
AB negative

"Riya's point of view,"

"Open your eyes, please. Harsh." I Couldn't decide what to do when I saw Harsh, who was covered in blood.

What had I done? He had constantly asked me to stop, and I had ignored him. This would not have happened if I had listened to him. What if Harsh lost his life? It is not possible. At all costs, I will happen nothing to him. His heart is beating. But witnessing his blood all over the place tore at my mind.

What should I do in such a situation? I couldn't see anyone who could assist me. Harsh was hit by a car that drove away without stopping.

Harsh's wife and children will hear that I am to blame for what has happened to him. I only had one person in mind and that was Ankur.

"Please help, it is an emergency." As soon as he picked up the phone, I said,

"Riya, what happened?" After hearing my disturbed voice, he inquired.

"Highway. Harsh. Accident. Outside City." Because of my sobs, I couldn't say over one sentence.