
Uniquely Different

Young Leah, has always been bullied for being different but one day she discovered how her differences would change her life forever.

Tamahlia_Wollaston · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Pilot

"In a little bed, lies a young girl who was not any ordinary child. She lies there with her innocent eyes shut and with a soft grin piercing through her cheeks. Although she was sleeping, she was engaging in an enthusiastic dream of her first day of school. Little Jemia dreamt of making her first day one to remember. However, it didn't work as planned. Instead the little six-year-old was glued to her chair in nervousness. Over time, she met a few friends and a few bullies. Who made her feel less about herself, and making it hard for her to look in the mirror. They made her believe that she was ugly, that her lips were too huge, and that she was just too awkward to fit in."

Since then, all I could ever do was to hide my lips and make them appear much smaller. I became afraid of the person I saw in the mirror and seized from looking at my own reflection. They made me hate taking pictures, when deeply inside I truly loved taking them. The energetic bunny that I once was is now weary. 

I was always told that I am odd, paranoid, or different from everyone else. It always made me feel insecure and bad about myself but, if only I knew that it wasn't a crime, then maybe I would see my true abilities.

My mind has been corrupted and I am no longer what I used to be. It seemed to be very heartbreaking how little children can be so cruel to others, but it's even funnier how one's words can really impact a life for a lifetime. For the last six years of primary school, I spent five years in solitary thinking am ugly until I graduated. 

Upon entering high school, I felt a fresh air of change entering the closed doors into my life. I had an immediate urge to let all my problems out and welcome greatness into my life for once. I tried to not be shy and get around well with others. Though I wasn't popular, at least I still met two friends who were trustworthy. Perhaps they might be the best ones yet. Times were great being in the seventh grade. I was still on but, I got to realise that I wasn't being bullied or maybe so I thought. And for the first time, I looked in a mirror without flinching my face in disgust. After so long, I discovered that I may not be as beautiful as other girls but at least I wasn't as ugly as I was made to believe. I gained self love and self appreciation and at last my life felt in tune and intact. What could ever go wrong I ask myself? That was, thinking that people wouldn't always have something negative to say about me. Currently I am in my last year of school, expecting the greatest. Up till now, I am still being made fun of. Only difference is that I am not being told am ugly anymore, instead the fact that I don't have the million dollar female body is an issue to other people. It doesn't really bother me that much, as I know that bullies sometimes have a lot on their plate. I chose peace and had pity for them as I knew what I wanted in life. I have developed skills and I got to realize that I am pretty multi-talented. I could do anything possible once I was serious about it. 

My alarm went off signifying the start of a brand new Monday morning which is also my first day of eleventh grade. Normally most people would be excited! But like usual, I was getting ready for my very own terror. I went through my facial routine of soap and water just before having a quick shower. For some unknown reason I was moving quite sluggish and lazy. I took forever to do what I needed to do and kept walking back and forth the house in circles. This morning, I seemed to be very unlucky, with the fact that has I turned on the stove to make my breakfast, the fumes went out. I sighed, while grabbing a packet of cookie biscuits and a bottle of water. Though my mom insisted on me carry a much heavier lunch, I preferred something light today to match my mood. I jumped into my school uniform then headed through the doors. The school bus picked me up shortly after six-thirty. I went to the back where I sat and tried to not get sick of the boring ride. Since I drive back and forth on the same road everyday in the same spot of the bus everyday, for over eight years. Everything felt insane, unlooped and in tuned. I sat in the bus looking through the windows at the trees and buildings as the bus passes by. I watched little kindergarten children running about being excited, while anticipating to board their bus. As well as there were some who were a little bit scared, hanging onto their mothers. While I am just here feeling like I had already been through months of the school term, when I've just came off summer break. After long minutes of traffic, I finally arrived at school. I walked up to the gates and sighed, whispering, "The weirdo is back y'all !" 

It was pretty early and none of my friends or acquaintances had arrived, so I sat under a tree waiting on them. After waiting for a while, more students started to show up and that's when I decided to look out for my friends. I spotted them walking through the gates and I ran with joy to greet them. We all talked about our new bags and shoes and how we felt as it is our last year in school. Though the conversations seemed interesting, my mind was more stirred inside rather than excited. However, the bell rang and went to our classes for a role call. I sat in the class with my classmates, of whom I had great relationships and communications with, but truly I never liked their company. It's just the thought of learning to cooperate that matters. Besides, who really knows their thoughts of me? My first session was an Accounting class. I sighed when the teacher walked inside the class standing before the board. I hated that class and I found it pretty boring. My eyes immediately started to become heavy. Making my vision dull and unclear. I tried to keep them open, but drowsiness took over and I felt asleep on the desk. Though I was asleep, I was pretty much aware of my surroundings. I could hear the teacher talking and students asking questions. I could hear other students walking by just as the breeze was blowing through the air. But after a while, I felt unconscious. I lost all connection with the outside world. Which left me devastated. "BING!" The loud ring of the bell woke me up. My vision was blurry, I wiped my eyes twice to see clearly. But to my surprise none of the students in the class nor the teacher look familiar to me. I started to panic thinking that I had entered the metaverse. Only to recognize that I was in the same class. I felt a little more relieved although it left my heart pounding. " What class is this?" I asked a girl sitting next to me. According to her, I was in Geography class and they all came in and saw me in the corner sleeping. I took my phone up and checked the time, and if nothing neve made me more surprised was the fact that I slept through classes for three and a half hours. I felt a little upset that my own classmates have left me here with a class of strange people and didn't even wake me up. However, I packed my things and headed out for lunch.

Crowds of students rushed from their classrooms. Heading towards the lunch rooms, with full speed ahead. The bundle in the lines, while some skip through. The lines were too exhausted for me to be  in, niether did I have another way of getting through quickly. I hissed my teeth and walked away, remembering that I had a cookie and a water to munch on. For some strange reason, I wasn't in the mood for anything at all. I felt lazy and sluggish. Just wanting to drag around the place. I walked straight over to the empty benches where I sat and ate. The cookie and water eased my hunger a little, but it wasn't enough. I tried to relax thinking that I was on a diet, while enjoying the breeze. I tooled out my unfinished homework and decided to finish it in the time being. Suddenly my peace was disturbed when the group of popular girls came demanding that I gave up my seat for them. Being as petty as I were, I decided to stand firm on my will this time. 

"I came here first and there are more seats beside me!" I shouted.

 Instead of leaving me alone, they one up me and yelled, "Who do you think you are? Jerk! This is our territory now move or else we'll make you!"

My courage turned into fear, as I trembled on the bench. Cold sweat ran down my face and I regretted acting tough. Before I could even jump up from the seats, the leader of the group Samantha grabbed me by my collar. She lifted me off the ground like nothing. Then she waved me in the air just before throwing me across the benches. "AHHHH!" I screamed while flying straight to the ground. Then, I fell on hard concrete and my body began to ache. Though it sounds weird, Samantha was the Tom boy of the group. She was built muscular, well toned and she looked scary. She does all the dirty work for her so call friends, not knowing that they are using her. The girls started laughing as I screeched in pain and horror, then they all took over my seat. Their laughs become rampant and contagious. It irritated me, till I began to split in fumes. I stood up firm with anger in my eyes raging to get my revenge. I stopped over to the girls with heavy feet and deadly deeds. I stood over them with a roar flowing from my throat with fists reading to be thrown. They looked around at me and vegan to scream. They ran from the benches leaving their lunches behind shouting, "MONSTER! Everybody run!" For a second I was glad that I finally stood up for myself, but after I was left pondering why they were so scared of me, a wierd dorky? So I ran after them just to ask why. But they seemed even more scared thinking that I wanted to attack them. While running, I realised that something wasn't right with me. I felt a sudden boost of adrenaline making me run fast and agile. I followed the girls till they brought me in the crowd. I stood there in confusion as everyone gasped. Then one boy shouted, " There's another one! Attack her now!" I felt scared as to why they wanted to attack me. Everyone started to throw garbages and stones at me. Though they felt like small pebbles hitting against my body, I ran as fact as I could heading to the bathroom. I looked behind me to see the angry female students charging after me. I flew through the doors where I, mysteriously, broke the hinges of the door. Then I looked in the mirror and my mouth dropped in shock. I couldn't believe my eyes nor what my reflection in the mirror seemed to be. I washed my face over and in disbelief when I dried my face off, my reflection was not the one I was used to. I took a deep breath trying to convince myself that I myst be dreaming and that I didn't get enough sleep as my reality seemed too shaky to believe. I pinched my arm frequently but I was still at school in the bathroom. Then it came clear to me that the figure before me was indeed a monster. My hands were huge and that of birds. Parts of my skin appeared to be covered in feathers and my nose looked like a huge beak. To my surprise I looked like part bird and part human. I was left in awe discoring my new body, until a girl came in pointing at me, "There she is principal '' I felt scared and violated as I stepped back into the corner. " Please don't hurt me, I don't know what's wrong with me", I said. The principal Mrs. Donald's came inside. She appeared calm and for some reason I felt relaxed. She held by feathered arms while escorting me out of the bathroom. She told me to relax and that I was going through a metamorphosis stage. I was even more shocked, words couldn't express how I felt at that moment. The principal took me outside, where she insisted on the students to settle down. Persuading them that what happened to me wasn't serious. However, she walked me to her office to have a talk with me. Strangely she never uttered a word on our way. When I got inside her office, She gave me a seat where I sat across from her. Suddenly my body shivered from cold wind and looking in the mirror behind the principal, I could see that my wings disappeared. Leaving my uniform blouse torn. 

"Now that your here, let's discuss what happen to uou briefly", said principal Donald's. She then explained to me that every year children randomly morph into animals or inanimate objects which then gives them magical powers. These children are then removed from their schools and placed in a rehabilitation school which helps them manoeuvre these powers and use them positively in society. Children who this usually happens to are those whose lives are filled with sorrow and pain. Those who have been neglected, hurt or bullied develop any sort of power during their teen years. I was astonished. I couldn't believe this was something that I would have to live with forever. On the other hand I was excited for new beginnings. Finally I could be somewhere where I belonged. Somewhere where there were no bullies nor popular girls to make fun of me. Somewhere where I could blend in and feel and home. The principal told me to let my mother know about everything just as she would give her a call. Then I would be packed and ready for orientation the next week. Mrs. Donalds gave me a card with my new school's name. I smiled at the card with joy, " Peterson High, here I come!"...

After the bus dropped me off at my gate, I ran through the doors of my house in search of my mom. Since the beginning of the day, I have never been this excited. She wasn't in the kitchen nor outside in the backyard. So I suggested that she was in her room sleeping. I walked lightly around the halls of the house, turning towards her door. Then I knocked and she didn't respond so I barged in. I ran up towards her bed as she was sleeping and jumped onto it while waking her up. " Mom! Mom! Guess what!" I shouted. She gasped looking like a tired sloth. I sighed as she was too tired to even respond. I left the card on her dresser and walked out. I changed into civilian wear and decided to go do my homework in the backyard. 

My backyard was quite big and spacious. It was planted with many different species of flowers and a big mango tree in the centre of the yard. The sensation that I get from being around there is very addictive. It is calm, cool and refreshing.  There was a makeshift hammock tied under the mango there. I laid onto the hammock where I dozed off while doing my homework. While on my little nap, I dreamt of how beautiful Peterson High might be and eagerly I jumped up from my nap remembering that Google exists. I hurriedly began to research the school online just to make my imagination a wider reality. Maybe I had to keep on dreaming of the school, since there was no research related to Peterson High school. I felt a bit strange about it, I thought every location and building can be seen on the internet.

 After pondering some more I wasn't that stressed. The school is a magical school and of course it wouldn't be seen on Google. I sat up in the hammock and signed. Just as I was wondering if my mother was awake, I saw her walking around the side of the house. While running towards her, she blurted out , "I got a call from your school!" Though my mother was fandangled by the news, I tried to make her understood as best as I could. However she still found it very hard to believe that I was a super-being. She was in shock not knowing how this could have happened to me, blaming herself thinking she hadn't raised me right. My mom sighed. Sending me off to Peterson High would be very beneficial but it wasn't something easy for any mother to do. Hence, my mother requested that I give her some time to think about it. Then she walked away. My hopes sank low as I leaned back into the hammock swaying left to right. I was looking forward to enrolling into Peterson High by next week but, maybe it wasn't meant to be.

 I was sulky for the rest of the day. Not wanting to talk to mom or do anything. Picking up my books, I dropped from the hammock making it swing more intensely. Whilst heading toward the back door. The more I thought about it, the more mad I was getting. How can she not be sure of sending je, when it's highly requested. I loved the idea of a new beginning and hated the fact that my dreams were crushed. I spotted her in the kitchen peeling vegetables and had a strong feeling to ask her again. However I was afraid of doing so. Since it was for my own good, I put on my brave cap and approached my mother from behind. "OH! You startled me!" She screamed. "I'm sorry, didn't hear to", then I continued the conversation. "I was wondering if you had made up your mind yet?" I asked while trembling in my clothes. "Make up my mind about what dear?" She asked while playing dumb. I gave her the "oh really" stare till she picked up on our last encounter. "Oh, you wanna know if I made up my mind about sending you to Peterson High? Well umm no not yet", she said. Begging for pity I asked why. She insisted that I should wait till she decides and not to rush or question her parental choices. "Ugh! FINE!" I shouted with an inside voice. I stomped up the stairs silently. Heading towards my bedroom. As I approached the wooden door, I held it with a tight grip and swung it in as softly as I could. Then doing a huge Cannonball into my bed. Since as if life hadn't thrown enough lemons at me, my bed was throwing me up and down in mid air. When the spring was deformed and gravity went loose, the bed became steady. Sinking my body into its cosy depths. I grabbed the smoochy pillow and released the louds scream I could ever let out. With tears overflowing from my eyelids. I hated life then and felt hopeless for a new beginning.