
Unfortunately i fell in love with you

A love story between an unexpecting low life child and a high end mafia boss and when they meet his life is put into a series of dangerous events making him the target of the whole state.......even the whole country

Michellebt21 · Book&Literature
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Do i like a MAN? but i'm straight!!!!(Part 1)

My name is Yeosan, and to be honest I know for a fact that I can never fall in love with any gender apart from female. At least that's what I thought until you came into my life.

I'm Yeosan a low life artist who likes his privacy and likes to mind his own business, "Ah I'm finally done" I let out a huge sigh almost making me fall of my seat, now that I'm done I can finally have some dinner i got up and went over to my fridge only to see a desert of despair, I sighed "Why does it always have to be me? huh? am I really going to have to go out this late to eat food" I put on my jacket and made my way to my local convenient store apart from my apartment this is my second most favorite place in the world, "Hey Min Jun" I said as I happily walked past but then i stopped because I realized that the person I just greeted was not Min Jun but luckily for me the person I just greeted didn't seem to mind me much so I carried on with my day got my cup of noodles and went to the counter for a check-out "Excuse me sir? I would like to pay for this cup of noodles" the man behind the counter turned around and I happened to notice how handsome he was but that wasn't the only thing I noticed! he has blood on his shirt?!!.I was panicking inside but I decided to play it cool but I had to open my big mouth and ask him if he had any troubles cutting the meat and the expression on his face seemed to change from shocked to a sinister smile "Could I pay for this really quickly, I have a paper due in tomorrow and I haven't eaten so I have to get out of here to finish my paper" I said with a forced smile but I couldn't keep in character because he had started to laugh maniacally "Do you really think you can leave after what you just witnessed" he said, I tried playing cool again and said "You know what you guys must be really busy and I don't think I'm really hungry anymore, so ill be taking my leave" I fast walked out of there like I was about to sh*t myself i got to the door only to see two large bald men looking like the twin towers in suits standing in front of me they grabbed me and took me to an alley way the man behind the counter followed them. They threw me to the ground and their leader came over to me and said "I'll let you go if you give me a taste" I looked at him with eyes of disgust and spat on him You PIG do u think ill sell my body just because you threaten to kill me? I'd rather die" he looked up with eyes that could pierce a mans soul "if you don't give me a taste ill just have to take it myself" his twin tower friends pinned me to the wall and started to strip me "s..stop" I said in a frail voice "Aww is the little kitten begging me to stop" he started to caress my body and licked me "Ahh" !?Did I just moan for a man?! "Didn't you hear when he said stop the first time" a voice from a distance called out the man immediately stopped and ran over bowed to his knees and started telling him lies "he's the one who seduced me first" "I told him no but that sl*t continued to beg for s*x" "so I had to give him what he deserved"..... without a look of remorse in his eyes he got out a SR40c and blew out his brains then looked up at the two men who held my hands "S....sorry boss" they said ?Boss, if hes the boss he must be worse than the other guy?! i started to tremble and not because of his presence but because it was really cold outside, he came over to me picked me up and put his suit jacket around me "Are you okay babe" ?!Babe?! he turned to my ear and told me "Just go with the flow thats the least you can do after i saved you" i decided to comply and i said "No babe, im not okay" then i turned to his ear and told him "Thanks a lot for tonight but i would like to ask for one more favour" he turned with a smirk on his face and said "Ask away babe" i looked forward to the two twin towers in front of me and said "Could you blow their brains out too with that SR40c of yours" they looked horrified it was a nice look to see on someone's face when your taking revenge ?!But little did i know i would be seeing this kind of look more often?!

Yeosan's thoughts are quoted with something like this "?!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I am open to any ideas on my story or on how to improve it

Michellebt21creators' thoughts