
Unintentionally yours

Two brothers had their whole life planned, they had everything money, fame, riches, complete family and love but fate had some different plans for them, what happens when suddenly their family go into crisis, they have no other option but one of the brother should marry a rich spoiled brat, sacrificing his love and dreams just to keep the family intact. As usual the elder will be sacrificed. They meet, she fall in love. He is confused, she is ecstatic. He wants to stop the charade, she wants to make him her dream. He can't let his past go, she can't take no for an answer. Being naive she forgets people aren't saints, they commit mistakes, they are capable of breaking hearts, they can tear you apart. Blissful ignorance can be your downfall. finally the day comes, everything is perfect. A well planned fairy tale wedding. A beautiful bride in her white dress waiting for the groom who never came. To fix the things younger one should take the place and marry someone who thought is immature, naive and ignorant. The only person he hates to the moon and stars And so the journey starts, the journey of bitter start, two broken hearts, filled with hate and no hope of love. but there's a thin line between love and hate. Do they fall for eachother or fall apart? ........... Clearly your brain is dead why bother!?" "You! Why you witch!?". "Nope. Sorry I don't know the spells or curses. Because trust me if I had known, you would be on your true self. On four legs with a waggling tail behind." "You! What the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you like this today?" "Like what!?". "Like an incarted demon!". "Because I saw your face."

inkweaver · Urban
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11 Chs

part 4

What's going on here? Oh! Arham is that you brother. Looks like you already met Iliyana."

Arman was looking at us strangely, but I couldn't miss the softness in his voice when he mentioned my name. That made me happy. And forget about this jerk.

Wait! What brother? Arham? As in Arman's brother? Fuck!! What the hell!!

And it was then I noticed how close I was standing to Arham, our chests were almost touching. I had backed him to the wall. In my anger I didn't notice how close I got to him.His minty breath was fanning my face, and creating some strange sensations. I quickly put some needed distance between us.

"Brothers? Wow!! Anyways Arman is the meeting ready?"

"Yes. Common now. Let's get it done with it.! Oh Arham dad asked you to be in the meeting. And no he will not take no for an answer."

We that said we all went to the conference room. I was trying hard to control my erratic beating heart. And get my mind straight. My legs were still shaking with the encounter I had.

As soon as we entered. I saw everyone were already seated. Grandparents, parents and two uncles. Armaan and Arham took their seats. Armaan was sitting in the seat alloted next to mine and Arham was at the end of the table. I was thankful for the arrangements. I sat in the chair and greedily drank the whole water in the bottle at a single go.

All stared at me with curious expression. But Arham's had something else a little satisfaction and some other emotion which I couldn't name. Arman's gaze was soft and encouraging. He gave me more time by starting the meeting.

"As you all know, we approached Sheikh's with our Agra property. To build a five star hotel. But Miss. Sheikh doesn't want to work with it. She says she has a different and better plan with our another property which she wants to discuss. She highly believes this will be the better plan."

Well here goes nothing....