
Ginger tea & maggie

"Riya's point of view,"

"Because I have difficulty in sleeping." In hushed tones, I replied.

"Why so?" He inquired, his brows furrowed. How can he ask me such questions?

"Enough is enough. After all, who gave him the authority to interrogate me?" And why do I have to respond to each of his inquiries?

"You have no control over what I do or don't do. Now get out of my way." I exclaimed angrily.

"If you do not respond to my query, I will not sell you the land."

Oh god, what happened to Harsh, and why is he blackmailing me in the name of that land?

"After all, what do you want to hear?" I find his threats irritating.

"Truth." His intense stare remained riveted on me.