

said "in the future if we meet again I'll make sure to give you back for this favour and also thank you again", she got up and was ready to go her separate.

When Reom heard her say that he got a good impression of her and was willing to give her that extra bit of lightning energy for her to change her physique.

The lady was about to go when she suddenly thought of something "wait, why does he knows so much about my physique, and the answer to that could only be one thing, that is that he also has the same physique as mine. He probably had fused his elements too". The reason she thought that Reom had fused his elements was cause when she was attacked by Reom she felt that the ten minute went by in a second, from that she concluded that Reom had comprehended a time law that had made his attack freeze people in time but unknown to her the reason she thought the time went fast was because she was too focused on absorbing the lightning energy that she did not even have the time to pay attention to the real world.

She started thinking for a moment before deciding on a decision that will forever change her future.

"Reom, if you may can you let me come with you to the place you are going too"

Reom looked back to see her asking to come along with him.

Reom started to ponder about her question inside his mind.

Reoms mind

[ I really don't care if she comes with me, she probably wants me to fully awaken her lightning physique].

Reom looked at her and sent a bit of his lightning energy inside her and immediatly she was taken by surprise as she did not see Reom send any lightning energy towards her.

She started to absorb the lightning energy and after a few second a small core started to appear inside her dantain, after it appeared she felt her speed increase by 20 times and her talent become even better.

She looked at Reom again and said "thank you, so can you let me come with you".

[Inside Reom's mind] (what, why does she still want to come with me I already gave the only thing she would need from me)

He thought about why she would want to come with him for a while before deciding to let her come with him, the reason being that he thought that she was going with him cause she wanted to come because of going on a adventure.

He looked at her and said "okay sure, you can come with me but I'm going to northern continent, so you might wanna reconsider your choice but if you still want to go with me you might wanna tell your family about it".

She looked a bit sadden and looked at Reom, while saying "My family members are dead".

Four the first time the celestial King felt an emotion of sorry and when he felt that he was about to laugh out loudly but before he did it he stopped immediately as our thought it would a pretty soulless thing to do after he ain't that her family is dead.

"sorry, I didnt know your family members were dead".

"You don't have to worry about it, it won't be long before i m not bothered by families death".

Reon knew there was a hidden meaning in those words so he immediately lit his brain in work to guess to what hidden meaning was but could not get anything.

"i'm gonna catch the train to the northern continent, so we might need to hurry as it will be leaving in a few minutes".

As they both started to speed toward the station, people saw them and thought that they were in some kind of race and weren't bothered to report them to the police force.

They both got in the station and the first thing from did was buy two tickets to northern continent.

The got the tickets and they both went to the platform and waited for the train.

The vibe they both were releasing were pretty awkward as the only knew each other for 25 minutes and no longer.

They only had conversation of a hundred words and no more, so it was pretty awkward for them to suddenly acting like they knew each other.

Reom looked at her and said "well this is pretty awkward".

"Yeah i know, i never knew that i would be in such a situation but i guess it's a good thing that I'm experiencing a something new that i have never experienced" Tania

"Well guess it new for both of us" Reom

Which he thought was something good as this was a different feeling then feeling bored all the time.

"it will take a bit of time but eventually there will be no awkwardness in a few hours, since we will be in the same room for a while".

They both started to talk for a long time, as the medicine for not in countering any awkward situation was to talk a lot and connect to each other more.

Their talked took awhile and while the talk was going on the train had come and picked the both of them up, they had got in their small room that had two beds with a sitting table in the middle with two chairs.

They asked the person that brought them in their room to bring some snacks as he needed to eat some as he hadn't eaten anything in the past few hours.

The snacks had arrived and now they were eating while talking.

3 days later.

After so long they had finally reached the end of this continent, normal you aren't able to cross unless you have booked a flight few days before but for Reom a flying tech was a sand in a desert.

I haven’t proof read any of the chapters I’m posting

L1_acreators' thoughts