
Chapter Hundred and Sixty seven

"We came to check on you" Gina stood and stared at her friends. "Yeah, I wasn't feeling fine that's way I decided skip school today". 

Jade moved close to her "Are you pregnant? She asked keeping her voice down so her mother wouldn't overhear. "Jeez, why would you think that!

Gina glared at her as if she was out of her mind "You have been acting weird this past weeks and now you're sick?  "For goodness sake I'm not pregnant, stop thinking like a crazy girl!

Gina felt like screaming her lungs out but she decided otherwise "Don't mind Jade, she only have this assumption because you're been acting a Little turn off for weeks". 

"I'm totally fine, you guys, I'm telling you theirs nothing to worry about" "I'm happy to hear that" Sunny smiled, she'll do everything to make sure that her friends to happy.

"Guys let's go up" Gina lead her friends up to her room. "This is the first time I'm seeing your house and also your room? Have you been here before? Jade turned to Sunny raising a stuff bear

"Yeah, Couple of times" she reply as age watched her friends Walk around the room examining everything she passed by. "You're making me sick". Gina covered her face with her palm. 

"If you are then I'm convinced that you're pregnant and you have to tell us who the father is". "Please can you talk to her? Gina stared at Sunny in plea, she feels as if she would suffocate anytime soon.

She would even blame Jade for thinking her pregnant "I think it enough Jade, we came to check on her not to make her sick of our presence". "She can never be sick of our presence" Jade said finally sitting down on the pillow nearby.

They heard a knock and all turned to see Gina's mum standing in front of the door with doughnuts. "I made some and would be happy if I share with you girls"

"Thanks, I'm really starving" Jade laughed as she collected the tray from her. "You're mum is such a nice woman" she giggled bouncing back on the bed. "Yeah because of food" Gina smiled.

"So are you going to see Josh tonight before you leave tomorrow" Jade asked as she stuff her face with doughnuts. "Umm, maybe I guess". "Tell me how's is it going to be at th conference with all this rich men and woman". 

"Boring" Gina replied and they both turned to Sunny to wait for their response 

"Yeah, sure it can be very boring but I don't have to be in the conference, my dad only wants me to meet few people and then I would look for something that would keep me busy afterward" "That's better instead of being with that boring old men, don't you allow anyone to turn you into all those boring aunties" "Of course, I won't Jade I want my life to be filled with fun activities"

"Have you guys thought of what we'll do after our final exams" Gina asked knowing that they have both avoided the question because no one was ready to talk about it but they have to, no matter how many times they try to pit the question out or avoid it "Are we really ready to talk about thus" Jade asked as she slowly dropped her snacks back on the tray while looking at her friends for response.

"For goodness sake we have to talk about it ready or not our exam are fast approaching and after that what else..... ! Gina almost felt like screaming, she didn't even know why she brought up the conversation but with the things going on now she just wanted to discuss this with her friends.

"I...just don't know, it probably going to be a whole different live when we're done, everything is going to be different and weird, I don't even want it but we'll probably need to discuss about it....." "I know right we have t talk about it" "It kind of scary when you think about month without seeing your friend" Sunny already felt the pain just imagining it, she didn't want to lose anybody or even miss them, she wanted to be with them.

"How about we study in the same university, that would be fun and would even make our friendship, let's stick together then since we never want to grow apart from each other" :"The Idea so fun and interesting but the only problem there is you Sunny" "How/ Sunny asked knowing very well how she wanted this to work out.

"I know you want this to work but how would you explain that to your parent, they'll want to send you to best of best abroad, they'll would never allow you to stay here, it just not going to work out" Gina said while feeling angrier "You don't know that Gina" Sunny defended "Of course, I know, they would fly you out of the country immediately you graduate.

  Sunny stood up from the bed giving herself much space from them, she hates that fact that Gina's was right, she had thought going to the same university was the best Idea, she also hates the thought that she was the one that's not going to make the plan work out "I promise I'll talk to my parent, I'll convince them that I want to study here and everything would go as according to plan"

"And you think your mum is going to accept that, even if your dad agrees to allow you, your mum would never! '"How can you say that you don't know my mum more than I do? I try my best to convince her" "You know what? Jade finally spoke up after minutes of being silent "Let's not talk about it till Sunny convince her parent, they mat allow you to be able to make your own decision then" she waited for her friends to agree, she really wanted everything to work, studying in the same university hanging out more, she wasn't ready to think of  the moments she wouldn't be with her friends.

Sunny went home thinking of how to convince her parent to allow her to study to allow her, maybe if she speak to her mother he might consider letting her study and at this state, she really need to talk to Josh even though their last visit wasn't that great but she thought talking to him might help now, 

He was the only person that felt right to talk to now, she did her packing not wanting to be the person to delay her father, Sunny covered her face her palm, she just wish her parent would agree but she would try her best. 

Tara paced round her office while sipping her hot drink, she still can't believe that Sunny was sneaking behind her back to see that god forsaking boy, she was damn angry and she even lied to her about it, she didn't want to go hard on her but she was really going to make her regret doing what she did.

Sunny paced around the room and waited for Josh to call, she really need to speak with him, it would help, she thinks so and after what seems like an hour he finally called, of course she knows that he'll call. she put her her sweeter because of the cold outside and as usual made her way downstairs.

She finally made it downstairs and was about to pull the glass door open "Going somewhere? She turn in fear almost gasping for air as she turned and saw her mum  standing by the counter "I asked you a question? Tara asked as she raised both hands on her hips "Ummm, I....Ummmm, no, no, I'm not going anywhere" "Really? Tara waited for her to speak 

"I just wanted o go out for some air....I needed to take some walk outside" "By sneaking out? "No, mum, I'm not, I just wanted to go outside" "Why did you lie to me Sunny? you lied to my face that you aren't hiding anything from me but that seem to be a pure lie" :"Mum, it isn't like that, it just nothing....." "Really? it nothing and I caught you sneaking out of the house and instead of telling me the truth......you choose instead to li to your mother.

Sunny felt her body shook in fear, this was the last thing she have ever expected "I'm really disappointed in you because I trusted you but you choose to throw all that in trash, because you don't give a damn about your own mother "I swear mum it not the way you thought, I never meant to hurt you that's the last thing I'll ever what" she could feel her tears in her eyes now.

Give that to me! Tara beckoned her to give her cell phone "Please mum" but she saw the determined look on her face and decided to give in, Tara collected her cell phone and just then her cell phone beep in her hand, she glared at it and saw it was a text message from Josh "And guess what? Josh was the one that spill the3 truth out, he was the one that told me that you've been sneaking out of the house each night to meet him"

Sunny felt her world crumble, she couldn't believe it, Josh could never do something like that, she finds herself shaking her in not believing that it could be possible, he didn't have any reason to do it "Do you think I'm lying over your pretty face boy, you don't believe your mother, tell me then how did I get to know your sneaky little secret he told me Sunny and I came to find out the truth from you because I have truth you and believe you'll never lie to me but I was all wrong......

You lied and now I can't seem to truth you with anything, you could still choose you sneaky betrayal friend over me if you want! she watched her leave and for the next few minutes, she just stood there feeling like her soul have left her body, she never expected or even planned of ever hurting Tara but now she was hurt all because of the one she had called her friend, she felt a knife piercing pain and found herself looking outside the house with tears in her eyes.

She have trusted someone she shouldn't have and now she was hurt and have also hurt the one person that have loved and cared for her all her life, it just seems to drained all the strength in her, she slide to the floor and wept even when she tried to control her tears it seems impossible and useless. She wanted to run upstairs and apologies but she wouldn't make her feel less guilty from hurting her.

She felt  like the worst daughter on earth now, she had really overlooked this but it ended hurting her mum "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" she whispered hating herself even more "I'm such a stupid daughter" she wept even more. 

Josh stood on the garden bench for more than an hour, waiting for her, he thought that she might be busy with something and would finally make it down here but its seems as if he was wrong after a long wait maybe she didn't want to see him after yesterday without wasting more time he decided to leave but before that he found that the light in her room was still on, which means she wasn't asleep yet, she just don.t wish to see him.

Sunny felt mad at herself all through the night, she tried to sleep but the nightmares was much worst this time, she kept seeing Tara's angry face and Josh's happy face, he was constantly enjoying the torture that she was passing through, she would never forgive him!

The next morning, she felt as if her head was going to fall off, she didn't feel like getting off from the bed after what happen last night and how was she going to look her Tara in the face, she felt really out of place, she would have called Jade or Gina that would help but Tara had taken her phone from her.

Sunny dragged herself from the bed and walked up to the mirror, she looked deserted and wondered what her father's colleagues would say, that he brought his sick daughter with him, she slumped back on the bed and felt more angrier she really need to speak go someone or she'll go crazy. 

Tara didn't check up on her like she used to before, this only drove tears to her eyes, she finally dressed and made her way downstairs maybe explaining things to her mum would be the best, she was the one person that understood her  very well. She saw Tara dishing out their breakfast and walked straight to her, she hope that she would convince her that she never wished to hurt her.

"Mum" Sunny called gently hoping for her to respond instead she ignored her totally as if she wasn't standing there "Mum, please can I talk to you, please" "I think you should sit down and eat your breakfast, you don't want to keep your dad waiting? "No, I don't want to but I really need to speak with you about Last night, I didn't mean......."Sit down, Sunny! theirs nothing for us to discuss!

Sunny felt speechless, she wanted to plead but she couldn't just find her voice, Tara was super mad at her "I don't trust you any longer Sunny, You lied to me so nothing you'll say would make me forgive the only thing that would make me forgive you is to try and make up for you mistake and only then would I talk to you!

Sunny didn't feel the need to say a world, she really deserve any punishment that was given to her and she promised that she would make up for her mistakes and then she would regain her trust again, she nodded and took her seat and through out breakfast, Tara didn't speak to her or even recommend her presence again, this was the worst punishment ever.

She had hoped the trip would be exciting but it just turned out that she was just drowned in her own painful thought 'What happened between you and your mum? Sunny looked up to see her father watching through the car mirror, Tara didn't tell him but why? she though a she did or was her father just rest concern? "Ummm, I... did something that upset her/ she replied looking down at her finger.

She didn't want to see her dad's face, of course, he was going to be really disappointed when he knows the truth and she didn't want another person getting angry on her now "You lied to her? Sunny felt her heart skip a beat "I didn't mean to.......