
That doctor

"Rachit's point of view,"

Whenever I see her with someone else, I don't know what happened to me.

I was relieved that Harsh wasn't between us right now; I'll be able to spend some quality time with her, but his texts and phone calls continue to put a barrier between us.

Riya's ankle was injured because of my rage and stubbornness. Seeing her in pain makes me feel guilty. I promised myself that I would look after her and not let her get into any trouble, but when I saw that doctor flirting with her, I lost control of my rage once more.

Riya was also cheerfully conversing with that doctor.

What was she like with that doctor? Why was she speaking to him with such kindness?

She never speaks to me in this manner.

In front of my eyes, that doctor was handing her the phone number and instructing her to dial it. And she gladly accepted his phone number.

Because she only has difficulty talking to me, she keeps putting my phone number on the blacklist again and over.