
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

ForgottenKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Sand Reapers

A week and a half before the current battle Julian stood in the sky above the Sand Demon sect. His presence was erased and no one in the sect knew of his presence, not even the Half immortal stage ancestors of the sect. The native wildlife consisted of giant carnivorous worms and large Croc birds the size of houses.

Some movement outside the sect gate caught his attention and when he realized what was happening he became angry. Two men in black hoods dragged a young boy and an old man inside the gate. They were badly bruised all over and were covered in small cuts up and down their bodies hindering their movement. The old man begged the men to let the youth go but they responded with more beatings.

Having had enough of the mistreatment Julian spread his divine sense and got a detailed map of the entire sect along with every single living beings exact location. His divine sense alerted the ancestors and leaders of the sect who flew to the sky to meet their unexpected guest.

" What the fuck are you doing here you annoying fuck! Get out of here before we turn your skull into a mug! "

The strongest of the Demonic cultivators spoke and insulted Julian over and over which led to the rest of them insulting him as well.

" What are you a dunce?? we said get the fuck out of here! "

" Brothers he seems to be ignoring us. We should break his legs and rip apart his tendons before we feed him to the Volvo Worms. "

" That's a great idea bro- "

Just as the eldest was about to finish his sentence he stopped and started coughing up blood, his eyes wavered and he noticed a bloody red object appear in Julian's Right hand. Upon realizing what it was and seeing what was wrong with his body his eyes pulsed and turned deep red as he coughed up more and more blood.

" Are you looking for this? "

Julian raised his hand and showed a still beating heart to the man now covered in his own blood.

* krrrsh *

His hand clenched the heart into mist and the old man fell from the sky, His junior attempted to catch him but before he could Julian unleashed a psychic arrow Into each of the mens souls killing them instantly. As their bodies fell to the floor Julian launched a psychic wave and killed everyone in the sect except for the captives. He appeared in front of the prison door and broke it apart with a wave of his fingers. Inside Julian waved his hand and turned each of the metal bars into balls of metal that fell to the floor.

" Your free now, head north and you'll find an Imperium outpost. "

Julian reappeared in the sky and went further south to the border base of operations between the sand Demon sect and the Demon Race. Only when this base was eradicated would his mission be complete. 10 minutes passed by and he appeared at the base of operations. with a wave of his hand his psychic energy flooded the base killing everyone present expect for a single Demon Race general who laughed out loud.

" You fucked up coming Here Puny human! "

In the next instant two Golden Immortals rushed out of a hidden chamber and activated a sealing array in a split second. Julian moved to teleport away but was stopped by Psychic interference coming from the depths of the base.

Before he knew it he was trapped inside a dense metal cage with no openings. He tried over and over to teleport away but was stopped again and again.

" Shit! "

The two Demon cultivators laughed at Julian inside the metal cage before moving him into a pocket dimension layered with dozens of Sealing arrays.

" Rot in here for a bit until we find a use for your corpse. "

With the job done the two demons high ficef eachother and flew down to the base where they sipped on some Honeyed mead.

Inside the cage Julian felt a little stupid for falling Into a trap but he did not give up. If he could not get out through teleportation then he would get out through force. He Gathered his energy again and again and laughed attack after attack into the metal wall. It wasn't much but each impact made teeny tiny dent in metal.

Time passed by quickly and soon Julian received news from his Ai that a threat from the east had appeared. He spoke back and forth with them about the little details and gave them a Battle plan. There was now a large hole in the metal cage and Julian hit even harder each time. His fists bled from each hit but the nano particles recovered his body before the next hit landed. During the time he hit them the Two Demon cultivators talked down about how they were marching on The Imperium and that he could do nothing but watch it unfold. Further enraged by their words his punches increased in might and soon a day and a half passed by.

Back in isvan the Reinforcements from the west arrived and the Battle entered a new stage. Through the combined effort of every citizen of the Imperium the enemy had been blocked off completely from entering within 20 miles of the wall. Hell itself was brought upon the monster horde and the sky was painted red from all the explosions going off. During the battle the highlord Anthony baker gave these monsters a name, " The scourge " becuase they ruined everything they came into contact with. Individuals within the scourge were named Scourge beasts and divided into ranks based on size and power.

The horrors of this new War scarred the people of the Imperium and The Zavalla empire. Even the oldest warriors who had fought against Chaos demons and Daemons were shocked at the ferocity of this new Terrifying enemy. The sudden and all out burst of firepower from the Imperium pushed the horde back and the desolate and barren land below was revealed. The stark contrast between the green lands to the west and the desolate lands to the east.

The battle raged on and 12 hours felt like an eternity trapped In the pits of hell for each and every soldier.

Inside the cage Julian pressed his finger on a small hole and activated the genuine self cloning technique then switched places with the clone. Now that he was free he looked around and found that the space was empty and the sealing arrays weren't even turned on. quickly he made his way outside the subspace and teleported away before the strange force could stop him.

On the front line the Army was tired and many badly wounded, While the humans fell back the machines charged forwards and coverd their withdrawal. It was at this very moment that each and everyone felt fear that a small golden Bead fell from the sky and multiplied over and over again until one Bead was in front of every single soldier. It merged with their bodies and they began to heal, recover Stamina and even break through a stage or two momentarily. City lord William was on the wall overlooking the battle while missing and arm. When he felt this familiar energy his heart started to beat faster and he grabbed a microphone and screamed 5 words as loud as he could across an open channel connecting the entire Eastern front. " The Emperor is With us! "

Cheers erupted across the Battlefield and once they healed fully each and every single soldier returned to the field of battle with Killing intent bleeding from their hearts.

A golden light covered the battle field and human and beast alike looked to the sky. In the air Julian concentrated his energy into his right arm and activated both Titans fist and Atomic Fist. His body Propelled itself down at incredible speeds and the moment his fist hit the ground and the surface was obliterated. A massive crater replaced what was once the Eastern portion of the Isvani mountian range. The scourge was cut in half in a matter of seconds by a single Human being.

Upon seeing this majestic display of power.The strongest warrior of the Imperium present, The great Machine lord Garry leery raised his sword to the sky and shouted in a Deep and intimidating tone.

" For the Emperor!!! "



The entire front shouted this battle cry and they charged across the now open crater in front of them. Julian stood up and began to run forwards, as he moved he danced a strange dance and a water dragon appeared around him and charged into the charging horde. The ground was soaked with blood so Julian raised his left hand and began to absorb the blood across the Eastern front as quickly as possible. His left hand began to collect Star energy from within his reservoir and activated a lighting storm with but a thought.

The forces of the Imprium charged alongside their Emperor into battle. The sky quaked and the ground shuddered from their charge, Armageddon was what the scourge now faced. In a battle to the death with their leige, fear was forgotten and replaced with Pride.

A large purple ball flew out of Julian's left hand and divided itself into a few thousand pieces. Each piece took on the form of a rod and turned black before being charged with an entire cities worth of electricity in an instant. Each rod charged downwards at inconceivable speeds breaking the very land beneath the main force of the horde. The great upheavals of rock crushed all around it and the Imperium finished off the stragglers before moving forwards again. The now weak and outnumbered Scourgelings began to flee and the army cheered!

" Hold here! Everyone Nihilty or above with me now! "

He waited for a minute for the men to gather before he chased down the stragglers. In a couple of minutes they made it to the Blue sun border and were stopped by 5 Golden Immortals.

" This is the end of the like weak humans, pass into the Iron hills and we will gut you like cattle and feed your remains to the Raknids. "

Hearing this insult from the 5 strange men in the air Julian clapped back and readied his blood palm attack.

" I didn't know Fat Goblins inhabited the Iron hills, maybe your fathers fucked an orc whore and produced you. such hideous little things, also you said Raknids right? so you know what these monsters are and I'm guessing you were the ones who released them. "

" Even if we did there nothings the weak inhabitants of the Blue sun Territory can do except die excruciating deaths. Now Fuck off you maggot. "

" hahahaha "

Julian laughed and launched a psychic wave at the 5 golden Immortals stunning them for a split second but that was enough. He appeared in the air and laughed a blood palm obliterating every last Raknid in sight. The next moment the Dwarf on the far left moved forward and delivered a monumental punch directly into Julian's stomach sending him flying back into the ground.

" Protect the Emperor! "

" Protect His majesty! "

The high level cultivators moved and blocked any other attacks that came his way with their own bodies. The force of impact was so much that it left Julian shocked and badly wounded. His head wavered back and forth and he passed out as he was carried away. The golden Immortals didn't chase after Julian, instead they moved to am undergound cave where a single queen was hiding. They locked her In a cage and looked to sir Ned for orders.

" Take that queen and restart the process some where the Imperium doesn't have a presence, somewhere like the Seven sun's territory. "

" It will be done sir! "

had to redo this chapter cause webnovel is buggy and deleted it. also I am working and going to college so I don't have much time anymore but I will still post regularly. anyways I hope you guys enjoyed.

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