
Men will be men

"Riya's point of view,"

"Riya, are you certain you're attending Rachit's party?" When Harsh saw me getting ready for the party, it startled him to see me at all.

I said, applying eyeliner to my eyelids. "Yes, of course."

"How are you going to handle that man in such a civilized manner? Have you forgotten what he did to you?"

I know he has cause for anger, but I must still work to make sure that he does not mistrust me by following his instructions to carry out my plan.

"Harsh, I remember everything and have forgotten nothing, but it is improper to be personal while conducting business. I also had to go to his party because I am his business partner." I said, finishing up my makeup.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll accompany you, so you won't have to go alone to that party. Beyond this, you won't challenge my choice because it is definitive." He announced the outcome while collecting his tuxedo from his wardrobe.