
Unfortunate choice

Another fic about a transmigrator in naruto and with the Gamer system.. This is a work of "Banter" - The work is devoted to a non-parodic mockery of certain phenomena. Such works are characterized by sarcasm and irony and are most often humorous.

Agnostos · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Step 1

That's how my life ended. I plunged into darkness. Next, I realized I was hanging in the middle of some white infinite space as... a spirit. Yes, a spirit. Well, the translucent arms and torso, and the lack of legs hinted subtly at that. I would begin to turn around in search of the golden gate with the inscription "Heaven", but then a plaque jumped out in front of me. It said:


You were able to accomplish the nearly impossible: surviving despite the Angel of Death's best efforts to take you away. Only three mortals in the history of this world can boast such an achievement. You are rewarded with one more life. You retain your memory and the experience of your previous life.



Yay!!! And I already thought my luck had run out. Of course, click «YES». I hope my next life will be happy and long. I almost reached my finger for the "YES" button, but another sign popped up.


You managed to do the impossible - you died very foolishly. You had already been waved off with a bony hand, but your way of dying made some of the gods laugh. In doing so, you drove one Angel of Death to hysteria and lost his position.

No one before you can boast of such an achievement. You are the first! For this you get a unique opportunity:

* choose one superpower from the list of available ones;

* choose a world to be reborn from the list of available ones;

* choose a character to be reborn into from the list of available ones.



Yeah. It's kind of ambiguous, isn't it? It's kind of cool - he managed to make the gods laugh. Achievement is questionable, even a little offensive for a very stupid death by a bone. But what the hell with the achievement. The main thing is the perks. There are a lot of them. They are different. And all very tasty.We can only hope that the Angel of Death (or whatever he's doing now) isn't vindictive.I want a fantasy world with magic! And a character with a hundred percent guaranteed possession of that very magic. And, of course, one extra superpower on top of that! That's lucky! Oh, how I'll turn around!

So on both plaques, «YES».

*You are rewarded for living another life.

*You retain your memory and the experience of your previous life.

*The process of merging the soul shells responsible for mind and memory with the soul core is started:

1% - Please wait...

16% - Please wait...

54% - Please wait...

83% - Please wait...

How much longer...I've been here forever. Does this system run on the first pentium? Or am I the lucky one with the long load time? ..i don't want to lose any piece memory...

99% - Please wait...

100% - The process of merging the soul shells responsible for mind and memory with the soul core is successfully.

- Hoo-hoo... Well, thank the gods who are responsible for that.

*The rebirth process has begun

1% - Please wait...

... - Error

- HEY! What's the matter with you? What the fu## is a error?!

*... Due to a unique situation and the introduction of additional items, the rebirth process has been temporarily suspended.

*Select additional items.

*Proceed to select additional items?


Of course, "YES".

*No.1 - Select a world for rebirth from the list of available worlds.

(The list of available worlds is provided by the Lord of Hell, in gratitude for the new worker.

Compiled by the Demon of the Third Circle of Fire Hell,

in charge of cauldron No#16565156454454.

P. S.

Looking forward to visiting.

Unforgettable former Angel of Death)

Something in my a## is screaming for trouble. All right, I'll have to look over the list. It can't be that bad.

List of available worlds:

#1 - the world of "Naruto".

#2 - the world of "Naruto". Dark version

#3 - the world of "Naruto. Hardcore version.

Choose one of the offered options to continue ...

....- What fucking choice?! I don't see it!

That's a real bad. This is revenge, after all, and it's a terrible revenge. All right, calm down. The world isn't that bad. The chakra, the different techniques, it's quite interesting and promising. The main thing is to stay out of the canon events.

If I do, I should keep it to a minimum and do myself some good. I'll just pick some left-wing body and live my life in peace.

Okay, we'll take number one. The others do not inspire confidence at all. Knowing the future, at least approximately, is already a significant advantage.

In the other options, judging by their names, the canon waved goodbye at the beginning. Definitely click on point number one. Next...

*No.2- choose a character to be reborn into from the list of available characters.

(The list of characters is provided by Death.)

Now I'm really screwed. I'm definitely not going to get anything good for losing an employee. I think I even know what the options will be: "Naruto," "Naruto," and, of course, "Naruto."

That's okay, we'll get through it. The other wayfarers survived somehow. How am I any worse?

The main thing is not to get burned and get caught by a one-eyed mummy.

List of available characters:

#1 - Naruto Uzumaki

#2 - Naruko Uzumaki

#3 - Menma Namikaze

Choose one of the available options to continue ...

Which is exactly what I needed to prove. Definitely, I'll take the first option. The second scares me frankly, and the third does not inspire confidence. In the first, at least I know what to expect.

I don't know what's going to happen in the third one.

Menma was the name of Naruto from the parallel world that Tobi threw him and Sakura into.

There Naruto's parents are alive, the Akatsuki are allies of Konoha, Kiba is an inadequate cat person, Lee is a transvestite, and Hinata is a bitc#. That's all my meager knowledge of that world. Better the familiar canon.

Truly,Naruto's life is such that no hell is needed: everything is within the boundaries of his home village.

But even in this situation you can find its pluses.

I'm not sure I can do that, but the last Uzumaki has a lot of potential, as long as he's a natural blond canon, and I can do that, too. I can do that, too, and maybe even better.

Secondly, he has a "nine-tailed chakra reactor" that responds to Kyubi.

Third, Hinata. Yeah, Hinata's in love with Naruto. Yes that kawaii concentrate at the beginning of the series, and the same kawaii concentrate, but with a size four or five already. I'll be sure to check it by hand and more than once. Yeah... I got distracted.

So, let's take the first item and see what the superpower will be.

*No. 3 - select a superpower from the list of available superpowers.

(The list of superpowers is provided by the God of Games and...)

Oh, Game God, that's kind of good. I don't seem to have had time to mess with him.

Well, I certainly hope not. I wasn't much into games, but I still played them, and I played them pretty well.

I hope I get that ability. Yeah, yeah, that's the one... Well, fingers crossed, pray to the God of Games...

List of available superpowers:

#1 - Ability "Gamer System. Standard Version" "!"

#2 - Ability "Gamer System. Version +" "!"

#3 - Ability "Gamer System Version T.-3000" "!"

Yes, yes, yes! Hooray!

At first glance, there doesn't seem to be much variety either, but that's only what it looks like.

What other superpowers do you expect from the God of Games?

A "gamer system" of course!

With this mod and my knowledge of canon, I'm going to beat the crap out of everyone out there!

Hinata will be mine!

What about Hinata: a harem!I've decided: I'm going to have a harem like any normal transmigrator!

- Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha! Phew-phew-phew-phew... - so remember: "Rehearse villainous laughter," because I'm in spirit form, and it still didn't work the first time.

Eh, I will not be a wicked spirit, that's sad. Well, let's put the naughty dreams and evil plans for the future to rest.

So the first thing... and I don't know fu## all.

And what is the difference between them? Let's think logically: "Standard version" means it's standard. Mm-hmm... that makes sense.

"Version +" - it's some kind of bonus sewn to the standard.

As for "Version T.-3000" I don't even know: no associations.

They didn't prepare me for that in my past life in school.

My self-education on fanfiction only rests on the mention of the gamer system and about some "Gamer+" version bonuses. As far as I was concerned there were few differences: all the same things but in profile.

We don't look at the first point. Enough, I've got the first ones, it's time to choose something else for a change. The second item looks safer, and the third one is newer and more promising.

The fresh version is always better and more perfect, but the old one is more reliable.

So... What's the exclamation mark next to each item? I'll try to click on the second option, just in case it counts. At this point, I'm leaning toward the second one anyway. And a brief description:

*List of available superpowers:

No. 1 - Ability "Gamer system version standard" "!"

No. 2 - Ability "Gamer system Version +" "!"

- Short Description:

+ basic "Standard Version" kit;

+ Forum;

+ Shop;

+ Auction.

No. 3 - Ability "System Player Version T.-3000" "!"

Well, now at least something is clearer. Thank you, Game God, because I had a feeling this was a set-up, but it's all very convenient and clear.

Let's see what the base set is. We click on the "!" icon next to the first item.

*List of available superpowers:

#1 - Ability "Gamer System Version Standard" "!"

- Basic Set:

1) The Gamer's body;

2) The Gamer's mind;

3) Generation of quests and tasks;

4) Creation of illusory barriers.

No.2 - Ability "System Player Version +" "!"

No.3 - Ability "System Player Version T.-3000" "!"

That's what I call a superpower! And it's all MINE!

- Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha! Phew-ha-ha-ha... - that's better, but we still need practice.

And now let's see what the most interesting point gives us.

The list of available superpowers:

No.1 - Ability "Gamer System version standard" "!"

No.2 - Ability "Gamer System Version +" "!"

No.3 - Ability "Gamer System Version T.-3000" "! "

- Short Description:

+ basic "Version +" set;

+ Original and individual attitude of the system to the user;

+ Ability of the user to (theoretically) agree or even (theoretically) persuade the system to give, change or cancel any task or quest.

... I never would have thought it was possible to do that.

A subtle annoying, measured beep distracted me.

What's that beeping... Hmm, it's a countdown clock.

- 37 (peap)... 36 (peap)... 35 (peap)...

*There are additional items left to select:

*Timer (00:00:33)

Sh##, the third point urgent! I don't have time to go over the details!

I can't believe I didn't see that fu#ng clock before! Whatever. The main thing is I made it.

*The selection of additional items is complete:

1 - The world of rebirth "Naruto"

2 - The character who is being reborn into, "Naruto Uzumaki".

3 - Superpower "System Player. Version T.-3000"



Hurry up! Before time runs out...

The rebirth process is resumed:

2% - Please wait...

10% - Rebirth world defined.

25% - Character rebirth defined.

50% - Begin setting the superpower "Gamer System. Version T.-3000."

62% - Please wait...

86% - Please Wait...

99% - "System Player. Version T.-3000" has been successfully installed.


We wish you a pleasant rebirth....

mhm Hello again...if you want to support me - pareon.com/agnosupport


and i don't know when next chapter...maybe tomorrow ,maybe the day after tomorrow...

Enjoy that!

Agnostoscreators' thoughts