
Chapter Hundred and six

"So are you agreeing with this job? The older one said, inhaling his tobacco. There was nothing I want than to give San what he deserves. " What happened when Sam has been brought down? I looked at the older man for an answer, he shrugged exhaling his tobacco "it depends on what you want, either you want to continue working with us or quit". " You guys won't withhold me from doing that?  "you have your right we won't force you to do anything or take anything from you only much of your time". I leaned in and nodded. " okay, I agree"

I think you need to get familiar with a lot of things and people" the older man said disposing of his tobacco "Come, he gestured and I looked back at others who had gone back with whatever they were doing, I stood up and followed him out of the room. " you might be wondering if we just choose you to only take Sam down?  He chuckled and press the elevator button and it is when the door open. "When we said that we're Sam rival, we also mean enemies and how would think it would work out when one possesses what the other thing is not useful and make it useful to us". " Sam does not possess me in any way". "But you're the mother of his child and that you can't deny," he said walking out of the door when the door open back for our existence.

"Sam has caused a lot of downfall to our company and we had lost a lot" I looked around the place. "But it didn't look like you're saying the truth" he chuckled again "Companie has secret that they don't disclose to other companies or individuals". He gestures me ahead. And pointed out a lot of places in the company for me and introduced me to a lot of people. "If only I had to get revenge on Sam why would I did to go through all of that? I moved my arm around the place. "Because you have to know and also you'll represent us to a lot of places, so that's why you have to work and not focus only on revenge....he stopped to look at me. " Becca, for the first time he called name. "We're employing you, so focus on that now" he reached out to pat my shoulder. "By the way, call me John"

Today, I was going to make something tasty, eating at the restaurant have made me crave more, I move my body into doing something, it looks as of I weight pound even though I wasn't close to that, I put my meat in the oil just as about to turn it over I heard knock on my door, who could that be, no one visited this except Emily if she was here...was the baby coming early. I took off my kitchen glove and moved to open the door.

Someone I wasn't expecting, why was he here "Andrew!  " Becca, he smiled sadly but still stood at the don't watching me. I felt the urge to slam the door in his face but still, I held it open and stare with the man that I had once wanted to start and share my future with, tears threaten to drop from my eyes but I sniffed it in and moved away from the door for him to come in, he looked surprised but didn't say a word, I closed the don't behind and turned to found him standing at the center of the sitting room. "You can sit" I tried my best to control my feelings, it was weird, I didn't want him to be here but still I let him in.  

"Becca, he called my name again. " I came to inform you about something," he said still standing but he didn't dare move toward me afraid of what I might do to him. Was he getting married I thought, it hurt me to even think about it but he has to move on, I stare at him with my arm folded under my bosom. "I had been transferred, I came here to let you know and I'm so sorry if I went against your wish in coming back here, I can't bear going without seeing you even though things have been bad between us". He said fixing his gaze at me. " That's okay, It's good since you're one of the best doctors" he nodded and made his way to the door but stopped with his hand on the doorknob.

"I'm going to miss you Becca" he smiled again and turned to leave, it broke my heart watching him go I didn't think everything could hurt like this. "Wait... He stopped but didn't turn. " Can you stay for dinner, I'm preparing some food and it's lonely eating alone... He turned back in surprise. "For the last time before you leave".  " Oh! I ran back to the kitchen, the meat was already burnt, how did I forget, I smacked my head and rushed to switch off the gas cooker before making my way to the sitting room to inform Andrew.

"It seems that we would be eating burnt meat tonight. "Umm, it's okay, he nodded to me and I smiled and headed back to the kitchen, I have already ruined the meat so what else now, I tried my best to focus while I prepare the rest. But the thought that Andrew was here thrilled me off, This was going to be the last time, it was just a farewell dinner but it reminded me of more of what I was hoping to forget, the way I had done that for both Sunny and him, tears dropped down from my eyes, " It can never be the same again" I muttered but now I wasn't supposed to be feeling the pain that he was leaving but I can't stop my heart from breaking, it was hurtiing more than I can even realize.