
Two conditions

"Riya's point of view,"

In the parking lot outside Alan Industrie's office building, Dinesh greeted me and waited for me as usual.

With a confident look on my face, I said, "Good morning, Dinesh."

"This way, Madam."

When he guides me in this manner, I get annoyed, but I keep my cool every time.

"Is Mr. Khurana here?"

"Yes, madam, he's in the conference room with your team discussing the plant's installation."

"Rachit Khurana arrived on time. Wow, I was stunned," I mumbled in a sluggish voice.

As I entered the meeting hall, I remarked, "Good morning, everyone."

"Good morning, madam;" my team arrived from America last night to work; fatigue was clear on their faces due to travel; Mrs. Rosy and Mr. Johnson appeared to need rest.

"Dinesh, will you help me a little?" He looked at me as if I had asked him to go on a date after hearing my pleading tone.

"Sure Madam," He responded, trying to mask his surprise as he realized his profession.