
Unintentionally yours

Two brothers had their whole life planned, they had everything money, fame, riches, complete family and love but fate had some different plans for them, what happens when suddenly their family go into crisis, they have no other option but one of the brother should marry a rich spoiled brat, sacrificing his love and dreams just to keep the family intact. As usual the elder will be sacrificed. They meet, she fall in love. He is confused, she is ecstatic. He wants to stop the charade, she wants to make him her dream. He can't let his past go, she can't take no for an answer. Being naive she forgets people aren't saints, they commit mistakes, they are capable of breaking hearts, they can tear you apart. Blissful ignorance can be your downfall. finally the day comes, everything is perfect. A well planned fairy tale wedding. A beautiful bride in her white dress waiting for the groom who never came. To fix the things younger one should take the place and marry someone who thought is immature, naive and ignorant. The only person he hates to the moon and stars And so the journey starts, the journey of bitter start, two broken hearts, filled with hate and no hope of love. but there's a thin line between love and hate. Do they fall for eachother or fall apart? ........... Clearly your brain is dead why bother!?" "You! Why you witch!?". "Nope. Sorry I don't know the spells or curses. Because trust me if I had known, you would be on your true self. On four legs with a waggling tail behind." "You! What the hell is wrong with you!? Why are you like this today?" "Like what!?". "Like an incarted demon!". "Because I saw your face."

inkweaver · Urban
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11 Chs


Arman khan

The screeching of alarm woke me up from my slumber. My disorientation faded when I looked at the person who is sharing my bed. Or rather whose bed I was sharing. My angel, my soul mate Sarah.

After the passionate night I couldn't leave her bed and stayed at her place. This always made her happy and her happiness is what matters most to me. So I often stayed here. My parents had no objections since they loved Sarah. And my brother Arham treated Sarah like his sister.

Life is good, and staying the night with Sarah always left me in good mood. I just want to stay beside her and spend the rest of my life with her. Her dark hair, brown eyes, pouty red lips, and her figure never failed to diminish the fire I had for her.

It's been seven years now. I met her when I was 21 and doing my MBA in hotel management, she was my classmate. There wasn't any cliche start. We just met, shared notes, had study dates, found many similarities and decided to date. And that was the best decision I ever made. Since then we are together.

Now when I am working for my father in our hotels, she decided she would rather be a model than do the buisness. I always wondered why she did the hotel management.

Sighing I got up from the bed, covered her naked body with the blanket and decided to start my day early. By the time I came out of shower and I smelled pancakes and coffee. That immediately put a smile on me.

I got dressed and went directly to the dining room, saw her sitting on the table, dangling her long sexy legs and sipping coffee from her favourite Cinderella mug. She always called me her prince charming.

"Good morning darling, I don't know what is more delicious the breakfast or you!"

With that I made my way towards her picked her up, sat her in my lap and started nipping on her neck. She rewarded me with the most beautiful moan.

"And I don't know what is more pleasurable coffee or your kisses."

"Ummmm. You know it's always my kisses, and sex which makes you moan louder."

"Well I can't argue with that. So shut up and kiss me properly".

"Yes, mam."

And our kissing was interrupted by the ringing of my phone,

"Sorry babe, I have to take this. Why don't you be a darling and serve me my breakfast till I finish talking to Arham?"

"Sure Hun. Say hi to Arham and tell him to join us for dinner sometime with Manha."

"Of course I will. He loves your cooking."

With that I answered the call.

Hello bro.

Hey, Bhai! Where are you?

I am at Sarah's. What happened?

You need to come home immediately.

Why? What happened?

Look I can't explain you everything on phone. Just come home ASAP.

Alright. I just have some work at office. Let me finish it and join you.

Yea, sure. And don't tell Sarah anything. She will be worried.

Yea. I won't. She said hi. And invited you and Manha for dinner.

I would love to but not now, Manha is having her exams. So may be next weekend?

Sure. I will let her know.

Bye Bhai. See you soon.


With that I disconnected the call, and finished my breakfast in hurry.

"Bye babe. I will call you after work."

"Oh , wait! There's something I forgot to tell you yesterday. There's a shoot for calendar. And I am going to Bahama with the crew."

"What! When are you leaving?"

"Ummm.. today afternoon??"

"And you are telling me now?"

"Look I forgot and then yesterday I was preoccupied to  remember."

" . It's ok, when will you come back?"

"About that.... Ummm... I might have to stay there for six months!??"

"Wtf!! Six months? No ways don't go. You don't need these kind of jobs. I will provide for you!!"

"Stop screaming! You know I don't work just to earn money. Modeling is what I love to do. So you can't stop me from doing something which I love."

"You love showing your body to everyone out there! And I don't like it!"

"Stop controlling me! You can't ask me to stop working! You are insufferable!!"

"Who is insufferable?? It's you who will not understand me and do one thing I ask from you. And now you are leaving me for six months?"

"Look! You are in a bad mood now. You should go. Think about it and then call me. We definitely need this time apart. We have started fighting for simple matters"

"What!! You are breaking up with me now!?"

"Of course not! All I am saying is just use this time to gather your thoughts. Let's talk about it some other time."

"Yea whatever! Do whatever you want, and go wherever you want. Call me when you need me."

With that I slammed her door and went directly to home. On the way I called my secretary and asked him to take care of  my meetings and appointments.

As soon as I reached the mansion. Yes we live in mansion. We weren't rich from the start but my grand parents and parents worked hard to establish the empire which we are ruling now.

Grand pa and grand ma started a small hotel in Nenital, and almighty blessed us. 20yrs later they opened their first five star hotel in Darjeeling. The next twenty years we got lucky and expanded our hotels to almost all the capitals of India.

I did MBA in hotel management where as Arham did in buisness. He is very passionate and wants to open more hotels and resorts all over the world. And of course I am sure he will reach there someday.

I parked my car in the garage and went in, I was surprised to see my parents, grand parents , two uncles with their wives and brother sitting in the living room. It isn't unusual for all of us to gather at once.

But the hushed silence and tensed expressions told me the discussion is anything but normal.

" What happened? Why everyone is looking so sad?"

"Hey bro! We are in trouble!".

"Why what's wrong!?"

"Arman, you remember your uncle and I had taken some loan from the bank, to start the buisness with Vermas?. Well the thing is Vermas  cheated us. There's nothing they can offer us. We made a bad investment and lost 20 millions. And now we might have to sell our house and hotels to clear the loan."

Said my dad, in the most anguished voice I have ever heard. He looked so broken and old, I could clearly see the age lines near his eyes, he looked so much like grand pa in that moment.

Grand ma and aunt Tasleem had tears in their eyes. Mom was trying to be strong, but you can see her fidgeting in her seat. Arham had a look of fury and I told you so.

Of course he suggested dad and uncle not to start the buisness with Vermas. That idiot clearly had some amazing sixth sense. As for me I was dumbfounded. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say.

It looks like my morning has taken a worst turn. First the fight with Sarah. And now we might go bankrupt.

But I had to do something. After all being an elder means responsibility.

"So what now? Are we simply going to sit aside and do nothing? There must be something. Anything. We can ask our friends. Right?"

"We already tried that bro. No one is willing to loan us now. They think we are done. And all our friends have shown us their true colours."

"Wtf!! All of them?"

"Arman! Mind your language. Don't forget you are sitting with your elders."

"Sorry ma, I am just in shock. I don't know what to do."

"I know son, but your uncle has a plan. And remember this is our last resort."

"What is it uncle? What do you propose?"

"Well I am not sure if you all agree to this. But this is the last option left for us. Do you guys know Syeds. They have hotels, malls, construction companies and mining industries. They are rich and powerful. We need their alliance. 20 million is not big amount for Shariek Syed."

" Well then what are we waiting for? Let us arrange a meeting with him!"

Said Arham.

"It's not that simple Arham, actually Shariek himself approached me last night and proposed a deal, ignoring this deal would be a foolish thing for us now."

"What is it Khalid?"

This was the first time my 90yr old grand father spoke

"Well, you know Shariek has only one daughter. He lost his wife and son in an accident ten years back. All the money and riches belongs to the only heiress Iliyana Syed. Who is beautiful and ambitious.

Her father wants to see her married before giving her the companies. So he is looking for suitable matches. He saw Arman in one of the functions and has taken immediate liking towards him.

He said, if we accept his daughter, he will clear all of our debts and help us with our buisness."

"What!! No this can't be happening!! You know I love Sarah. I will not marry any other women. You can't ask me this uncle! How could you!!".

"Uncle! That's just absurd. Discard this idea. We should think of something else."

I and Arham argued with our uncle.

"Enough! We have already discussed this with your parents. Sacrifices should be made. And Arman it's better you forget about Sarah. I never liked her. Now that she is a model. She will bring only bad name to our house. For once stop being selfish and think about family.

You never had to face any hardships in your lives, this is the time where you show your maturity!".

Said my grand ma, with such determination, that I am sure no one can change her mind. I glanced towards my parents, they looked guilty and avoided my gaze. So for the second time that day I made another mistake.

"Fine! I will marry her!".

_rebel ridz

Hello everyone, so here is another unique arranged marriage story. But this will be more twistier, full of surprises, and  of course you will be taken through emotional rollercoaster. So let me know what do you think of the very first chapter.

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P.s: kindly forgive me for grammar mistakes, I haven't edited it yet. But I will do it atleast after completing 10 chapters.