
Chapter Ninety

"How is she doing? I heard mum ask when she walked in on Andrew. " she has been staring out of the window all day" I heard Andrew respond to her. "Becca, Mum called come to stand beside me. " You need to eat something". I didn't even bother to turn to her, there was nothing left for me I just want to be left alone. My joy and ha have been stolen away from me, the inky thing left for me is sadness and pain.

"You can't just be like this, you need to eat and freshen up, you're making your health worst by being this way". " you mean Insane? I answered still looking outside the window "you mean Insane right? I'm Insane and many fear that I'll have my child if I get too close". " It isn't true, you're not insane". "Just say it and stop pretending, stop pretending that this isn't what all of you meant" I turned and glared at her. "You don't have to worry about anything I just want my daughter" I turned away from her and crouched the Bunny tightly against me. 

"Please Becca, stop being this way". " what way? I stood up and stare at her to Andrew. "Are you afraid that I'll come to hurt you, or are you saying that I should forget my daughter and start living my life again? Answer me I need answers? I stood and moved from her to Andrew. "There nothing to live for without my daughter, please!! I sobbed "I just want to be left alone". I walked out leaving them both to stare at each other. " Did you hear them, did you hear what they are saying" I lifted the Bunny and stare at it.

 "They want me to forget my baby and live as if nothing has happened, they want me to forget and live happily" I laughed at that "happy? I stare at it teary " I can never be happy again without my daughter, theirs is nothing like happiness without my daughter" I crouched the Bunny tightly on my chest and weep, how could I endure. The pain was too much after everything I have been through, after planning a future with my baby this is what I get?

"No!! I grabbed the content on the table, shattering them all to the floor, I picked up the sheet and threw it across the room " I want baby, Sunny Mummy is looking for you, please I need you" I threw everything I came across to the floor "no!!!  

" Becca, Andrew rushed in. "Please stop in, he tried to reach for me but I backed away from him. " please Becca, you need to calm down, you'll still get to visit Sunny, you'll still spend a lot of time with her". "That's not what I want" I shook my head. "Remember, we're going for a vacation together... Remember we're together, everything seems fine then until.... Sam... I couldn't help again but burst into tears. " I know Becca, everything was perfect then we can still make it look that way, you can still be with Sunny, please calm down"

"Nothing is ever going to be okay, nothing... I slumped to the ruined floor and huddle myself close. " Just go, Leave me alone, I want to be left alone" I weep hiding my face from him "let me hold you, please... I want to help soothe your pain away, don't turn your back on everyone" "nothing can take my pain away, nothing except for my daughter" I lie on the cold floor And allow in numb my pain maybe it would help.

I didn't know what day it was again how many days that past I just sat and look out through the window. Andrew came and go, whenever he was around he tried his best to engage me in a discussion but it was useless to talk because it brings back the pain again, staring at the window bring me a little comfort maybe my daughter would come back to me I just sat and wait for that faithful day.

Mum has come by a lot of times, Emily too I did my best to smile at her but words didn't come for me to respond to any of what she was saying or asking about Mandy also came sometimes I didn't even bother to look at those who visited, I just stare out and wait for my daughter.

Today, I just sat and stared at her Bunny, I just want to hear my daughter voice, Maybe I should go back there she'll be home this time I need to hold her in my arms how can I let my daughter be taken away from me to the people that don't even know how I tried to cope all those abandon years. I lost my education and father's trust in all these and just when I thought things were turning outright, it went from good to worse.

I reached out and touched the hairy Teddy "you missed her so much right? That's why you're looking sad? Me too, I missed her so much, can you believe she is with that monster that calls himself her father someone who doesn't know anything about parenting someone who hasn't been there a is time, I would never forgive him for taking Sunny away, You're going to play with her once she's back home where she truly belongs"

I looked outside wondering what my daughter would be doing now, I don't know how many days have passed but it doesn't matter because my heart still aches and bleed for her return, I missed her.

I stood and walked to her bedroom, her cloth was still neatly packed, Everything was as if she just left for school. "Sam you'll pay for hurting me and my daughter you'll pay so dearly". " Come Bunny let's make something for Sunny, I bet she'll want to eat now" I have to see my daughter they wouldn't be able to stop me this time no matter what they do.