
Chapter Seventy nine

" I got myself busy in the week not to think. more about the danger ahead, Andrew has provided a good lawyer for the case and I tried thinking about the probability of losing. "You looked stressed out" Mandy walked up to me. "I think you should get some rest," she said shutting my laptop. "Rest is the last thing on my mind now". I replied opening back my laptop to continue my work. 

" killing yourself on this won't be the best thing to do". "I'm not just trying to get my mind in a lot of stuff, I just need to try and do some work". She laid her hand on my shoulder. " you know you have a lot of people to talk to if you're having any difficulty, we're here for you always". "I appreciate it so much but I just don't know" I sigh and brought my hand down in my face. "It's just difficult to breathe anytime I think of life without my daughter of you know how it feels as if my heart has been ripped open by an invisible force, I want everything to work out". 

Mandy wrapped her arms around me, whispering soothing words to be. " it going to be okay"  "so has Sunny starts schooling". I nodded but in a different school though, I can't risk my daughter for anything" 

"Mum you can't mean you're leaving" you should stay for some months. I couldn't believe she was I'm ready to leave "Becca, mum called " we can't just abandon home for a very long time, we just came to visit and make sure you're were okay, it comes for us to leave and I guess your father has caused enough trouble for you". Even after telling her that he was more her father she still insist on calling him that. 

"I need you more now than ever you can't just abandon me like that".  " I'm not abandoning you, Becca, I'll be there for you when you need me just don't forget to call me and let me know of the news. She couldn't leave now, I needed her but she can't just stay here forever. I nodded and allowed her to pulled me in for an embrace. "I love you all I need for you to be strong" she kissed the top of my hair before pulling away. 

"Becca" mum called again. "I just need a favor from you".  " what's that, just ask"  she hesitated for a while before speaking.

 "Can you come over for dinner, I want us to spend time together before we leave". " mum I don't think... "Please you can't just avoid your father forever"  "I will if they need to do so and I'm not sure Sunny is safe around him anymore, he can grab my daughter and hand to that man".  "Don't say that". " yes I can mum, he can do more than you're willing to realize, I don't want to go back to that house as far as he's there, his presence threatened the safety of my daughter". I looked back at mum seeing how hurt he was, that wasn't what I ever wanted but I was saying the truth. 

"Okay, I will come for dinner," I said and watching her face beam up with a smile, it was very difficult to go back to that house when he was still there, I don't even want to lay my eyes on him and I know what mum was doing, she was trying to patch thing up, trying to bring us back together but I must say somethings never go back the same or how it was even if it was brought back together or settled.

When is the court date due" Emily asked as she sat on the park bench staring ahead at the playing children  "next week" I replied sipping my cold drink? "You're worried" I nodded my head and closed my eyes a little to gather my shattering heart beside opening my eyes back. "I'm worried about how this would affect Sunny, the stress and also the confused state she would be in, I never wanted to put her under this much pressure but now...I don't have a say here now" tears gather in my eyes and a swept It away. "It's okay, we're all here for you" I nodded but still the heaviness in my heart was there.

"Aunt would be leaving soon," Emily said. "I just wish she could stay more, I love her being here with us" I nodded. "But she can't stay here forever, she has to go back but before that, we spend time together".  " you're coming for the dinner" Emily raised an eyebrow at me. "Yes," I smiled trying to act calm.

"See I know that you're going through a lot now but it would surely be okay" I pulled her in for a hug. "I'm lucky that I have a sweet sis like you".  " me too" I stare ahead again watching the children, Andrew has taken Sunny with him to visit the aqua house. That has made her super excited, I know she'll have a lot of stories to tell me when they're back.

"How about we grab some lunch before you leave" I have misses when she used to sleep over but now she was married. "What are you thinking about" she poked me gently. "I was thinking about when you don't have to leave like this, nights we spend together". " so you want me to divorce my husband are you serious" she made a shocked face. "Maybe it will be a good plan, divorce him then" I burst out in laughter. "You're going to pay" she hit me playing and I caught her hand making us both fall into laughter. "Being pregnant Is making you weak". " who told you that, I can lift any possible weight".  "Come let's go" I pulled her up despite her whining that she could stand by herself I still did it by the way. 

"You're the stubborn sister ever" she pouted "my pressure Ma, I mockery bowed, I held her hand as we turn our back to leave, but here stood the devil sister".