
Chapter Hundred and Twenty nine

I listen to him through out dinner as he told me a lot about his adventure and risk when exploring a lot of business deal. "And you have taken a huge step to ask me to work with you". "And that's why I'm special? I asked dabbing my lips and pushed my seat away gently and stood up. "Why don't I listen to the rest of your stories upstairs" I smiled and slowly walked to toward him. 

He stare me probably trying to figure out a lot more,  "I'm beginning to like you more" he traced his hand from my knee cut dress slowly and stopped at my waist. "I think you're going to love it" he gaze at me before dragging me to sit on his legs while his eyes was still fixed on mine and slowly I felt his hand reaching up to my stomach and stopped at my breast, I grin still without taking my eyes off his. 

"I'm loving the challenge, he whispered in my eyes, kissing my earlobe and smiling up at me. "Why don't we go upstairs then" I stood up from him and walked a few feet then turned to look at him. "I'm right behind you" he whispered, I chuckled hating and feeling disgust but this was a game that I have to play perfectly. I walked upstairs to my bedroom and headed straight to my make up table, I removed my earrings and looked at the mirror and found him already sitting on the bed with his eyes on me.

I smiled and focused back on removing my makeup, when I was done. I reached out to unzip my dress and slowly my dress slide down from my body and I was only left with on a thin fabric covering me, I turned back and caught in watching me with his full focus. "So... I walked toward the bed. "Remind me of what you were saying before"

He reached out pulled me down in the bed with his lips down my neck. "I was talking about wanting you, just you and nothing else" I smiled and shut my eyes while his lips caressed my skin, I moan sweetly and open my eyes to see him watch me with interest. "I can't stop admiring you" he whispered and then reached out right take my lips in his, I dig my lips in his savoring the taste of his lips, he was sweet and hot if I was ever given an opportunity to grade him.

But that doesn't make ant different because I was feeling nothing toward him not even close to the way I feel whenever I'm with Andrew, I shut my eyes to take him out from my head. I was going to move on without the past coming in the way, all I have to now was focus on what's happening now. I opened my eyes and deepen the kiss filling him with pressure and made him not to think about anything but the pressure he was feeling now.

"You're fire, he pulled away gently to admire my face. And then pulled off the thin layer that was covering me up and then I was bare under him as he caressed me with his lips and his hand, cupping my firm breast in his arms as he kissed both of them. When he was finally overwhelmed with pressure, he scrambled off from his clothing and moved into me thrusting as hard as he could while keeping his lips in mine I moan and gave him access to do a lot of things.

Feeling him as he moved into me and the way he eye shown with pressure as he kissed every once of me after the second round, I gave him one of my charming smile before cuddling in his arms and dozed off not wanting to think about Tara, if she was lying or not I tried my best to shut it all out and think of speaking with my daughter the next day, I can't wait to hear her giggles and laughter, Just thinking about her made everything right.

I stir from my sleep the next day and turned to find him still asleep next time me, I slipped out of the bed and grabbed my robe and headed down the stairs and took w turn around the house as I explore my way around the house enjoying and marveling at each view, I came out on the veranda that have the view of the swimming pool and a room meant only to relax.

John had really out a lot more for me and I'm going to make him very proud of me, I'm going to pay him every in double all the wealth that's means that I have to work hard, hard enough to make you make the company boom more than it was doing now. I head back when I had walked round the house and found that he was already dressed and waiting for me at the dinning table. 

"I saw you outside looking through view from the top, I smiled send too.my seat next him. "Just to clear my head a bit". "I thought last night was enough" he leaned forward toward me. "Everything began it job and where it used more effective"  "That's nice to know" I reached out and took my toast bread and spread butter in it before mulching it down. "What did you really wants from me? He asked sipping his tea.

"Very glad you asked" I said not looking at him, the only thing I have right did was to use him at my benefits and that's all. "Being with you Is going to spread my name all over the media and that's what I want, when its happened then I could use the perfect opportunity to make my company famous and become the top and Rochester company in the country and also the world" "You have a big dream, I can see that now...

I made a call to Sam's house, waiting to hear my Daughter's voice and for the first time since I left, I was able to hear her sweet voice. I couldn't hide how happy I was, I spent up to an hour chatting with her and listening as she tell me a lot of things about her classmate and her new dog. I was really happy that my daughter was happy.

 Olive picked me up and we headed toward one of the grande party in the country where Frances was invited and he had to pick a companion to be there with him so he choose me, which was perfect, very perfect to get started with my plans.

"Being with him is going to make you name for Viral" Olive said with his eyes fixed on the road. "That's what I want". "Fame... "And more money" I completed looking out of the window knowing that being with him now was going to be the perfect plan, I looked forward at the road imagining that I was still in Anaheim with my daughter. I can't wait to see my daughter and then I could be with her as much as I can, I leaned back to the seat and waited for Olive to reach to our destination.

Frances was already waiting at the entrance of the door to take my hand in his, we spent everything minutes listening and dining with the other guest. Who asked because lot of questions that seems much personal but I wasn't going to reveal anything that wasn't about work to them. And I spent time knowing about other influential companies because they are the only ones that I would want my company to deal with and no lesser companies shall ever be involved.

This was the perfect way to build up the company, fame, money, dealers and customers. The night was stressful as I kept back straight and smiling face throughout the party even when I was tired of smiling, I just have to deal with it seeing a lot of cameras flashing on my face. I only had to remind myself that this was a game which I have to come out on the top. Frances kept his hand linked to mine most of the time and that's would give the.media perfect caption and topic, mostly they would be confused but soon their where going come out in the open to ask questions about our relationship.

"You look so tired, like you're going to drop in a minute". "Just a few minutes more and then I'll go home and take all the rest I need". He reached up to tug the strand of my hair inside "I just can't forget how sweet you ate last night and I can't wait to have another taste of you". I chuckled and turned away and tried to focus on the evening entertainment.

Frances lead me out toward my car my midnight. "See you tomorrow"  "Thanks for today" with a slight nod, he walked toward his car and I watched him drives off before turning to enter the ark SUV.  "Excuse me" someone called behind me and I turned to know who it was, I saw a young lady walked behind me with a cute smile on her face. "How can I help you" I asked staring at her "I just want to talk to you about our upcoming program, I want you to our host, since your new in town ba lot of people would try to be presence.... We're celebrating... 

"I'm not interested" I said not giving her the chance to finish up, she opened her mouth and shut them with no word coming out  "Thanks" I gave her a curt nod before entering in my car, just as I was about to shut it. "I just thought you'll agree, it just a nice gesture". "I'm not interested in something that looks nice" I shut the door and relaxed while Olive zoom off into the road. 

I closed my eyes and thought about my night with Frances, get have me what U really need, just a thrust had took.me out of the world and as he said I couldn't wait to have a taste of him and also be his lover the same time. "Tell me the name of the man I replaced". "His name is Mark... He had a lot of influence in the city... "That's why a lot of people loves him and would have my head sliced off if it was going to bring him back to the seat". 

"It really scary the way you define it but yes that's the truth" Olive answered. "And I can't trust all those who are in support of him, not at all". "What did you want to do to them now" I breathe out at state at the dark road. "I would had taken them all out from their position but... I want them all present to see my victory, how I win this game they think would be so hard for me". "I'll just them be then" "Hmm, just keep them there to work harder"

I smiled to myself and allowed Olive to pulled up in front of the house then I made my way slowly inside, I reminded myself that theirs one person in the world that l wanted to deal with, I have to keep that in mind. I walked up to my room and immediately my eyes looked up at the wall clock and dropped on the bed and reached out to pressed the bell calling one of the maid upstairs.

Immediately she walked in without being told, she spent the a hour massaging me. "I muttered my thanks as she left and headed to the bathroom to soak myself in the hot water, Tomorrow I was going to spend all my time in the office working toward a great success...

Hi readers,🥰🥰 we had gone really far through the life of Becca, we all shared in her pain, misery, happiness, sadness and lately her on going achievement. 😘😘 I want to thank you all for following me through this long journey and now another great turn would be made as I start "Chapter Two" of this story, the life of Sunny, Becca's wonderful daughter, don't miss a chapter or any update because the book is about to be mine blowing and beyond your expectations🥰🥰🥳🥳

And I'm apologizing here for the late update and repeated chapter and also some grammatical mistake, I'll try harder to update this time and be more careful not to repeat and also try to improve in my grammer.😘😘

Thank you and don't missed even one chapter of the mind blowing story on. Sunny who totally misunderstood a lot of facts....

And don't forget, Becca's part would still be added to speak more of her ongoing achievement.🥰🥰