
Unintentionally yours

Two brothers had their whole life planned, they had everything money, fame, riches, complete family and love but fate had some different plans for them, what happens when suddenly their family go into crisis, they have no other option but one of the brother should marry a rich spoiled brat, sacrificing his love and dreams just to keep the family intact. As usual the elder will be sacrificed. They meet, she fall in love. He is confused, she is ecstatic. He wants to stop the charade, she wants to make him her dream. He can't let his past go, she can't take no for an answer. Being naive she forgets people aren't saints, they commit mistakes, they are capable of breaking hearts, they can tear you apart. Blissful ignorance can be your downfall. finally the day comes, everything is perfect. A well planned fairy tale wedding. A beautiful bride in her white dress waiting for the groom who never came. To fix the things younger one should take the place and marry someone who thought is immature, naive and ignorant. The only person he hates to the moon and stars And so the journey starts, the journey of bitter start, two broken hearts, filled with hate and no hope of love. but there's a thin line between love and hate. Do they fall for eachother or fall apart? ........... Clearly your brain is dead why bother!?" "You! Why you witch!?". "Nope. Sorry I don't know the spells or curses. Because trust me if I had known, you would be on your true self. On four legs with a waggling tail behind." "You! What the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you like this today?" "Like what!?". "Like an incarted demon!". "Because I saw your face."

inkweaver · Urban
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11 Chs

part 2

Arman's office was in second floor. As soon as we reached the floor Armaan's secretary welcomed us. And took us to his office.

After the second knock we heard a response and entered his office.

Like his personality his office was bright and lively. With light blue and silver walls. Large window, which was the reason for the lighting in the room. He had some pictures of his family and friends on the shelf.

There was one picture with him standing behind a beautiful and gorgeous woman and holding her close to him. That caught my attention. You can see the look of love and admiration there. The sight filled me with uneasiness and some guilt. But I had no time to dwell more on it.

My attention was soon occupied the owner of the office.

"Hello Iliyana. Please welcome. It's good to see you again."

"Good morning, Mr. Arman, it's good to be here. How are you today.?"

"I am good. Just have lot of appointments and work."

"Oh! Then let's not waste more time and discuss the buisness."

"Yes please. Take a seat. This is my Secretary Kiran. She has worked with me from the beginning. And also a very good friend of mine."

"Hello Kiran. It's nice meeting you. Let me introduce my P.A Sharon and Secretary Aman. They both have worked with me from abroad. "

After the basic introduction we started discussing the buisness. I let him initiate first.

"So Iliyana as discussed, our Agra property is what we are working now. We were suppose to start it last month, because of the loss we suffered we couldn't afford. Your father has a plan of this property. We had mailed him last week. Hope you have gone through with it."

"I have. And I have some objections with your plan. In fact I am not interested in your Agra property at the moment. I have different site in my mind. I would like to speak with all of your board members if it's possible. What I have in my mind will benefit both the parties."

"Wow! You are so blunt."

"I am sorry if I am coming too strong but this is how I do the buisness. I don't do anything which I am not sure about."

This I said looking directly in his eyes. I hope he gets the meaning behind my words.

"I am actually surprised with your personality Iliyana. It's not every day you meet a girl, one moment she is the definition of angel, helping others ,good mannered and so beautiful. Give her a suit and bag she will become this ruthless and scary buisness woman.

I am impressed. But I don't know what you get with this deal. Sometimes I am not even sure of myself. Will it really work Iliyana? You know the situation. You know everything. Then why!?"

I guess he got the the hidden meaning now he is asking his own questions unfortunately he is letting his emotions to rule him. Dad was right. Khan's did good with emotions.

"Let us meet in the evening Arman. Clearly we have lot to discuss. Now what about the meeting with board?"

"Sure we do. I will try to arrange it as soon as possible. If we are lucky we might be able to meet them all. Give me some time to do it. And why don't you look around the company till then."

"I guess that would be a good idea."

With that I left his office. I asked my team to stay in the lobby. I needed some time with myself. His questions had some strange effect on me. They made me question myself. Why the hell am I doing this? Why do I want to hurt myself this way? Why should I marry someone who clearly loves another? What do I get by shattering someone's life? All these questions started taking their roots in me and filled me with guilt. The emotion which I wasn't familiar with.

My thoughts led me to the end of the corridor which had a window facing towards the busy street. I stood there, engrossed with the feelings. I did not see anyone approaching me. His voice brought me out of my confusion.

"So you are the infamous wench who successfully managed to destroy the lives?"