
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

ForgottenKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

The Dark Trinity

As Julian walked down the stairs and through the back rooms of The auction house, his blood began to boil. He did not know these men's exact reason for being here but he figured it was likely for his merchandise. He pushed open the front doors of the Auction house and in front of him were 3 men in dark clothing. The man on the left held one of the guarding Robots by its head as he examined it. The man on the right was crouched down going through the remains of another robot. The man in the middle was staring straight at the door and now straight at Julian's frowning face. The three men's named popped up in succession on his Hud and he became tense.

[ Andrew hibachi Half immortal peak stage expert, psychic emperor blue soul state ]

[ Bryan Smith Half immortal peak stage expert, Psychic King red soul state. ]

[ Samoni wychatta Profound Immortal stage 1 expert, Psychic Emperor Blue soul state. ]

As soon as the first man saw Julian the other two immediately turned and stared at him releasing of tinge of their immense killing intent. The exact second the killing intent was released Julian lunged forward and Shot off a Pyschic Arrow into each of the men. Stunned the men reacted but before they moved Julian activated a group Teleport and all 4 of them appeared in the middle of nowhere.


Andrew stood up and threw several Lightning fast needles towards Julian. Bryan and Samoni pulled out Several Battle puppets from their spiritual ring and sent them to attack while they themselves began activating their own skills.

" We are the Dark Trinity! we came here with peaceful intentions but now we are going to kill you instead. "

" If you came to Me with peaceful intentions then you should have never released that petty Killing intent of yours! "

' Domain Expansion! '

' Earth Champion! '

Julian raised his Arm of Annihilation into the way of the Needles and they bounced off.

Andrew reached Into his pockets and began to move his Qi "Mryiad Poison Mist! "

Somani raised his rugged Blade and inserted his Qi "Slaughter Arts! First move, Heaven and earth Slash! "

The two attacks entered Julian's domain and the myriad poisons dispersed into Nano particles but the heaven and earth slash cut through them with ease. The blade Qi made contact with Julian's metal arm and made a horrid sound.

* Kreekeeee*

While the two men had Julian's attention Bryan teleported behind Julian and was ready to launch a fist technique directly into his back but the moment he stepped foot into the domain he tripped and his fist fell into the Nano particle floor.

" what Is this?? "

Before he had a chance to pull his arm out Julian teleported above him and stomped his head into the Nano particle floor.

" Earth champion hold him here! "

At his command the Earth champion began its attack and kept the warrior stuck in the nano particles. The other two men saw their brother pinned by the Earth champion and they split up, Andrew took Julian head on in close combat while Somani ran towards Bryan. ' Speed demon steps! '

Seeing The two break apart Julian was tempted to spawn in his Heavenly Guardian but decided against it. He intended to see just how strong he himself was without the aid of his two over powered summons.

Seeing the man running over to his comrade Julian activated his Gravity Ability which momentarily causes the man to fall down into the Nano particles as well. He raised his right fist and began to activate Titans fist. The Brass Knuckles shined bright and his fist burst forward into Andrew's chest knocking him back a couple feet and sending ashockwave unto the ground which was absorbed by his Domain and transfered into the two men stuck inside. The shock of the Attack ripped the men out of the Nano particles grasp, Bryan who was completely stuck lost an arm to the Black goo while Somani had the Skin ripped clean off of 3 of his fingers leaving behind only bloody bone.

" Enough! "

Samoni Looked at his hand and was enraged, he wasn't taking this fight seriously this whole time but after seeing such a thing done to his hand he lost it.

" I am Samoni Wychatta, I am the man who shall kill you. remember it in hell. "

" Iron Dragon Skin! "

" Fire Dragon 6 layer flame cloak! "

He activated two high ranking skills in a second and charged forwards. The nano particles that attempted to grab onto him were burned by the flame cloak and turned to dust.

" Since you Like fist skills I will end your life with my own! "

" Shadow God Fist! "

The skin on his hand bubbled and a very dark thick substance oozed out only to be burned Into a gas by the flames. When his fist came into contact with Julian's Fist the Black gas exploded and enshrouded Julian. Seeing the Black gas affect Julian's skin he attacked again and again, Each of his attacks released more and more Blacl gas until an annoyed voice was heard from within the Black bubble of gas.

" Why the fuck Am I so itchy you piece of Shit! "

Somoni frowned hearing his opponent speak, he was certain his attacks had wounded his opponent. As he was Gathering his Qi to perform another Abilty a fist covered in blood and Burning skin appeared through the Gas. This fist continued forward until it hit Somani right in the Right side of his face. The force was mostly absorbed by his Iron Dragon body but it still caused him to slide 3 feet back.

Julian walked forwards out of the smoke and was struck in the knee by a Roped Scythe. It cut his knee deep and his attention drifted to Andrew who threw it. * hooo *

An arrow flew through the sky and hit Julian in the side, He reached quicky and pulled the arrow out but he noticed his skin around the wound was quickly turning Green and purple. He began to move his right hand to cover the wound and help spread nano particles but he was unable to as Somani's fist was 4 inches from his own face. The Nano particles on the floor of his domain acted quickly and pulled him inside of the floor then popped him back out behind Somani.

" Damm I didn't know I could so that. "

after mumbling to himself he lunged forward to attack Somani but was blocked as somani Quickly turned around. Somani's right fist landed hard on Julian's left side shoulder and Julian's Right fist dug deep into the crotch Of Somani. As somani's Face Turned red Julian Moved quickly and delivered an uppercut to his jaw.

The sycthe came back and narrowly missed his chest, Julian grabbed onto the Razor wire rope and suffered bone deep cuts but managed to break the rope with sheer strength. Sensing something amiss he stepped sideways and dodged a poisoned Dagger that was about to hit the back of his leg.

' Lighting Storm! '

' Psychic Wave! "

Although Somani was above in cultivation, Julian was already a psychic God so his Simple psychic attacks were very powerful. In his current fight his Simple psychic stuns were similar to a punch in the face along with pepper spray on a mortal human.

The stun hit Somani and he was unable to stop himself from falling backwards Into the domain, This would keep him out of the battle for a few seconds. Andrew and Bryan moved in each wielding their own pair of Demonic sect Engraved daggers. They danced around Julian looking for openings and found so many they thought it was a trap. Since they refused to attack first Julian Pulled out a Portal Scroll he bought in Nanashak a few days earlier. The scroll took in some electricity and a portal to the bottom of Koryak lake was opened for 30 seconds. The immense wave of water flooded the floor uninterrupted by his Domain.

The Thunder roared in the sky and a few seconds later lighting bolts began to rain down on all 4 of them. The moment a single bolt hit the water all 4 of them were Shocked and monetarily stunned. Excited that his plan worked Julian directed the Domain to move the water from his feet and direct it towards the 3 men.

Next he turned around and teleported above Somani's Head. His Power flowed Into his right fist and He prepared to use Atomic fist. Feeling the Build up of energy above his face Somani panicked and Exploded His metal Qi in all directions blowing the Nano particles away from him. The Fist began to move down towards his face and his entire body tensed up as he tried to teleport out of his current predicament. Julian's Mind which was several thousand times faster Than his body sent a Psychic arrow Into Somani's mind and caused his eyes to go bloodshot. The Atomic fist made contact With its target and blew it into blood mist.

As Julian raised his fist a Dissapointed look became plastered on his face. Somani stood 10 feet away from him, His right arm was gone and his eyes were bloody. Andrew and Bryan who were stuck in place by the Continuous Lighting Panicked and struggled even fiercer to escape.

Immediately an Intesne back and forth fist fight between Julian And Samoni Began. Each delivered fist after fist into eachothers body. Julian who had Rank 7 Body cultivation was enduring the punces for now, but the continuous punces from a Profound Immortal cultivator with an Immortal body began creating some cracks in Julian's skin. A sudden punch from Julian knocked Somani back for enough time for him to activate his inner Dragon scales. The process was painful but he pushed hard and within half a second his inner scales appeared.

His right Fist now covered in scales opened wide and faced his stomach while his left arm took on the attack of Somani

' yeah keep attacking me you Bitch. I'm going to end your life soon! '

The blood in his palm began to gather quickly and silently while Somani Pounded on julian with Skill after skill.

Andrew and Bryan broke free of the stun attack for a moment and launched an attack each at Julian. Jade fire Burst forth from Bryan's hands and burned the nano particles around Julian while Andrew activated his Mryiad poisons Abilty. Unimpeded the Poisons surrounded Julian who breathed it in without realizing. The thousands of poisons flooded his body and began to rampage inside. Blood slowly began to flow out of his ears, eyes and nostrils. The myriad poisons combined with the poisons already in his lower body causing his left leg to give in. The sudden change caused Somani's next punch to send Julian back into the ground. Somani laughed at his weakness and walked forwards slowly. He saw victory and wanted to savior it.

" If your die at least do so on your feet. "

A puppet appeared out of his Spiritual ring and walked up to the Human on the ground breathing heavily.

Julian stared at the puppet as he held his right hand in the exact same place. The puppet picked him up and kept him in place. His bloody eyes stared directly into Somani's retina as he walked forwards.

" I must admit Somani, I am somewhat Dissapointed in my abilities. I was certain I could kill all three of you by myself but it seems I am not yet experienced enough to effectively use my powers. But I am Happy becuase although I cannot personally kill all three of you, I can personally kill you.

" Blood palm! "

HD turned his palm towards Somani and a dreadful Blood palm 10ftby10ft traveled through Somani's body vaporizing all but his Immortal Skelton.

[ You killed Somani Wychatta ]

+ 10 Quadrillion EXP

+ 3/10 rings Of The Dark rings Of moshgaltin

+ 17 million HQ

You have leveled up

[ System has begun to Update ]

[ Stat system Updating ]

[ Skill system updating ]

[ EXP System updating ]

With the Owner of the Puppet dead it fell to the floor and Julian fell to his knees. His entire body was in excruciating pain, his nano particles were being burned by the poison slightly faster than they were being produced.

" Heavenly Guardian I Need help! "

Hearing his summon His Heavenly Guardian appeared right next to him.

" Kill those two quickly. "

The domain returned to Julian's feet and the two men had just barely managed to escape the water and were now floating in the air looking at Julian and the Weird knight that suddenly appeared.

" Where's Senior brother? I can't see him anywhere. "

" I don't know I can't sense his presence anymore. "

Hearing their confused voices in the distance Julian busted out laughing despite the excruciating pain. " Your senior brother is dead, reduced to nothing but bones. "

The Heavenly Guardian moved and began to fight the two peak half immortal stage cultivators.

[ skill Pain Resistance has been added ]

[ Skill Poisom Resistance has been added ]

[ Skill Fist combat Mastery has been Created ]

[ Poison resistance has reached level 2 ]

[ Poison resistance has reached level 3 ]

[ Poison resistance has reached Level 4 ]

[ Pain Resistance has reached level 2 ]

Since he was in a vulnerable state he teleported away and landed on the floor in a back room of the Auction house in Nanashak. A Worker bot entered the room and placed a Grade 6 Healing pill into his mouth along with a detoxification Elixir. His healing was rather slower compared to before but it was still rather fast and within 20 minutes he was fully healed and stood up.

After 20 minutes he was rather confused, he figured he would have received a kill notification by now but after Checking all the recent notifications he didn't find any.

" Ted has the Auction concluded already? "

" Yes sir the auction ended 3 minutes ago. We have made 11.4 million from the Rank 5 bundles, 224.9 million from all 12 rank 6 cores. 1.3 billion from all 3 Rank 7 cores and Finally 567 million from all 5 Weapon bundles. In total we have made 2,103,300,000 HQ

" Have the guests begun to leave yet? "

" No the guest are still in their seats, we have yet to officially end the Auction without you. "

" Ah that's good, I still have items I want to sell. "

* whoosh *

He disappeared from place and reappeared on stage catching the eyes of everyone in the hall and surprising the auctioneer who was in the middle of speaking.

" The auction is not over yet Dear customers! I have a suprise addition. "

A golden chest appeared in his hands and he slowly opened it so that all could see its contents.

" In my hands are Two Perfect condition Rank 8 Spiritual beast cores, The Blue snake king and Blue snake queen. These two beautiful Items do not have a starting price as they are not for sale this evening. Instead I have decided to give them as gifts to Sir Kim wukon Of the amogi Clan and City lord Ratliff my sworn Brother. Many of you may be asking why I have decided to gift such valuable items to my comrades? Well that's a simple question, It is becuase I God emperor of the Imperium of man Treat Friends of The Imperium Kindly. "

Before anyone could talk he spoke again before teleporting away.

" The auction has officially ended. thank you all for coming! "

He sat on his bed back in isvan city and got a happy notification

[ You have killed Andrew hibachi and Andrew Smith ]

+ 1.8 Quadrillion Exp

[ All updates have finished! ]

' Oh thank God man, I've been annoyed by this stupid Stat system so far. The numbers are high as fuck and I can't tell just how strong I am becuase of it! Show me my stats. '

[ Stats ]

[ Do to hosts lack of understanding The system has decided to hide the Stat system from Hosts view ]

[ Understand your own strength yourself Without help from the system ]

[ EXP System has reset back to small numerical values ]

Half Immortal Stage 6. 12/34 EXP.

' Well ok I guess. '

* Sigh *

' Ted prepare all the profits for me to pickup and deal with all the guests that want to talk with me. I'm going back to My bed in Isvan.

I won't lie I have made some mistakes that i am now working on changing. not any big novel ruining issues but just some naming bugs here and there in story. Also I ended up confusing myself with the whole Stat system so I'm just going to remove it completely and instead of telling you his exact power via stats i have decided to just show it by his actions and By his Cultivation rank.

Anyways thanks for reading and supporting my story. it means Alot!!!

ForgottenKnightcreators' thoughts