
The Prologue

Edge just got back home from the hospital. He was extremely obese, he wanted to know if it was medically possible to extract all the fat from his body, but he passed out in the hospital before meeting the doctor because he ate too much that day.

He lived alone, his parents disowned him because they couldn't afford the amount of food Edge ate. He joined a restaurant as a waiter boy. One day, he caught the restaurant owner reading my little pony porn and ever since then, he has been blackmailing the owner for free food.

The hospital people sent Edge home after he woke up, and he was unconscious for an entire day. He came home dejected.

He reached home and the first thing he did was go to the bathroom. He put on cuckold porn and started fapping to it. He got immense pleasure from cuckold porn for some reason.

He was fapping but then he wasn't feeling something down there. So he looked down, and one of his balls was missing. At first, Edge thought it was just his fat that was covering his balls, so he stood up and checked and he was actually missing a ball. Then he had a eureka moment, and realized that he was in that hospital unconscious for an entire day, it struck him then.

He rushed to the hospital. It was called Nuke Hospital. He went in and asked for the doctor, the nurse told Edge that he should take a bath because he smelled like shit.

Edge got angry and yelled at her, demanding to see Doctor Testes at once, because Edge was in that doctor's room when he woke up.

The nurse covered her nose with a mask and told Edge that Doctor Testes left for a vacation.

Edge collapsed to the floor and started crying, despair turned into anguish and agony. He then decided that he'd catch Doctor Testes and fight this crime. He even came up with a superhero name. He called himself uniball. This is the start of a magnificent journey, we'll get to it in the next episode of Uni Ball!