
Chapter sixty two

I stumbled up from the bed to grab my daughter "you're monster" I dragged my child away from him, hiding her behind me "leave now" Andrew yelled just then the security trump in.

 "you won't hide her away from me for long, Sunny baby! I'm your father"  "no! I shouted on the hip of my voice no! I covered Sunny ears with my two palms and cried " I'm your father! He screamed as the security dragged him out 'no! I cried just then I felt Andrew strong hand grabbed me gently by the shoulder "it okay he pulled me close I watched as my mum hug Sunny who was now in tears " I'll kill him, he made my child cry" I sobbed hard enough that my body shook without knowing it, I lost consciousness again.

I felt myself falling into big darkness, it was so deep that I also saw Sunny falling along with me "Sunny! I have to get hold of my daughter, I can't let anything happen to her, Sunny!! I jerked awake suddenly.

Where was my daughter, I turned and saw my mum by my side rubbing my back " it okay, it's just a dream". "Sunny, where is she".  " she's fine". "She's with your aunt, you can talk to her if they would make you calm down". I nodded and allowed her to dial the number. "Can you put Sunny on the phone?" my mum told my aunt "hi baby, your Mummy wants to talk to you" she said putting it on the loudspeaker "hi Mummy! I heard her little cute voice screamed on the speaker, I found myself breathing out not realizing that I was holding my breath for long.

 " Hi baby, how are you doing". "Fine! She screamed happily  " can you tell mum what you're doing now". "Now? She repeated. " Am licking ice cream that grandma bought for me and I'm also watching television" she chip in,  "That wonderful" it was a relief that my daughter was okay and happy that's all I wanted.

 "So... Mummy I hope you're not crying again" she broke in my thought "no, I'm not as far as your happy mum is also happy". " is it because of that man that called himself my daddy, he is the one that made you cry right? I turned to mum and saw she was shocked and also worried about her words  "yes, but he is no more around, he has gone far away from Mummy". " I hate him" her ones happy tone turns sad.

 I didn't want to caution and tell her that how bad it was to hate someone. I wanted her to hate him, I wanted her to despise him, the man that have abandoned her before she was born. I turned to mum and saw her watching me. "Yes, you should hate anyone who hates and hurt your mum". 

" Becca! My mum piercing voice called me I turned again and saw her shaking her head disapproving "Sunny, I called turning away from mum to stare at the screen "you don't have to worry about anything, Mummy is fine now okay". " okay Mummy" her voice returns to it cheerful tone "just be a good girl, I'll come and pick you up when I'm back". " okay mummy bye! I watched the phone disconnected.

 "Becca! You don't have to fill a child with too much hatred". " I'm not mum, I'm just telling her the truth and that's my duty as her mum". "Your duty as her mum is to protect her from the world and so much hatred". " Till when mum! It is better to tell her the truth earlier, she should hate that man, she should despise him and never allow him close to her, anyone who causes pain to her mum is her enemy".  "I know but all I'm saying is that she's too young to bear any hatred and hate toward a person" I lie down and shut my eyes, I'm just doing my best for my daughter and that is what I'll continue doing till my last breath.

Andrew came later to drive me home, even though I insisted that I was fine to drive myself, he was still strong-headed. "I've mounted security outside your house for protection against Sam, I know he'll try doing something stupid that's why" The thought of Sam appearing at my house again send a chill to my bone. 

"Are you okay?" Andrew asked reaching out to take my hand in his, I nodded resting my head back on the seat "how long are we going to stay in hiding". " it's no hiding, it's protection, and as long as it takes until I grow tired". He was angry, I know he doesn't want anything or anyone to hurt us, he was trying his best to ensure that we were safe and I appreciate it.


Sam pulled up in front of my house "Thanks, I appreciate your care" I watched their nod before getting out of the car. I heard him turned off the engine of the car and getting out too, I raised an eyebrow at him when I saw him "let's go" he took my hand gently and led me to the door. "Give me the key" was like an order instead of a request but I have it to him not having any strength to argue. I watched him insert the key to the hole and unlocked it. "You don't have to do this, I can open the door by myself without any worries", I tried to smile. " I know that very well, I just choose to do that for you" I stare closely at the man I've known for years, he had always been there whenever I needed him.

A little thanks wouldn't do enough on how much I appreciate what he has done for me when he turned to me. He had seen me watching him do closely and I know he might why but without a question, he slowly reaches out and claimed my lips.

It has been long since I felt the warmth of a man. I reached in for more, I felt myself burning and also shivering. It has been a long that I have known any of this feeling and I have missed it.

He withdrew slowly and stare at me "I'm spending the night here" my eyes grew in shock "Don't worry, you sleep in your bedroom, I'll take the sitting room. I just want to make sure you're safe and you had a goodnight sleep" I smiled not saying anything else, I allowed him to led me upstairs and tug me in.