

Tempers flair, chests heave with anger One loves and the other despises... Head over heels.. heart trampled upon, Forgiveness isn't as easy an option as it sounds and hate flowed sweetly through his veins yet left a bitter aftermath He had given up the one he truly ever wanted, craved, desired and loved silently Yet when he thought it was all over, the tables turned and now he becomes the prey again!! Only this time the predator would devour him whole! Things are never what they seem to be for a secret revealed at the wrong time could cause things to fall into caos. Similarities with people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Take a seat, a sip, and enjoy the ride

Just winging this story and I hope you enjoy. Also check out my other books.




The purple glass walls of the hospital room which belonged solely to him seemed to close in on Ashley as he lay in his bed, the pain from his injuries lingering in every corner of his body. The room, once filled with the sounds of beeping machines and hushed voices, now felt eerily silent, almost as if time itself had frozen. Ashley's mind was heavy with thoughts, replaying the events that led him to this moment.

Outside the room, Jessica paced back and forth, her face etched with worry as she waited for Ethan to arrive. She had been by Ashley's side since the incident. As she anxiously stared at the closed door, Ethan's figure appeared in her periphery, his hand hesitantly reaching out to knock. Jessica's eyes widened, unsure of how this encounter would unfold.

Meanwhile, Ashley's heart quickened as the sound of the knock reverberated through the room. His mind raced as he knew exactly who stood on the other side. The air became thick with tension, a heavy presence that seemed to float eeriely in the room. With each step Ethan took towards the door, Ashley's instinctual fight or flight response intensified.

As the door creaked open, a faint light bathed the room, casting long shadows that danced along the walls. Ashley's eyes met Ethan's, a mixture of fear, anger, betrayal and something indiscernible swirling in their depths. The silence that enveloped them was deafening, amplifying the growing unease that settled between them.

Ethan hesitated, his gaze shifting awkwardly as the weight of his past actions bore down on him. The hospital room, although spacious became suffocatingly small, and seemed to shrink even further, trapping all their emotions in its claustrophobic embrace. The atmosphere grew thicker, almost tangible, as if it were a physical manifestation of their wounded friendship.

Swallowing hard, Ethan found his voice, trembling yet resolute. "Ashley, I... I came to apologize," he spoke, his words hanging in the stagnant air. The apology, genuine and heartfelt, was heavy with regret, yet it fell upon Ashley's ears with a haunting echo.

Ashley's body tensed, the scars from their past etched across his face. He couldn't bring himself to accept Ethan's apology, not when the memory of the pain he had caused was still fresh. The energy in the room shifted, the eerie atmosphere intensifying as the weight of their unresolved conflict hung in the air.

With each word that left Ethan's lips, his voice became fainter, almost swallowed up by the ghostly stillness that had settled around them. Ashley's eyes burned with anger, refusing to let go of the pain that had been inflicted upon him. In a moment of defiance, he mustered the strength to speak, fueled by a raw determination.

"I can't accept your apology, Ethan," he whispered in an indifferent tone, his voice barely audible above the whispering shadows. "What you did... it changed everything. I won't let you back into my life, not after what you did."

The silence that followed hung heavy, as Ashley's words seemed to linger in the air. An icy chill crept through the room, wrapping itself around both of them, a reflection of the fractured bond that now separated them. As Ethan stared at the broken, wounded figure lying in the hospital bed, he felt a pang of regret, a longing to turn back time and undo the irreversible damage.

But time moved on, and so did they. The eerie atmosphere lingered, a reminder of the shattered friendship that may never be repaired. Ethan turned and left the hospital room, his footsteps fading into the abyss of the sterile hallway. As Ashley watched him go, a mix of emotions washed over him - sorrow, anger, and a flicker of sadness for what once was and what could have been.

In the stillness of the room, Ashley was left alone with his thoughts, the eerie atmosphere surrounding him like a shroud. The wounds, both physical and emotional, would eventually heal, but the memory of that moment, forever etched in his mind, served as a haunting reminder of the price of betrayal.

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