
Chapter Hundred and seventy two

"Why would she cancel? Josh asked his father immediately he get home. "I don't know, she said she couldn't make it and I think something came up" 

He didn't say a word instead, he stood there disappointed as ever. "When are we returning? "In weeks time Josh and you don't have to worry, you're mum would be coming with us, everything between us have been settled"

"I hope it true" he made to leave "So tell me, how was the Fair? Andrew stir his drink while watching his stepson. "Just for you to know, their was nothing fun about it .... happy?

Andrew watched him as he angrily left, he didn't know why his wife had canceled the dinner but she was going to give her a little time, he wouldn't want to force her to do something she wasn't ready to do.


Gina bought her hand outside the cab window while shutting her eyes, Jade totally ignored  her. She had watched her the entire evening so lost in her own world and she wouldn't want to spoil it for her.

"You seems cold since today? She wasn't expecting her to say anything to her, it just took her by surprise. "I'm fine" she replied coldly, turning her head to the window to watch the rain drops.

"You're angry at her right? "I don't know who you're talking about" Jade replied still not turning to her. "Of course you do, you just don't want to talk about her"

"Exactly and can you not ..... please? Gina watched her for a while before nodding in agreement "Fine then". 

She rubbed and around her arm, she had really enjoyed herself today. She had forced herself not to think about Tara and all her threat.

She did her best to have fun despite feeling like shit the past weeks, she had tried to make up for all the sad days tonight and now she was feeling a little better.

Finally, the cab pulled to stop in front of Gina house, Jade watch her as she get down from the cab and waved her goodbye. She waved back just as the cab drives off, she sigh in frustration and tried to forget tonight.

Sunny watched as they finally pulled up at the house for the first time ever, she did not feel welcome. She felt like a stranger in a place that gave ines been a home to her.

This feeling was strange and it was eating her up knowing that everything they have told her was all lies, the love they had shown to her.

Everything was all lies! She hesitate before getting down from the car "You can get enough sleep now" Her father said, she could only nod before making her way to be the front door.

She still don't know the reason she's still keeping calm like nothing have happened, like everything was still normal just the way it have been. 

She felt the urge to tell out in anger but anytime he looked at the man she called her father she wouldn't even know where to start.

Sunny made her way toward the house as silent as ever, it now feels weird abd stupid thinking that she have lived here all her life while believing all the things that she was being told.

Tara was already at the front door waiting for them, she had felt bad for disobeying and hurting her but now all she wants to do was to hurt her even more. She had lied to her all her life, she had made her hate her real mum.

And faked her love for her, hearing her father telling his friend the reason, he took her from his mother. It broke her heart despite telling herself many times that she might have heard wrong.

That whatever was said to her by the old man was also wrong but no matter how many times she told herself that everything she overheard and also told wasn't true.

It feels as if she was just lying to herself to feel okay, to feel less hurt. She knows that it was the truth then why then do she keeps denying it. Why can't she just accept the truth? Because it fucking hurt!

"How was the trip? She turned to Tara when she heard her voice, why was she speaking to her. She remembered her saying she won't talk to her till she makes up for her behavior.

She was not ready to make anything up and she never wanted her to speak to her again, she just stood and watched her in anger.  

"I asked how was the trip? Did you enjoy it? She turned to see her father watching her but without saying a word. She made her way upstairs, seeing their face annoys her now.

In a home she once we feels welcome, she now feels like a stranger. She feels unwelcome and angry and looking at their faces annoys her even more.

She slammed the door to her room and instantly she found herself dragging the box under her bed out, she stifle back her tears as she unpacked the items.

The newspaper and magazine where Rebecca had been mentioned, it looks like a to thousand scrape books as age began to read some of them.

She had been doing this for years, scraping all the papers and magazine. Trying her best to keep track of Rebecca till she grew tired of waiting, till everything she felt toward her turned into hatred.

She continued reading them till she couldn't hold back her tears, the pain. What she had told her, she had caused her much pain even when she tried to apologize.

She felt ashamed of herself and without thinking, she started hitting herself hard on the face. Dragging her hair and tearing done strand, she hated herself for being so stupid.

For not being wise enough to see the truth and for believing all the lies she had been told, she continued hitting herself till the pain in her head became unbearable. 

It just felt as if the guilt is just eating her up, it tore her apart. She just wish their was a way out of this, after hours of crying. It feels as if she had been drained of strength and left to die alone.

She could only watch in silent as she finally lay on top of her bed, she couldn't bring herself to sleep because each time she attempt to.

It felt like all the guilt was attacking her in her dream, it felt like the worst nightmare ever. She just lay there, feeling nothing only pain and guilt to till she heard a gentle tap on the door.

She totally ignored, not even daring to stand or speak as the knock continued "Sunny" she heard Tara called in her gentle pretentious voice. 

But she kept mute while staring angrily at the door, wanting her to Ieave her Alone in peace. "Baby, please I need to talk to you". But she still didn't respond.

She would have yelled for her to get lost but her head hurts so badly that moving a bit even worsen it. 

Tara waited for her to pull open the door or even respond to her but no response came, she was probably angry that she couldn't make it to the Fair.

She had listened to her cry for hours and she had hoped that she would be calm after sometimes but now she was not even responding and the door was locked.

"I'm so sorry that you couldn't make it to the Fair, I promise I'll make it up to you tomorrow, your dad is so sorry about it, you know that?  But still no response came.

"I need to know if you're alright, I'm very worried about you, please talk to your mother, you can't keep me outside here without telling me anything! 

She waited but still no response, she wanted to bang on the door but decided to take it easy. She had been hard on her and had even taken her cell phone from her, doing another thing now might even freak her out more.

After standing there for what seems like an hours, she decided to go back to her room. She get it, she was angry maybe tomorrow she would be able to speak to her.

She never gets angry at her or stay mad for more than minutes around her, so maybe the reason she had gone really far in punishing her.

"Did you speak with her? "No, she refused to open the door for me talk less of speaking to her own mother". Sam looked at her in surprise.

"I know right? She's never this mad". "You're the mother, you'll sort it all out". "I thought you said you'll be back before the Fair?  "You know I won't" whataSam said making himself comfortable on the bed.."#3$$"___$_

"I hope she doesn't do something crazy" "Of course, you know she won't do anything, she angry now he couldn't know about but video but won't do anything crazy" Tara watch her husband as he gets ready to sleep. 

He was sure of what his daughter would do and not do but Sunny have never been this angry on her. She would prefer to cuddle by her side and talk about her feelings, the thing that yad scared her the most was the expression on her face before she ran upstairs to her room.

The last thing she'll ever want is loosing her, She always want to he close by. To be her only friend, to know her next decision and whatever she plans on doing but loosing her seems like loosing the grip of everything she had worked for years to achieve.

She waited for some hour, maybe Sunny would finally decide to finally talk to her but despite her long wait. She didn't come to talk to her, she just hope that Sam was right this time that Sunny wouldn't try to do anything crazy.

Sunny felt dead the next morning, she haven't slept since last night and she could hear the pounding in her head. S canhe didn't feel like moving toward or even doing anything.

She just lay on the bed looking at the celling and waiting for nothing even when she heard a knock on her door, she still did not move.

She tried to force herself up, to tell herself that it was now okay. She had spent all night trying to believe what she had realized. Trying to make sense of everything, the truth was hard and painful to take in.

The love that she had once felt for them has now turned to hatred, she did not think that she would ever forget then for the lies they told her. She tried t or ignore her headache, she told herself that it would Stop after some hours.

But it continue, the pain became unbearable no matter how hard she tried to endure. It was now difficult to keep her eyes open, she finally staggered up from her bed.

And made her way to her little drawer where she thought she might find the medicine but none was there.

Sighing in frustration, she decided to go back to the bed but the pain made her to staggered and whince. She couldn't endure it any longer and decided to go downstairs for drugs.

Slowly, she unlock the door hoping that everyone has left. Her head swayed, almost making her to trip on the stairs, she finally made it downstairs and went to get the drugs from the shelf in the kitchen.

"Morning Ma" she turned to see it was one of the servant and ignored, she was not ready to speak to anyone. 

"Hope you slept well?  "Leave please" she muttered as she took the drugs hoping for her headache to subside. "I'm sorry" the servant apologize while age watched her take her medicine.

When she finally turned to leave, she found her still watching her "Your mum asked me to make sure you take your breakfast". "She isn't mum! She whispered hoping that she would just stay away from her. 

But it was likely that she didn't hear her. She sigh and looked around the silent house before asking "Where is everyone". "They had left but your mum gave me instruction to ensure you eat". 

She didn't feel like taking anything but she nodded and allowed the servant led her to the table where she waited for her breakfast to be dished out.

It was already 11 0'clock and she still feel tired and Dead, she still wanted to lay on the bed all day long but looking at the food on the table.

She has to force herself to eat some and now the old man words played on her head, he had told her that she have only today to make up for everything.

But she was still here, feeling hopeless and drain. Sunny just stared at the hot beacon without touching it, she wanted so much to smashed everything to the floor.

But she just ended up watching the food turn cold, she looked upstairs and just then she remembered the man telling her that Rebecca had tried to reach out to her for years. This means that their must be something in the house to show the evidence.

Forgetting about the food, she scrambled up and made her way upstairs toward their room. Their must definitely be something there.....

She tried push the door open but it was locked "Fuck! She cursed as she turned the door knob, what was she going to do now. She turned away and leaned her back to the door, if she was going to hide anything from her it wouldn't be in her room.

And suddenly, she hurried down to the basement, she had never been here only the servant have. Sometimes she totally forgot that somewhere like this existed in the house.

This was the perfect way to hide place to hide things from her and she just Hope she'll find what she was looking for. Their wasn't much dust here like she expected a basement to look like, but she explored.

Hoping to find something, She moved around the empty and filled paper boxes without finding anything interesting. 

She moved stacks of brown envelope away, searching for something, for some kind of clue of evidence of what Tara had hid away from here. Their was a lot of old stuff here, plates, boxes, tools......

Their was a lot of useless things on the way but she didn't stop looking as age traced her hand along them as she makes her way to the parked dirty car.

She found herself pressing her face against the car, just hoping at her finger tips for sou but everything here was just old. She shot her feet angrily in the air and succeeded, breaking a stack of plate in a box.

"Shit! Why? She yelled pressing her back to the wall, while covering her face with her palm. She was not going to find anything here, this place was filled with old useless stuff.

She dragged her hand away from her face. "Including the box on top of the lust counter"