
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Chp. 42 Left with only one nut...

'Come on man I am giving you a way out of this…' Marc was thinking this in his mind as he felt the four behind him is now ready to attack.



"T-that I cannot do…" Saint Pettun said as he stood in front of the kid. He really wanted to kill the brat but his ancestor is someone with great influence in their kingdom.


If he heard he left the kid to die them it might gain the ire of the Duke's family to the Royal family. He drew his rapier as he stood in front of Marc ready to battle.


"So even if I talked to all of you that to not worry about the wave you would all still attack the Wildlands huh?" Marc felt that maybe this was what they planned.


'Do you all really want to fight?!' Marc was a bit angered in his mind but he thought that maybe they were itching for a fight.


He can tell that there were S-ranked in the vicinity as well, with the three people at his level maybe they can slowly take on the Wildlands. Since most Beast Lords are in their territory then if they attack one at a time they can kill the beast inside until no one is left.


Marc had come to this conclusion based on the words of the kid earlier but he did not take into account that the whole of Wildlands is a 'Silenced' Area. He just lumped the three in front as a person with similar strength to him.


Because even if he was able to learn the language and speak to them he still has no similar common sense as these people. All he could think of is that they give off vibe almost similar to the beast lords.


Marc's words made the others understand that they were all misunderstood but when they were about to explain they were suddenly attacked as well.


Saint Pettun felt the fast attack of the Swamp Lord and parried them with his rapier. Bertun was also going to explain but he was suddenly attacked by the Tyrant Bear.


The Behemoth and the Spirit Ox Lord stayed as they eyed Imelia warily thinking she was like them watching over in case they too make a move. The beasts that were now angered roared and charged forward starting a large battle with the reformed soldiers.


"WHY THAT PIECE OF SHIT I OUGHTTA SLICE HIS HEAD OFF!!" The Baroness Diane was being held back by Janice as well as the princess Cindy as they retreated with the troops of Diane.


They never thought things to escalate so fast that they had to retreat and open the gates so that the soldiers and adventurers slowly go back and now be placed in a full defensive position.


Diane was angry as she too knew that the Lord Saint might have come to discuss something but it was cut short due to an arrogant idiot. She as a Lord knew it was her land that would be devastated should the monsters and beast overrun the fort.


Now that was all in the toilet as the idiot attacked without knowing what was happening.


S-ranked Team Witching Night was also pressured as they were told to ensure the retreat of the spearmen regiment. Saint Pettun and Bertun are in a heated battle as they drew the two beast lords away as their fight would be disastrous to their surroundings.


"How did it come to this?" Imelia rubbed her forehead in stress a she cannot leave for now or else her reputation would plummet if many knew she left too early.


She did want Marc to not hold good feelings for the Royalty but it seemed that the Beast Lords also started to find ill will to them. She stayed at least so she can say she prioritized the retreat of the troops and the adventurers.


"But I have to thank that brat though, they might have made into good neighbors to the young saint here if he did not do such a blunder." Sage Imelia whispered to herself as she at least got a good outcome.


Her forest bordered the Duchy of Dunskirk and a lot of poachers and hunters seem to be trying to invade her Elven Forest. She particularly hated that ancestor of theirs, a tyrannical arrogant short tempered short geezer who has been troubling her for years.


"Pretty sure he'll try to attack this young one too but thankfully he has an Earth Aura. That guy's thunder would prove useless to this man…" She opened her fan and covered her face as she too watched the Behemoth and the Spirit Ox Lord who are behind the horde of beasts.


Marc on the other hand stood in front of the young man who realized too late he attacked a Saint.  A person at the level of his ancestor, he trembled as Marc stood in front of him.


Marc saw his pathetic state and did not waste time as he waved his other spear down. But to his surprise the Butler of the Young man appeared and blocked his attack with all his might and kicked the young man after attaching some sort of talisman to him.


"You kicked me?!" the kid said in surprise but Marc was feeling some sort of Déjà vu as he saw the kid get covered by lines and his body flickered away. It was then four of the surviving Slaves jumped towards Marc as they planned to delay him.


Marc had his aura push them back as he made way toward the kid that was going to be dragged by the talisman away from there.


He jumped down from Bacon with extreme speed as he hacked towards the young kid.


Marc sliced through the raised hand of the kid but he was suddenly tackled by three sex slaves of the kid behind him making him miss his attack slightly.


"ARGCKH!!" the kid was stunned as he saw the stump of his hand but before he could register the pain he was taken away by the talisman.


"Tsk." Marc chopped the necks of the battle Slaves who kept attacking him and punched the guts of the old man who seemed to be a butler with armor.


Marc paused as he noticed something on where the kid was and looked down seeing a hand, a third 'leg' and one hairy 'nut' on the ground.


'Damn, I castrated him?' Marc thought as he identified the things on the ground. 'So he only has one nut left, but how the hell did I hit them though?'


Marc was brought out of his thoughts as he felt the battle of the Bear and the frog was intensifying. Also he saw the adventurers and the Soldier had now retreaded into the fort successfully, though some dies but it was minimal.


Marc did not intend for such a thing to happen but what can he do, if he was stronger then maybe he would have tried taming or making the beast lords yield to him.


Marc picked up the slaves and the old man but it was then he noticed the familiar nasty feeling on their collars. Mark then understood that they were slaves but he felt the similar feeling on the old butler.


Putting them down on the ground, he suddenly broke apart their collars and threw them away instantly like Rayliegh in One Piece.





The thirteen slaves were unconscious as Marc did this and then he felt the thing attaching to them like a curse faded. Only the old man was left but his was somewhat stronger than the others and even much sinister feeling than the one he took off from that airhead swordswoman.


Marc flipped the unconscious old man and found where the nasty feeling was. He ripped the old man's shirt and found a purple gem embedded on the chest of the guy.


"Hmm…" Marc pulled out a small dagger and suddenly tried prying the gem out of the old man's chest like it was a ruby on a necklace. But the veins around the gem pulsed and it woke the old man as he suddenly screamed in pain.


"GRAGH!! ARGHH-*thonk!*" the old man was knocked down again as Marc punched him without a care for his health.


Imelia was speechless as she watched this, she did not know that the ones behind the young man were slaves. It was not noticeable since they wore quality armor that covered their faces.


And she also never thought of taking off a slave collar like that, usually she would slowly deteriorate the formation on the collar but to brutishly break it and throw it away for it to explode was a new way of taking them off.


She was also stunned when Marc squatted down and ripped the shirt of the old man making her think of something else. But her mind was brought out of the gutters when she heard the old man scream in pain and was silenced by Marc punching him in the jaw.


She watched how Marc forcefully pried the gem in the old man's chest and did the same by punting it far enough for the gem to explode.




This time the explosion was stronger and it seemed to include poison on it as there was a residual purple mist left.


Then she looked down she saw Marc pouring something on the old man's chest who he punched again to make him sleep on the other jaw. Now the old man has two swollen cheeks and was fed half the potion Marc made while the other half was on his chest wound.


Imelia and Marc saw it close slowly and the bleeding stopped, so he just picked them all back up again and carried them near Bacon. Marc did not care much of how his rough treatment to them might be a discomfort, they were enemies to begin with.


Turning back he realized that there was still a fight going on but the beast did not attack him at all. They already knew of him through scent anyways so they just passed by him and did not touch his prey.