
Chapter 2: The Calling

Hearing my mother tell me that she was a Harlot in the past and my real father was one of her clients who derives joy from having sex really broke my spirit. Mr Thompson gave his property to me that am not even his biological daughter but I didn't know his purpose for him giving me his church. I tried to balance the whole truth but due to the condition of my mother I couldn't force her to tell me another word. As a young girl it would be difficult for me to run a church so I needed help. First I got a Minister to help me in the affairs of the church cause I was too young to handle a church a needed an adult. I needed someone who is good in photography and Media to print fliers and posters for the public.

On my way to school the next day everyone consoled in the best way they could but it still wasn't enough for me. The teachers would always give me a good treatment in class cause of my late father but it still wasn't enough. I wanted to go back home cause school wasn't working out for me the popular Kids would be picking on me cause they thought I was vulnerable. I went into the school vendor to get food as I got it and bowed down and prayed. The popular kids started laughing at me cause it didn't concern me at all.

James McCoy who was the head of the popular kids laughed the hardest. He is a guy that doesn't care about anyone's feeling mostly girls. He is a type of guy which you'll describe as a Fuck boy he plays girls in other to get what they have and later dumps them when he becomes tired of having the girl. James McCoy worked up to me but immediately I left the table cause I don't want anything to do with him. As I was about going out the door I was pushed on the ground by the girls James McCoy is playing then they all laughed and walked away. As I was struggling to get up a boy named Fred.

When the school dismissed I was so happy to meet Fred and start talking with him cause he has the kind of cool vibe that makes him different from other boys and also his part of the Greenwood high bible club a club ave been trying to get into.

As we were walking down the road I told him my father gave me his church to run, Fred was amazed and was so happy to see the church. As we walked into the church Fred began to gaze around.

Fred told me "Ashley this is a really big establishment and you'll need to put school work aside for a while and work on the church cause if you keep doing both you might loose alot from the church. I think this is your calling,your calling is to be the owner of this wonderful establishment (his hands raised high and turning around)".

One of the character of which I posses is I listen to people alot, I listened to Fred cause I started seeing him as my best friend and also he was just like me.

I decided next summer I'll run Thompson worship Center with the Grace of my Creator.

Chapter 2