
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Thank you, Bro!

"Thanks, father" Hina said, immediately rushing to hug his father and kiss him on the cheek. She knew that if he had heard she was going out with Seichi, he would have said no, but did that matter when she already got his approval? No.


"Just how much time does that girl need to get back? I mean, I know it's impossible to get her father approve on this matter since he barely even let me train with her, but I don't think the Flame Emperor is the type of parent that lets this kind of conversation last this long..." Seichi wondered as to why she was taking this long to come back with an answer.

He continued to think about it, since he didn't have anything better to do, until something came across his mind "Is it possible that she's changing?"

"No, no, that's impossible, we are only going out to buy a pair of glasses..." but as Seichi spoke, he soon realized "Oh shit! This is a fricking date and I am dressed with a fucking sweated tracksuit!"

"Fuck, what am I gonna do? I don't have anything else to wear with me right now!" Seichi started panicking as he didn't want to look like a homeless person on his first date ever.

"Shit, wh-" He started cursing out loud but had to interrupt when he felt a hand on his shoulde. He immediately turned behind to see who it was, only to be blinded by a very strong light "Ah, my eyes!"

"Shit, I forgot" a very deep voice said, as an umbrella was opened covering the sun and thus that strong light disappearing. The bald man holding the umbrella was finally visible now "Sorry, Seichi-kun, i sometimes forget how much my head reflects the sun's light"

"And who the fuck are you?!" Seichi yelled, being a bit rude as he was already angry because he didn't have any decent clothes to go out with Hina and now even more as someone who had an egg for head fucking blinded him, even causing his eyes to burn a little.

"Calm down, dude. I'm here to help you, who am I doesn't matter" the bald man said, as he brought an elegant white suit out of nothing "Consider me your saviour, today"

Seichi's eyes started shining of an intense light as he saw that amazing suit "Thank you, thank you a lot! You are my saviour! You are my hero! You... you are my angel guar-"

But Seichi's thankings were suddendly interrupted by the bald man "Stop talking and go put it on, the young miss is on her way here and she can't see you in those condition"

"I'll distract lady Hina, so hurry up and go change yourself quickly" the bald man continued, intimating to Seichi to be fast as he didn't have much time.

"Thank you, bro" Seichi said, moved by the bald man's actions: that was a true show of bromance.

"I'll offer you a meal someday" Seichi said as he waved his hand while rapidly entering the males changing room.


"Lady Hina, let me try to explain this to you, that young boy didn't escape from the house because of your sudden change of behaviour, he... h-he is just using the bathroom!" the bald man tried to explain to Hina, who on her arrival at the gym, not finding Seichi anywhere, thought that this escaped because of her previous barbaric behaviour.

But why didn't the bald man just told his young lady that he was just changing? Why did he have to lie about him using the bathroom? Well, he didn't want to ruin the surprise to her, as giving the suit to Seichi was a spontaneous action of his and so Hina didn't know anything about it. He was a hundred percent sure that she would have loved the view.

"Don't lie to me, Okumura-san! I knew that he only likes gentle and shy girls and I just had to ruin everything by acting in that way..." Hina frowned, sadness feeling her heart so much that she was on the verge of crying "I'm so stupid! I even dressed like this for him!"

"You're right, Hina, you are so stupid to think that I'll ever escape from you" a familiar voice suddendly spoke from behind, making the orange haired girl immediately turn towards its direction as she recognised that voice in an instant.

What she saw almost made her faint: Seichi was wearing a white suit and had all of his hair, which was usually spiky, down, giving them a more elegant look. Like Okumura thought, she was indeed loving the view.

[Image Here]

"S-Seichi" she stuttered to even say his name due to the embarassment she was feeling in that moment, her skin now of the same color of her hair.

"Hina..." Seichi quickly approached the orange haired girl and put his hand on her waist, bringing her a little closer to himself "So you dressed this well just for me, huh"

"..." Hina was too embarassed to speak, her skin just getting redder.

"You're gourgeous" Seichi said, seeing Hina's outfit from close up: she was wearing shorts, a white shirt and a shoulder bag, while her orange hair was, as usual, kept in a ponytail, which suited her the best.

[Image here]

"S-Seichi, t-thank y-you" Hina managed to say beetwen her stuttering, her skin now reaching the peak of how red it could get.

"Well, no need to-" Seichi was saying, interrupting himself when he realized that what he was doing wasn't something he would do, thus immediately releasing Hina from his grasp "S-sorry, Hina, I d-don't know what came over me"

"D-don't worry, it's nothing" Hina quickly said as her skin color gradually returned to normality.

"..." now an awkard silence reigned the gym, Okumura suddendly stealing his crown by breaking it "Guys, you have to hurry and go out, the Lord's favourite TV show is about to finish!"

"What? What does that me-" Seichi was confused by the bald man's words, but he didn't have time to think about them as he was suddendly dragged away by Hina with force. She didn't want to waste a single second more.

...to be continued