

"The Five Mystical Stones have already awakend the Great Conquerer, and we cannot do anything to stop this." Esmeralda Spoken to the Group as she hold her Crystal Ball and started to walk. "We cant do anything? why?" Miya asks while standing behind alucard. "The only thing we need to do now is wait." esmeralda whispered as she sat on a bench and trying to hold her tears back. "We can still defeat them even if we are out numbered." Alucard said trying to wake the spirits of the Group. "No, the five of you will die instantly if you go there, we dont have any options." Esmeralda continuesly talking. "We are Doo--- Suddenly she froze and her tears stopped on mid air. "Esmeralda? are you okey?" Fanny Asks as she walk towards esmeralda trying to unfreeze her. "Its useless." Eudora Whispered while Making an Electric Ball on her hands. "The Time Froze as the Conquerer walks on the surface of the land of dawn." she continuesly speaking. "Bu- but how can we move if the time froze?" Miya asks as She walk infront of the Group. "The, Stones." Alucard Shouts as he Rise his sword and pointed at the glowing stone. "We have the missing pieces of tge Mystical Stones. "Yes, of course we are the Five Heroes on the Prophecy of Esmeralda." Tigreal Said while Rising his Shield and pointing on the Glowing Stone. "Lets Go out there and save The Land Of Dawn." Tigreal Said as he Walks Toward the Gate of the Moniyan empire. "We can Still Change the Future." Alucard Whispers as he grabbed miyas hand and started to walk. "VICTORY!" Fanny Shouts As she Flew away using her cables. all the five of them walked outside the walls of the moniyan empire. __________________ _____________________________ If you Want to read the end you can scroll or swipe to the next chapter and read first what happened After Harper defeated the evil force. and How the Abyss gained so much power and defeated the moniyan empire again.

RoyaleGlaze · Video Games
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#Chapter 4: The Stone of The Dark night.

[Miya's POV]

ive been practicing my arrow skills for years, and i feel that i have improved.

im still searching for the right king for our kingdom, but still i didnt found one.

"Stay behind me Harith!" ive heard a shout from not a far.

i quickly run towards there and i stopped when i saw an army of an undead guardian trying to kill the boys on the other side.

i smiled a little bit.

"A boy needed a help of a girl? hmmmp Pathetic." I whisperd " IhhhhYahhhh! I shouted as i pirece the arrow inside the heads of the undead guardian one by one.

i saw the handsome looking guy slicing the undead guardian in half.

as we continue killing those undead, we succsessfully out numbered them.

"Uhm, H- Hey, thanks for helping us." the Guy said while giving me a smile and trying to give a hand. "Im Alucard and this is harith." he Cheerfully said while walking towards me.

"hey cute little fella!" i said looking at a kid on the back of alucard that seemed to be affraid.

"Wait, Dont be affraid, im a friend." I said while giving him a smile.

i started to look back at the guy and asked if where are they going.

" uhm, By the way? are you heading somewhere?" i asked giving him a weird look.

"we are going to the moniyan empire." he answered while trying to reach the hands of the child. "Bye." he said while turning his back and started to walk away.

i was there standing alone, watching them fade as they walk away.



[Third Person]

"Kaja, Have you noticed?" Uranus asked as he Float on the mid air travelling to reach where Kaja stands.

"Yeah, The athmosphere its darker, and confusing." He Replied as Uranus gets nearer.

"What could it be? another war between the moniyan and abyss?" Uranus Asked again.

"No, its bigger than that." He replied with a sad reaction on his face.

"Kaja? Whats happening?" Chang'e Asked while floating towards the two that is having a conversation.

"You dont need to Worry little Fella." Uranus said to comfort the young girl.

and suddenly, a huge explosion occured outside the Celestial Palace.

"We have a problem outside." Balerick said while barging in to the palace.

"is it the Abyss?" Kaja Asked balerick.

"Yes." Balerick answerd. "Diggie is outside trying to defend the palace." He continously talking.

"We need to protect the stone no matter what happened, It should not fall into the hands of the abyss." Kaja Whispered as he fly towards the window. " I wont let Conquerer Destroy this Palace again." he Whispered.

"its been a long time since the conquerer was defeated by the Gods and Sealed him using the five stones in order to bring back the peace, but right now he might be awaken by the abyss and will try to destroy the whole land of dawn i will not let him destroy us again." Uranus Shout as he opened the door of the palace and flew towards the swarm of the Fallen Warriors who tried to enter the palace.

"Lets Defend the celestial palace with all our might!" Balerick Shouts as he cover half of the Fallen warrioirs with vines.

<=== To Be Continued