

Leon Ashford was taking the next step in his life. Becoming an adult in the spring, he was now off for college, attending the prestigious Asmodeus Academy. While the Academy was very strict on its privacy, it had produced the vast majority of the world's doctors, lawyers, engineers, government officials and much more. All who graduated from Asmodeus would become something great in life and Leon was all for it. However on Orientation day, he would quickly come to find out that there was much more to this school than what was publicly known... "Welcome new students, to Asmodeus Academy!" "As is tradition we will now begin the 187th annual 'Orientation Orgy!'" Finding himself stuck inside a school full of horny students and faculty, Leon has to learn to survive and graduate all the while discovering himself, his own lust and what that may create for his future... "At Asmodeus Academy, all students will become elites, both in body and in mind." - - - For every 100 power stones the novel gets during the week, I'll be publishing a bonus chapter for you all to read so make sure to vote! - - - FYI this is NOT a cliché harem novel. Below are some things that I have noted down that could potentially be in the novel so read below before starting. Heavy smut with school theme. Its gonna have lots of sex and superpowers so enjoy! ;) chapter warnings: * - 'mild': handjobs, blowjobs, fingering, kissing, etc. ** - 'vanilla': vaginal/anal sex and its various positions, etc (the main bulk of smut in this novel) *** - 'Spicy': Orgies, swinging/sharing, 3some/4some, pet play, watersports, harem stuff, etc **** - 'Utterly Degenerate': incest, hardcore BDSM, blood, slave play, sexual torture, scat, vomit, wax, etc. - the things listed here are just examples; does not necessarily mean I will include them but there is still a chance that I will. It is a harem novel at the end of the day so while some of the women Leon sleeps with may do it with others given the nature of the school, it will usually be in a 3some/4some/orgy sort of way and will stay mostly exclusive to him or people he trusts. Just have an open mind when reading, don't be a bitch about it. ANYTHING IS FAIR GAME! Enjoy~ -- art is by @purplrpouni on twitter(X) --

QueiterNoises · Urban
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67 Chs

Partners **

"Oh god! I'm cumming-nnghh!!" Selia screamed out as Leon rammed into her from behind. 

She struggled to hold her body up since every thrust of his dick in her tight pussy caused a rippling effect of pleasure throughout her entire body. With her brain being the furthest point, all the pleasure she received kept coming in giant waves, threatening to break her mind and turn her into his cock slave. 

However, she had basically became Leon's cock sleeve already, as she no longer had the strength to compete with the body of an Awakened like him. Her eyes were constantly rolling back, signaling she was always on the border of consciousness as his dick found her g-spot for the Nth time in a row and making her body shiver. 

Her arms finally gave out and she fell onto the bed. Her butt continued to stick up, which was full of red hand prints which Leon added onto with another slap. Her butt jiggled wonderfully and he finally pulled his throbbing cock out of her wet pussy. 

A glob of his cum followed after, running down onto the bed like a river. She was completely full to the brim and Leon had forgotten how many times he had cum inside her. A yellow and blue aura surrounded him as he bent down and bit her ass cheek lovingly. 

Selia moaned in her pleasure drunken stupor but still found the strength to wiggle her ass, enticing him to invade her once more. Leon obliged, lining his tip with her entrance, slowly pushing in and causing her to give a long drawn out moan. 

Leon made her cum two more times in quick succession before he turned her over and leaned over her. Her hair stuck to her sweaty forehead and she had a beautifully exhausted expression on her face. 

Leon smiled and wiped his own sweat off and began to kiss and bite her neck, adding additional marks to ones he had made almost 2 hours before. Selia had never expected to be going for this long and she had completely forgotten that they actually had plans an hour ago. 

She didn't have the strength or the willpower to tell him to stop though, and continued to allow him to ravage her body. The yellow and blue auras that surrounded him made her heart beat rapidly, not from fear, but from the sheer excitement of how much pleasure she knew he could give her. 

Even in the short time they had sex during orientation, she already knew he was like a sex God. How he got so good she would never know but now her experience with him alone made her realize just how much of a monster he was. 

'And this dick is all mine!! Mwahaha!!' She thought to herself, knowing that she was his one and only Partner, making a small grin appeared on her face. 

"What are you smiling about?" Leon questioned her, giving her a devious smirk. 

She shuddered seeing the look on his face, "Nothing~" 

"Well if you still have energy to tease, I guess I can go harder then." He teased her back and slid her body up to his so his dick rested on her mons pubis.

"No more~ I'll tell you so let me rest~" Her words said one thing but the eagerness in her eyes, face and body said something completely different.

"Bad girls must be punished." He said and slid his throbbing dick inside her again while rubbing her clit with his thumb.

"Ah~ fuck~ I'm going to die!~" Selia arched her back and moaned. 

She gladly accepted her 'punishment' and wrapped her arms around his neck as he leaned over her. Leon then kissed her and she stuck her tongue in his mouth. Their tongues did the tango as she wrapped her tired legs around his waist, pulling him closer and 'preventing' him from leaving. 

A few minutes later and several orgasms from the blonde later, Leon came buckets inside her once more. 

"Ah~ So hot~" She commented and fell back into the bed exhausted. 

Leon exited her and let the remnants of his cum drip on her stomach and she casually took some and tasted it.

"I hate that you're so good at this." She chuckled between labored breaths. 

"I think I put in an extra 200% effort when I'm with you though," He smiled at her, "After all, someone needs to put bad girls in their place~" 

She rolled over and hit his chest lightly as he laid down next to her, before he wrapped his arms around her. The both of them smiled for a while, just enjoying how close they were. 

"Hey." Selia called out to him so he looked to her. 

She gave him a bittersweet smile and he could tell something was on her mind. Something serious. 

"What's up?" 

"What are we?" She asked seriously and not trying to dance around the subject but still hid her face in his chest.

Leon took a deep breath, taking a while to answer. He couldn't lie, he had thought about this as well but had purposely avoided talking about it with her. The two of them had amazing chemistry physically with both knowing each other's bodies inside and out in just a short amount of time. 

However the circumstances that led them to this point in time were less than favorable. This entire school was basically just one giant orgy. A student could go up to any random person and the likelihood of them saying yes to sex was very high. 

Even for the less than average looking students, they had a lot of game. Since what determined ones worth was their mind and sex skills. Looks became secondary or tertiary even, and denying a potential partner might leave someone bitter when they find out how good they are in bed or how much of a bright future they might have outside of the school. 

Their first time together was surrounded by a thousand other horny young adults. And every time since then had been in the presence of many others. This was the first time they were alone which made things magical, but at the same time, made those feelings that the two had ignored, come up to the front of their minds. 

Leon anticipated that they weren't the only Partners going through this same turmoil. 

 "I don't know, possibly sex friends? I-Its hard to tell really..." Leon answered honestly, initially wanting to try and joke about it before scrapping the idea. 

"I think we are both thinking the same thing," he continued, "this place is not a healthy place for us to try and be together, unless an open relationship is what you were going for." 

"Not particularly," she answered him, "Having you to myself sounds much better than having to share. I'm a pretty selfish woman." 

Leon chuckled, "I'm sure you are. Sounds like heaven to be able to have you all to myself."


The two went silent again as they thought about their feelings. Neither of them wanted to share but both knew that they could not be exclusive to each other. At least not while they were at Asmodeus Academy. There was definitely a bit of jealously in their hearts knowing that their Partners would be doing it with others, but both of them were adult enough to let it go, as they're survival here depended on it.

On top of that, having figured out they were on the same page before they decided to get any more serious, made it much easier for the both of them to accept such terms, as they had not developed any real emotional attachment to the other yet.

"Four years then," Leon sighed, his voice a little shakier than he would have liked, "lets see if we can survive until then." 

"Mmm." Selia sighed as well.

"You will always be my go-to fuck though." Leon smirked and smacked her bright red ass.

Selia squealed and glared at him before smiling, "You can take me anytime, anywhere~"

An invisible weight lifted off their shoulders, knowing they were on the same page. They didn't speak more about it, as doing so would only make more emotions come up that they didn't need to worry about for a long time and after another 30 minutes of rest and chatting, the two of them began to clean up.

They had bounced around the room a bunch, so both beds were a mess. The floor had a large wet patch on it and their small kitchen counter was dripping with love. The two joked with each other as they cleaned up, with each other complaining about all the fluids everywhere or quickly reminiscing about what had happened in that corner or against that wall. 

"Oh shit!" Selia yelled as she checked her phone.

"Everything okay?" He turned to her with concern.

"Well, we decided we were going to go hang out at the arcade when you came back but..." She then looked around the room again with a wry smile. 

"I see..." Leon chuckled, "Its already 11pm so I think it would be better to do it tomorrow." 

"I think that's fine." Selia began typing away, "I know Tessa had said she wanted some alone time with Aaron as well and I'm sure Casey and Emma did the same. We're all probably exhausted at this point."

Leon nodded and ran his fingers over her forehead, moving the stuck strands of hair out of the way, admiring his handiwork. Selia blushed and glanced at him before jumping, feeling a firm hand slap her ass again. 

It stung hard now that her adrenaline had run out, so she turned and glared at him with painful tears in her eyes. He grinned at her before turning away as she swiftly kicked out at him, hitting his butt too. The two messed around a bit, ending with his dick in her one last time before they took a shower and went to bed.

"Go sleep in your own bed." Leon grumbled to the woman who latched onto his arm like a koala. 

"Nope. This is my bed now, and that bed's name is Leon~" She grinned and put her head on his chest practically purring like a cat. 

He sighed but didn't fight her. He had to admit that it was nice to fall asleep next to a woman, not to mention someone who managed to move his heart and lower body so much in just a few days. Leon quickly fell asleep, dreaming of what their future's might end up looking like...

Sorry to add in emotional drama, just wanted to mention it just so you all are aware of the future goals between these two.

QueiterNoisescreators' thoughts