
Uniting The World With My Headphones

Everyone, I'm restarting the story in another book in my new account. The title is Alteria. Feel free to give it a look!

OwariDa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Power of Headphones 1

After several thoughts that struck Lyrica's mind, she and the voice inside her head finally reach a compromise.

Lyrica will start a new life in the world of Alteria, but she will have to make Alteria a world of peace and quiet herself. Once Lyrica proved to the voice that she is willing to do the terms given to her, Erika will be summoned into Alteria just like what they agreed on.

"All right. Now that we have an agreement, let's talk about the most important part of the world of Alteria. The thing that allows one to perform wonders and mysteries. Of course, I'm talking about magic."


Magic exist in Alteria, just like how living creatures that are unseen or deemed unreal in Lyrica's world, exists in Alteria as well.

In Alteria, magic allows an individual to perform supernatural abilities. There are ones that can create and manipulate elements by the palm of their hands. Summoning creatures through a blood contract, and conjuring objects by knowing its shape and materials. Some can use magic to enhance one's strength and others can change their physical appearance to that of a beast.

"This is only a short list of magic abilities that you will encounter in Alteria." Said the voice to Lyrica.

"I see." The girl replied nonchalantly.

"For an individual to use magic, mana is a strict requirement."

"I figured."

Lyrica knew about it. After all, having the required mana to use skills is the general concept of a lot of games. Much like the role-playing game she plays with Erika back then.

"Mana can be found within the individual's body, as well as from the mana crystals found in secluded places which are then harvested for various uses. Mana crystals aside, the mana inside one's body is created through the Mana Threads that are also found inside the body of an individual."

"Mana Threads? Now that's something I never heard of."

Mana Threads appear like blood vessels located throughout the body of an individual. With this, the mana stored within is able to travel around the body like blood cells. Allowing one to perform magic through their hands, feet or even spread the magic throughout the whole body itself.

"Acting as a pathway for the mana isn't the Mana Threads' only purpose though."

"Is that so?"

Mana Threads can also be found outside an individual's body. These Mana Threads usually acts to replenish mana by absorbing the life force around the individual's environment and converting it into mana. However, this regenerative trait is such a slow and long process that people find it inefficient, especially when they are in the middle of combat.

"There are some cases during combat, where one will find themselves not having enough mana to perform magic, nor the strength to endure the strain of using one."

In these cases, an individual may have the tendency to be forced to perform a magic ability despite the lack of mana and strength to sustain the drawback of the ability.

If one is in such a state and forces themselves to perform a magical ability, the Mana Threads which doesn't get enough life force from outside the body will be forced to convert the life force of the magic user itself for them to perform the magic.

It will continue to convert every last bit of a person's life force until either the user deactivates the magic, or the user dies as the body gives in after being forced to the limit.

"Stop right there."

While the voice was in the middle of informing Lyrica about magic, the young girl suddenly cuts in and stopped the voice from speaking further.

"What is it?" Asked the voice.

"Why are you telling me about this?"

"Didn't you asked me what I did to heal your limbs and remove your fatigue? It's magic."

"No, not that..."

Lyrica is wondering why the voice just suddenly mentioned combat. She did ask the voice what she meant by magic when Lyrica had her legs healed and her fatigue erased, but fighting someone with magic never crossed her mind.

"Are you saying that I have to fight someone who can use magic in the future?"

Yes. Magic exists in Alteria, the people in this world have the ability to do wonders and mysteries with just a snap of a finger. But with the people of Earth like Lyrica, such a thing is impossible.

"Lyrica, do you remember when I said I can change reality for you?"

Again, Lyrica is just a normal human. There's no way for her to do such a feat. That's how the reality of Earth works. But...

"... Yes."

"You came from a world where magic isn't considered a real thing, a hoax. But in Alteria, magic is a big part of its own reality."


"The moment you stood into this world, the reality of Earth already became irrelevant. Which means..."

Lyrica is now in the world of Alteria. Lyrica is now one of its people. And so, just like the people of Alteria who can perform wonders and mysteries with just a snap of their fingers, Lyrica now has the ability to perform magic herself.

"I can now use magic?"


Just like how certain species were able to adapt by evolving and mutating according to their environment, Lyrica's body slowly adapted to the reality of Alteria.

"Right now, the Mana Threads that appear to every living being in Alteria, have already manifested inside your body.

"Is that really true?"

Lyrica began inspecting every part of her body. From the top of her head, to her face. To her shoulders and her arms, and then to her feet. Everything...

"Everything seems normal to me though?"

From what Lyrica can see, there were no apparent changes with her physical appearance. She doesn't feel any changes inside her body either.

"Of course, you are." The voice replied. "Mana Threads is something that people cannot see nor feel. However, mana is the thing that most people can feel flowing inside their bodies, especially when one possesses a vast amount within."

"Is that so?" Lyrica followed in a rather doubtful tone.

"Now that you know about magic, Mana Threads, and how they convert mana, let's talk about your magical ability and how you can use them."

Said, the voice towards Lyrica.

"Well, do you find anything strange on top of your head? Perhaps something is missing?"


If anything, the fact that Lyrica can hear the voice from inside her head is the thing that is strange. That's what she thought. But as her attention shifted above her head, she soon realized that her headphones were no longer present to where it was attached.

"Where did my headphones go?! I was sure I had it in my head until now!"

"Wrong." The voice answered. "The thing you call headphones was in your bag when you're on your way to your school. You never wore it nor bring it with you since you came here."

"What?" Lyrica uttered. "I literally had my headphones attached in my head until just now, I'm sure of it. Otherwise, I wouldn't hear the strange words that came out of it."

But what if the voice said were true? If her precious headphones were actually inside her school bag all this time and was left behind on Earth...

"Then what is it that felt and looked identically the same as my wireless headphones?"

"It's your magic."