
Unfortunate choice

Another fic about a transmigrator in naruto and with the Gamer system.. This is a work of "Banter" - The work is devoted to a non-parodic mockery of certain phenomena. Such works are characterized by sarcasm and irony and are most often humorous.

Agnostos · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Step 8

It's been a week since I made the decision to postpone my plan, and focus on raising levels and characteristics.

In order to do this I made a titanic effort, you could say I accomplished something almost impossible.

Yes, I've been doing morning exercise and going out for a run for a week now. I'm also trying to feel the chakra, but I haven't made any progress yet. Of course, increasing my affinity to the elements is a terribly slow and tedious process. But I keep practicing anyway.

I tried a deep shadow dive, and, of course, there was one problem.

First of all, it takes me forty-five seconds to fully dive, which is too slow;

In that time I would be killed a hundred times. But that's not the worst part; as my skill increases, the time should decrease.

The main problem was that this plan was inhabited by a nice, kind, but clearly carnivorous creature. A big mouth full of fangs made it clear that it did not eat grass. After being there for about ten minutes, I hurried back so as not to be eaten. (++-Okay...It's a sign that I edited the chapter, just up to this point!)

But in spite of this, I still continued to try to master shadow diving. It is too promising a skill, and taking into account the fact that I never got stealth and observation, without it I would have to give up on the plan, which I did not want to do.

So in the course of my training, I found out a few very important details. First, I was able to get a better look at the inhabitants there. They had a very exotic appearance. I was able to see a long elongated body, somewhat reminiscent of a shark, but with a greatly elongated head, and a huge mouth with three rows of fangs, which would make a Tyrannosaurus jealous. These very three rows of fangs, I had the dubious pleasure of examining all too closely. The torso was about two and a half meters long, maybe more, and was covered in what looked like smooth skin. And where the fins and tail were supposed to be, there were bundles of tentacles. ++

The second important discovery was the time I could stay there safely without the risk of being eaten. It was found by experience that five minutes was the maximum, after that time I was discovered within a minute to two. And try to eat me. It is also impossible to use the same shadow too often and at short intervals. These things used to ambush me in those places.

I noticed the creature's approach beforehand, so I stepped out of the shadows, and half an hour later I climbed back into the same shadows. I came face to face with the creature. I was saved by a miracle. The system even added one to my luck.

During this time I was able to pump up the skill to the third level, and reduce the dive time by as much as two seconds.

But another problem was navigating the shadow plan. There was no such thing as up and down. And the shadows were gaps arranged chaotically. So you could plunge into the shadow of your house, and coming out of the gap, which on the shadow plan was visually three meters from the one in which you plunged, you could be at the other edge of the village.

But I didn't give up trying, and it worked. If in the first level I didn't navigate there at all, now three times out of ten I got almost where I wanted to go, not to the hellhole.

Another pleasant addition was that my characteristics had increased, intuition by two, and strength of mind by one. My affinity to darkness had also increased by fifteen hundredths of a percent.

The rest of the elements were not so good, despite the fact that I spent hours training in the river, and then ̷s̷u̷n̷b̷a̷t̷h̷i̷n̷g̷, khm meditating on the bank in the bright sun, and so on every day. Unfortunately, this did nothing but give me a tan.

I had to take my mind off my training to go get my allowance. Yes, bureaucracy is evil, and this evil is truly ubiquitous. I stood in line for over an hour, only to find out that I had to first go to another office to get a certificate that I was me, and they sent me there for the supporting documents to the asylum. In short, I ran all day, but in the end I got the benefit. If so every time, it is better to starve to death.

But why, along with my allowance, did they give me free food vouchers to Ichiraku? Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to go see this legendary place, and not to waste the free vouchers. Free stuff is sacred. The ramen turned out to be pretty good, all right, it tasted great, especially compared to what I eat.

My current diet consists of custard noodles, rice cooked eight different ways, and I'm working on a ninth. What can I do, I can no longer buy other foods like meat and vegetables. Whereas before I was sold, but at inflated prices, after my field tests of annoying looks, they won't even let me on the doorstep. And the only place where I shop now is Sarutobi store, and there they sell mostly inedible goods, of edible things there are only noodles, rice, and spices.

I was beginning to get used to this diet, and then this. I ate three portions for pleasure. The only thing that confused me was the owner of Ichiraku, he was too nice to me. He practically made friends with me, asking me how I was, what I dreamed of, what I wanted to become. And all this with a kind smile on his face.

It seems strange, not all people are bastards, there are some good ones among them. But just for the sake of interest, I decided to see what my reputation with him was, to compare, so to speak. And I only have examples of deeply negative reputations. I wanted to know what value I needed to raise it to for me to have the same good attitude. So with him I have neutrality, that is, zero, neither positive nor negative. He is supposed to ignore me, but he makes friends and treats me to free drinks on the house. I also have a neutral relationship with the clerk at the stationery store, where everything is simple: you come in, you tell him what you need, they give you what you need, they take your money. No questions about how life works, much less discounts.

That's why I found it very suspicious. My first thought was to see if they were adding something to the ramen. But the system was silent about it, and there were no debuffs. Thought at first not to go there, but then, after weighing the pros and cons, decided to go. It's still a freebie.

The third one is most likely involved, so that Jinchuuriki doesn't starve to death and become furious with everyone's hatred.It's true that the grandpa is wasting his breath, because that would have worked with the canon Naruto. I don't, because I'm not going to prove anything to this herds.

The search for a suitable place to test the illusionary barrier was over. Such a place was the sewer, in my opinion, a suitable place to start.In all games, rats are the weakest mobs, and usually have the first maximum fifth level.And given that I'm only level four and have zero attacking abilities and weapons, rats that you can just stomp on are great. A perfect place to train and get initial resources.

When I got to the right place, which was an open hatch in a dark alley. I was about to activate the barrier when I realized that I didn't know how to activate it. My mental commands did not work, so I tried saying the command out loud.

- Illusory barrier, activation. - And nothing.

- Illusory barrier, open. - Again, no change.

- Illusory barrier, work. - Starting to feel like an idiot.

Ten tries and a half an hour of mumbo-jumbo later.

- The system, fu*k, activate the barrier, have some conscience. - I've tried every possible way to activate the fu*king barrier. My last hope is that the system will accept the request.

*The request is not correct.

*They do not have a conscience. An intangible being cannot be physically fu*ked. But it is quite capable of screwing someone, and nothing will happen to it. Being an intangible being has its advantages.

- That's all I need. What the hell, I'm supposed to have an illusionary barrier. That's what it said in the manual. - I was furious, not only do not give me the skills I need, but those that do work through one place, I will not say anything about achievements, and the characteristics grow slowly. That is, even what is supposed to not work.

*Are you dissatisfied with the Gamer system version T.-3000?(Or maybe change the Gamer system to the Player system?)

- Yes, I am very dissatisfied.

*Would you like to call for a System Administrator to voice your grievances?

- OH, YES. Yes, I do.

- I WANT THE ADMIN!!! - I'll tell him everything.

*Are you sure you wish to call for a System Administrator?

- Of course I'm sure as never before in my life.

*I am the Unknown Crap, being of clear conscience and sober mind, I wish to call the System Administrator.


- That sounds like the text of a will. - You can't fool me.


*Request accepted...

*Request processing in progress...

*Activating Protocol 666.666 "System Administrator's Call"

- Something my newly heightened intuition tells me is that six sixes is not good.

*System Administrator "Evangelist" Hapsiel will arrive in 90...89



- Cancel it, you fu*king */*#$#@@$@@@%@ */@$@@$%&^%^$^$^ $^$^$^ on &%$&&&^^$$^$^$^#@E


- Well I'm sorry, I was wrong, I stand corrected, honestly, honestly. Just cancel it.


- System-chan, honey, I'm sorry. Cancel, please.

*Are you sure you want to interrupt the System Administrator's Appeal?

- Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

*Are you sure about this? If you cancel the draft, there will be no new draft and this world will be closed to the System Administrator.

- Of course I'm sure, cancel it. - Because the circle half a meter away from me, glowing with a soft pink light, was very tense.


*Interrupt the call of the System Administrator.

*No/no/I don't think so/Yes, let him come/ Yes.

- What the fu*k, but,of course "Yes".

*System Administrator Call Canceled.

- Oooh, that was close," I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I looked at the waning circle of the summons.

*Param pampam.


You have failed the top secret global level quest "Love and Peace in the Shinobi Lands".

*To summon into the world - Hapsiel.

*Reward: A harem of the most beautiful kunoichi from all five great villages, disruption of all Akatsuki plans, complete absence of military conflicts for a period of one hundred years, one hundred levels, one hundred and fifty skill points.

*Penalty/Rejection: You have to do everything yourself.


- Hapsiel Come back!!!


Unknown where.

- MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! I can feel someone calling me!!! I'm on my way HONEEEYYY!!!


"World Nr.166484FF9879G-151654P12."

"Located in the neighborhood of the world of one not-so-successful and clever player."

- Idiot, dumbass. You think it's a toad?

- Shut up, look, it has legs.

- Dumbass, it's still a tadpole. Try again.

- Look, I'll summon the big one.



- .....




Hello again, and I finally finished this chapter!

If you find mistakes, tell me and I'll fix them.

I hope you enjoyed it!

Agnostoscreators' thoughts