
unification of the world

amitabhgautam97 · Fantasy
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The King's Candidate

A long time ago in the continent of FEARÛN, the long and mystical structure that uncovered from the ground and touched the skies. Later on, these structures were known as Dungeon these dungeons were long and cylindrical and came in various shapes Some were castles and other were ruins Inside the dungeons there were lost cities and sanctuaries and full of minacious traps, In an old Mystical text some things are written about the dungeon, and those are that you can clear the dungeon if you have the qualities of a king. These dungeons have different attributes and arduous challenges that one has to pass, and have immense wealth and treasures, on the highest level of the dungeon there lies a mythical being that grants you the powers to become a king, these mythical beings were none other than djinn's. According to the dungeon's attributes, these djinn's also have different powers. some have the power of light, fire, water, shadows, etc. In the Kingdom of MIDGARD, in the capital city of HEIMDALL, one such dungeon has also appeared, king Neero van Midgard sent thousand of soldiers inside the dungeon to capture it and bring back the immense treasure inside, because they needed those resources for the upcoming war, there kingdom has a past history of beginning a war but can't win against. The DEIMOS Family were given the task of conquering the dungeon because of their power by the order of the king, the head of the house sent their second son 'Warren Deimos' with an army of 10000 soldiers. After a month of preparation, Warren led the army into the dungeon, when they got inside the dungeon they saw a heard of wyverns{A wyvern is a mythical creature that resembles a dragon, but with two legs and wings.they are often depicted as smaller and less powerful than dragons, but faster and more agile}, the soldiers fought valiantly but got devoured by the wyverns, their morals were crushed but Warren didn't flee, he fought but in the end, some soldiers dragged him out of the dungeon, he suffered several life-threatening injuries but he recovered fully in 3 months, the Duke was not impressed by his performance and gave him a second chance to prove his loyalty to his empire, but this time he only got 5000 soldiers and he had to get the other 5000 by him self. He ordered the capital guards to post a poster of Affiliation to the townsfolk. On the other side of the town, there was a young man named Sinbad, he was looking for work because of his bedridden mother because his father died in the first subjugation of the dungeon and he also received a letter of participation for the upcoming raid of the dungeon but he refused, one day when he was doing his regular chores around the market, he opened a barrel of fruits but instead of fruits he saw a grown man sleeping in there, he took him out of the barrel and he questioned him about what he was doing, " it's so dark and cozy inside there" he said with a sleepy voice , " do you have anywhere else to go for the day" Sinbad asked with a worried expression, "NO" while shaking his head. Sinbad took him to his house, he offered him food and a place to sleep. "hello! My name is noah " the man said with a cheerful expression. In the morning Noah woke up but he didn't find Sinbad, Noah heard Sinbad's mother say that he went to work early on the morning, her mother told Noah about his son's past that when he was 5 years of age his father would tell all sorts of stories about the outside world, and that his father was general in the military of Midgard and was sent on the first capturing, In the town center, Sinbad heard some commotion, when he got there he saw a little kid being attacked by some soldiers he got in between to stop them but instead he got beaten up, Warren stepped in to stop the soldiers and asked him his name, he told him that it was Sinbad. Warren recognized that name and asked him with a vexed voicing "Are you the one who hasn't responded to the letter of affiliation", Sinbad nodded. Warren told him that if he didn't show up in front of the dungeon's gate in 5 days he would be executed along with his mother. He got home but he didn't tell his mother, but his mother already knew that, he wanted to go to the dungeon, his mother told him that he didn't need to stop himself because of her, and told him to go and follow his dreams, and gave him his father's sword. In the morning Warren was standing in front of the stairs leading to the dungeon gate but he didn't see Sinbad there, but Sinbad was already above all the soldiers and was standing in front of the dungeon's gate. After getting close Sinbad saw that there was Noah in front of the door, Sinbad was surprised to see him, but Noah told him that there was not enough time, he told Sinbad to go and seize the power of the king. Sinbad got inside the dungeon and Warren followed after him. They saw the same scenario as in the first subjugation, but this time around the soldiers under Warren's command were prepared and brought giant catapults and threw flaming stone balls and eliminated half of the wyverns but they saw something far more traumatizing behind the heard, it was a hydra{a gigantic monster with nine heads } that was standing around 50 meters in height, the soldiers couldn't even move there legs as they froze in fear and bloodlust of the giant dragon and half of theme got wiped out by his fiery roar. On the other hand, Sinbad dodged it's roar fought it valiantly while avoiding it's attacks and gravely wounded it, but he couldn't kill it all by himself, he needed someone's help. He told Warren that they could defeat that thing by doing it together, after some time they defeated that hydra. After they opened the door behind it's body, they saw a corridor and along the sides there were hundred's of stone golems . One of the soldier stepped on a trap-plate and that woke the golems up, Sinbad and the remaining fought them but some died while fighting after they passed the trial of that room the saw a city completely in ruins, they realized that there were no monster on that floor and rested there for 2 days. They soon figured out how the dungeon flooring system works, after every 10 floors they have to pass a trial. On the 25th floor they got stuck in an invisible spider web and saw a giant black and red spider, Sinbad noticed there was a torch and lit up the web and freed him and warren but almost all the soldiers were dead Sinbad and warren fought it together and with the help of the torch they defeated the monster, and on the 35th and the last floor they founded the djinn . floating on a podium and congratulated them on passing the trial and told them his name was Ifreet, and asked them "Which one of you wishes to become the king", warren started thinking "Is that the djinn that the sorcerer's talked about ", the djinn said that " only the one who wishes to become the king shall have my power's". Sinbad and Warren said at same time , "Djinn I want your powers". Warren wanted it for the king of his country and Sinbad wanted it for himself to make a new kingdom where every-one can live peacefully. The djinn said, "The two of you shall have a battle and the one who comes victorious shall have my power". Sinbad and Warren fought in hand-to-hand combat vigorously, but Sinbad came on top because of his guts and fighting spirit. The djinn chose Sinbad as its owner and gave his power in the form of a hieroglyph on his sword. After some time the dungeon started to collapse both Sinbad and Warren got teleported outside the dungeon. For Sinbad there was a whole army waiting for him they asked him to give his sword and the treasure to the army, but Sinbad refused. Then Noah appeared in front of Sinbad and told him to use the power of the djinn. He told him to say this "freetrus saiqa" After he said that Ifreet appeared and blew away all the soldiers with his colossal firewall. Noah told him to go see his mother and teleported him outside of his house. Sinbad opened the door and saw his mother lying on her deathbed, the townsfolk told Sinbad that her mother said "Go and fulfill your dreams". After some time Sinbad started his journey.