will not come back to the sect as its elders, but as an enemy," said Flora and her ears reddened a bit. She is usually very quiet, but now she felt the need to say something. 

  "My sister is right. Master, if you will help us find the truth… you can do anything you want to me, to us, in bed. We will also give birth to your children without becoming your concubine if you want to. We will serve you for the rest of our lives," added Fiona with a light smile.

  Vincent didn't react to her words and turned to look at Aurora and Remi.

  Aurora blinked and lowered her gaze, thinking, while Remi said.

  "Can you tell how old you are, without a lie?" asker Remi as this question long ago bothered her.

  Vincent moved his eyes onto her and said.

  "Less than 18."


  Hearts of all who heard him, except his wives who already knew that he was not even 10 years old, trembled. 

  "Less than 18… hehe. If it's not a lie, then you should be the strongest man with the biggest potential that I know. I saw a lot of them but in comparison to you… no, it would be a humiliation for you to be compared to them. 

  You are in a different league than them. 

  In that case, I see no harm in placing my loyalty to you as well as my body. As long as you will not betray me or harm me, I will belong to y-you," said Remi with blush. 

  If Vincent is really this young and his target is not a wishful dream, then it is her chance to tie her life to a worthy man. 

  "Don't, under my care, you all will reach heights that you thought were almost impossible before. How much do you know about your main sect, the Untouched Lotus?" asked Vincent.

  "Emm, the Untouched Lotus sect is located quite far away from here. They are at…"

  "Master! We are under attack! Around 100 people will soon arrive here! They are all from the Raising Tiger sect, judging by their emblems. And they captured her… master please save her before it is too late, they should not kill her yet, but… she, she will be by them… Helga... *Sob*, she tried to protect me from a sudden range attack and got injured. They will rape her… please, master, Helga, she said to me that she liked you when we started to talk about you. I beg you, *Sob* please, I will do everything, just save her!"

  Remi didn't manage to finish speaking as she was interrupted by a young girl's sobbing.

  They all looked at her before turning back to him, waiting for his words.

  Anna, Emilia and his other wives arrived near him.

  "Do you know who is the strongest there?" asked the girl Vincent.

  "T-there should be a few in 3rd rank."

  "I see… If they are just like previous trash without any teamwork, then it should be quite easy, but if they are a trained squad with some brain cells… then I would be in trouble.

  And I have yet to create some side elements… but I think I can create a few already. 

  The weather today is quite calm too," said Vincent and calmly looked into the skies. It was still snowing…

  "Calm down, how far away are they?" Vincent asked the young girl that was still scared 


  "They should be around 15 minutes away from here," quickly answered Valeria. 

  Vincent stepped forward and neared her. He patted Valeria's black hair and turned back to look at his wives before saying.

  "We have not enough time to properly prepare, but it should be enough for a few traps. Do you remember how we did it before? Let's repeat it. 

  And you all. You will need to stay here and act as if you all are scared and panicked, okay? 

  Skylar, Fiona and Flora, you also stay with them to protect and make the enemy misunderstand the situation after they arrive. Also, try to win more time for us if they would be talkative enough," said Vincent and saw his maids nod.

  Vincent looked at his wives whose eyes brightened as they remembered that fun with the enemy not long ago.

  "Sorry, my love, but not this time, it's risky to allow you to join, I will do everything alone. Go and rest, you will see the show from inside the pocket world," said Vincent and walked to them.

"Husband, but we can help you too. We can..." Anna quickly said and tried to change his mind.

" I know dear, I know, but they have 3rd rankers within them and I don't want to risk you. If something will happen to you... I will not bear it, mother. Just stay there and look," said Vincent and swiftly send them into the pocket world without waiting for other wives' answers.


As they left, his face darkened, it made all girls that looked at him instinctively take a few steps back.