
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Sleepless Night

Afterwards, Seichi stood up and glanced towards Toshida. "You asked for your brother's help, such a pussy. Take him now and leave before I change my mind," he stated calmly.

Toshida quickly attended to his unconscious brother with the help of other students who had accompanied Takeo and they swiftly departed from the scene.


A couple of minutes later, at Seichi's residence,

He was experiencing discomfort throughout his body, covered in sweat.

He was integrating Takeo's Uniqueness into his own body. Surprisingly, this time the process was less painful than before, possibly due to the Adaptability Uniqueness helping Seichi's body adjust quickly to the pain.

As time passed, the pain gradually diminished until it ceased completely.

Seichi remarked, "I have successfully integrated another Uniqueness. This time it should be Water Whip, as Toshida often boasted about his brother's strength with this ability." He attempted to manifest water on his hand and shape it into a whip as permitted by the Uniqueness but failed in both endeavors.

"I won't give up," he declared before immersing himself in meditation, aiming to sense even a single drop of water.

After several hours of meditation,

A concentrated form of water hovered before Seichi, who sat in lotus position with closed eyes. He exclaimed "Water Whip!" and the concentrate transformed into a whip.

Upon opening his eyes, he excitedly proclaimed, "I have succeeded! Finally!" and proceeded to wield it.

Swinging it for a few minutes revealed that it was faster and more powerful than a typical whip. Additionally, it was weightless and could be manipulated as easily as one of his arms.

"I finally have an offensive Uniqueness" Seichi remarked as he made the whip vanish by clenching his fist.

"It's almost nighttime, but I'm curious about something else, so I'll experiment instead of sleeping."


Morning, 5:30 a.m.

"This doesn't hurt as much now," Seichi noted while holding his hand over a burning bonfire.

Despite the fire, he didn't get burned when he removed his hand. This was the result of experimenting with his Uniqueness, Adaptability, throughout the night. He tested various things such as self-inflicting pain, burns, poison exposure, and even drowning. Each time, his body adapted and developed resistance. For instance, his lungs adapted to lack of oxygen during drowning, allowing him to hold his breath longer.

"Adaptability is truly remarkable; I wonder why Ryota always complained about it," mused Seichi before getting another idea. "If my body can adapt to anything, does that mean it can adapt to martial arts too? I should try it at the school's martial club today!"


"Student Tetsuo, how dare you doze off during my lecture!" Said an elderly woman sternly to the white-haired boy who was sleeping with his head resting on his desk.

"I want to sleep... *yawn*," Seichi lazily responded, having been roused by Ms. Kano's reprimand.

"Chalk Manipulation!" declared the senior teacher, conjuring a piece of chalk in her hand and hurling it towards Seichi, who deftly caught it with just two fingers while still resting his hand on the desk.

Upon witnessing this scene, Hina quietly remarked to herself, "Baka"

"Not only did you have the audacity to sleep during my class, but you also had the nerve to block your teacher's attack!" she continued scolding her most handsome student.

Before Seichi could respond, she thundered, "Leave the classroom!" projecting her voice so loudly that it resonated throughout the entire school. She conjured multiple pieces of chalk and flung them at the drowsy student, prompting him to flee from the barrage as he exited the classroom.

The chalk projectiles pursued him into the hallway until he slipped and fell, causing them to strike a window in the school corridor.

Quickly shutting the door behind him, the teacher left Seichi outside of the classroom.

"I should have gotten more sleep last night...




Lunch Break

As the door finally opened and students hurried out of class without acknowledging Seichi due to fear, Ms. Kano emerged and proceeded to lecture him about his misconduct.


The lecture continued almost until the lunch break, stopping just 10 minutes before it was over.

"Will you refrain from doing that again?" Ms. Kano asked Seichi rhetorically, to which he simply nodded.

Afterwards, the teacher departed and accidentally bumped into a student named Ohara in a martial arts uniform, who apologized to her.


"You have nothing to apologize for, student Ohara," Ms. Kano replied calmly and politely.

"Thank you, teacher. If you'll excuse me, I need to rush to the martial arts club," said the brown-haired girl respectfully as she bid farewell.

"Go ahead. Goodbye!" responded the elder woman.

As Ohara left, Seichi overheard her mention the Martial Arts Club - something he had been interested in exploring for a test on adaptability. Curious, he decided to follow her.

He trailed behind Ohara until she entered a classroom. Wondering if it was indeed the Martial Arts Club, his question was answered when he saw the sign on the door: "Club of Martial Arts." Waiting briefly after Ohara went in, Seichi then entered as well.


"What exactly are you saying? Why are you leaving the club suddenly, Fumio?" The girl with brown hair raised her voice at a green-haired boy, who responded, "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's really my thing..."

"Why not wait until after next week's competition to leave? Do you want to leave us short one member?" The fiery girl continued expressing her frustration.

"Sorry!" Fumio hurriedly left the room, accidentally bumping into Seichi on his way out without apologizing and rushing off.

The girl glared angrily at Seichi and demanded, "WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE?!!"

"Well, I was just hoping to join the club..." stuttered Seichi under the girl's intense gaze.

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.

(PS, I'll be finishing rewriting in two weeks more or less, so when I finish, i would like to know if I should continue writing like these even the new chapters)