

Tempers flair, chests heave with anger One loves and the other despises... Head over heels.. heart trampled upon, Forgiveness isn't as easy an option as it sounds and hate flowed sweetly through his veins yet left a bitter aftermath He had given up the one he truly ever wanted, craved, desired and loved silently Yet when he thought it was all over, the tables turned and now he becomes the prey again!! Only this time the predator would devour him whole! Things are never what they seem to be for a secret revealed at the wrong time could cause things to fall into caos. Similarities with people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Ashley hates me{9}

I thought I heard wrong, maybe my ears are starting to go bad so I brushed it off.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him doubtfully. One thing I've learned the hard way is that Ethan can NEVER be close to me without evil intentions and heavens know I hate it.

"I.. I c..came to tell you th..that I ughh I love you." Wait.. wtf is going on? Ethan NEVER stutters. Fine, if he's not going to take me seriously he might as well leave me to rest. And what nonsense is he talking about love?

I can't believe this idiot thinks being in a hospital and hurting soo badly is fun and then here he is spitting out rubbish about loving me. Tsk. He really is bored huh.

"Look Ethan! If you don't have anything better to do at the moment then go jump off a bridge or find someone else to beat up for your entertainment. I'm not in the mood for this right now and God knows just how much more beatings I can take before my body gives out and I don't intend to die soon so please leave. Take your hidden camera and get out. Wtf do you even know about love, huh? You 'LOVE' me yet look what you did to me. YOU ALMOST TOOK MY LIFE! Isn't that enough already? First you beat me halfway to death and now you're trying to play a prank on me while I'm still hospitalized. Not going to happen. Take those goons you call friends and get the fuck out before I start yelling for help. You're lucky I didn't tell on you and press charges but that's only because I do not want anything to do with you anymore. Now GET OUT!" I made my intense hate clear when I sneered those words at him and damn did it feel good? Yes! Yes it felt good! And don't get me started on how his face looks soo sad and how he flinched every time I told him to get out. Good. I don't want him thinking there's ever a chance for us to be friends. Not after everything that he's done to me.

"Please Ashley just listen to me for two minutes. I swear I won't take more than two minutes I promise. I just want to tell you that I'm honestly sor..." what part of get the fuck out is hard to process? Didn't I make myself clear enough?

"Ethan I said GET THE FUCK OUT!" I couldn't help but grind my teeth when I interrupted his little rant. My chest was starting to hurt again and this idiot won't let me rest.

"Well if it isn't clear enough for you yet then I'll say it bluntly. I hate you Ethan. I fucking loath you. The sight of you makes my eyes want to bleed. I Hate you more than I hate sweet potatoes and that should say a lot because I fucking despise that shit. Just the thought of you is enough to make me hunch over and puke my guts out again and again. You disgust me. Do you understand now? Do you now know just how much I loath you? Now for the last time GET OUT!"

Surely he should understand now right? I just want him to leave me alone. I'm tired, my body aches and I need to sleep.

He just kept staring at me till the door opened up and my mom walked in. Looking apologetically at him she pats his shoulder and whispered something to him. Whatever it was she said did the trick and made him leave. Finally I can get some rest now.

Suddenly feeling exhausted I slumped down into the bed and winced because ouch! That hurt.

Looking up at my mom I gave her a weak smile as she walked over.

"Hey baby. How are you feeling?" She asked with a soft smile.

" I feel like shit mom" I honestly did. My whole body felt like goo. One wrong breath and I might collapse into a heap of flesh and bones.

" Ouch that's gotta hurt. I'm sorry. I was going to see the doc when I heard you yelling at Ethan and it seemed like he wasn't gonna leave no matter what so I decided to step in. I do not know what's going on between you two but I promised him that I would talk to you so you could just listen to him for five minutes and he was okay with that so he left. Maybe when you're out of here and fully healed you could give him that five minutes? Please baby do it for me." She looked so tired and there were bags under her eyes. I couldn't say no to her. I just can't bring myself to do that so against my better judgement I agreed.

Leaving me to rest she went out to see the doc.

I just stared blankly at the ceiling till I dozed off.

Ethan's POV

Well that was a total failure. It felt like an iron whip with spikes lashed at my skin when he said he hates me, loathes me even and I would be lying if I said that shit didn't hurt. But I guess I deserve it. I mean I've had it out for him everyday and I wouldn't believe me if I was in his place. I really did fuck up didn't I? Well at least his mom promised to speak to him. I hope he agrees to give me that five minuets.

I couldn't think of anything other than those words he sneered at me. They kept replaying in my head for a while and I couldn't do anything but sit in my car thinking of everything I did to him. All for what? Because I wanted to please those stupid friends of mine? Scratch that. Those bastards aren't my friends. They just leech off me. First step to redemption would be setting them straight. Yes. I'll do that.

I'll get you to love me Ashley. Even if it'll take my whole life for you to finally believe that I love you. I will get you Ashley!

Here’s another chappie.

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