
Chapter Hundred and Two

I dozed off for almost the whole time, when I turned over I couldn't help but cry out in pain as pain shot through my head, this was the worst hangover. I stumbled all through my way to the counter, this was better off sleeping off and waking late in the evening. This was the best way to deal with my pain, I went over to the kitchen to grab some of my leftover food. The only thing left was a cold pancake and the leftover coffee from morning, I took both of them without even thinking of making another one. I walked out to sit on my porch settling myself down to eat my cold meal, theirs was used to cooking a lot because there was no one to eat it with.

And cooking even reminded me of how I was the only one left, so it was of no use. I ate and left my tears watered down my pancake, I tried my best to sniff it back and continue munching my food until I thought I was going to throw up which I need at the side of my porch, I have wasted my evening food. I sat on the rocking chair and thought of nothing, in particular, I had stopped myself in daydreaming and nothing, in particular, I didn't want to waste my time thinking of what might never happen I sat on my porch till I heard my phone ring, I didn't feel like answering up it was high time people stop calling me because I know I wasn't used to anyone here.

I took it out and looked at the caller ID to find out it was mum, I really do miss but coming close and letting her comfort me now seems so awkward, I picked it up after the second ring. "I'm so happy to be hearing my voice," She said happily from the other end "How are you," I asked wishing she would always be fine. "I'm okay" I replied "Mandy called to tell us that you have quit your job, I just want to know how you'll be keeping up with the bills, I can send you if you need. 

" mum, I called knowing she was just worried about me. "Mum, I'm fine, I'm going to take care of my bills I don't want you to do that for me please" I was pleased hoping that she would try to understand. "Then how are you going to take care of your bills". "I'm going to look for a job please" I didn't want to hear her breaking down, it hurts to know that there was nothing I can do. "I'll be going now," I said to her before I disconnected my call. It was already dark and I have to go inside.

I walked in to stare at my silent home, I can't keep up like this, it was driving me crazy, yeah, I had wanted to take out on Sam but I couldn't beep looking like a big bag of dirt I have to choose between the two, getting my revenge or staying in a house like this, I walked around my house trying to fill the silence up but or was still not working. The truth was that I was going to live but not like this or the previous Becca every they all know. I moved to where I have dropped the man's number, this was my other chance to live I was going to teach Sam a lesson, I was going to tell him that a weak mum could turn into his biggest nightmare.

I picked on my cell phone and looked back at the number, hmm not yet I dropped It back before going to seat at the television all night long, mum came over the next morning to tell me that they were preparing to leave. "I'll miss you Becca can't you come and stay with us, you can start a new life there". " Mum, I'll miss you too but theirs no new life I could probably live, leaving my daughter with that monster, I have to be here". She hugged me a dozen times before leaving.

I was going to miss her but it doesn't matter, nothing would still change. E even when she was leaving I wanted nothing other than to call her back to stay with me but I just stare like an empty shell without feeling or emotion, I watched her leave before slumping back on the sofa and staring at the card. What was I waiting for this was all that I wanted to struggle and become rich then take out my revenge on Sam? Without another second thought, I picked up my phone and dialed the number.

"So what's your decision? He asked when he picked up his cell phone " How did you know it was me? "Of course, I know, so tell me what you have finally decided. I want to take my revenge". " That's good to hear, I'll test in the location for you" I nodded disconnecting the line. I was going to. make Sam regret taking my daughter from me, this was me now and I'm not going to change that no matter what people think going to get what I want no matter what people thinks I think I have suffered too much to continue to being weak.

I walked toward the fridge Sunny had written boldly "I love you mum" I traced my finger back to the picture. " baby your mother is going to get her revenge on that man you called dad, but he's nothing other than a monster and a beast". "I'll get you back, I just missed your voice, the way used to help you with your homework I missed you so much Sunny, I wish you'll miss mum like that too nomatter what the give and treat you just know that mum loves you more, more than you could ever Imagine.