

My fellow users of webnovel! Hello! How are you today? Are you all alright? How are your loved ones? Your Friends? Family? I hope everything is alright! And if it's not, please breathe in and out. Relax, panic makes things worse.

At times like these keep your mind straight, support your close ones and stay positive :3

You are bored you say? Then Dance! Can't dance? Sing! Can't sing? Then listen to the heart of humanity beat its loving rhythm, making the melody called life.

Look at the beautiful soul of humanity pulling its waves and rays to create a gorgeous Image!

Hear the resounding words of humanity through your eyes and let us all become one as it should be!

Do not let the foolish enemy shut your mind and soul as it has done to our mortal bodies!

Don't be pushed down! Show them the valor of the human spirit, rise up! Draw, write, dance and sing to show the wonderful line of connection to the rest of humanity and connect with us in your way.

For only united can we truly fend off the dirtiest of foes and enjoy true peace!

For only in peace shall we continue to truly advance in the right direction.

May luck, beauty and most importantly spirit be with you, for only then we shall courageously step forward into the unknown future and make our past generations proud, best wishes my brothers and sisters.

Stay healthy, stay safe and stay united

re-edited :3

D-don't mock me I-I just want to help O#w#O

N-no I am not enjoying it b-baka

Heiko41creators' thoughts