
Chapter Hundred and Ninety Three

Sunny stood and watched the drawing on the board, she had to wake up early to draw the sunset since she couldn't sleep last night.  

She had been anxious for the morning to come, now it was 7:30 and she figured she had been awake for 7 hours but she was glad she took her time to do this. She reached out and traced her finger gently on the drawing, wishing that she could stand here and admire the beauty.

Finally, she made her way downstairs, she could take some tea and then start to prepare for her graduation, she couldn't help smiling at the thought of finally graduating from high school.

She made her way downstairs and almost tripped when she was on the last stairs as she saw how everywhere was already decorated. "Good morning Sunny" she heard her mother's voice and looked up to see her standing there with a cake in her hand. 

"Mum" "My daughter is graduating today and you think I won't go out of my way to surprise her" Sunny got down the stairs and throw her arm around her in happiness. 

"I love you mum" "I love you too darling, I'll do anything to make sure that you're happy" Rebecca bent forward and kissed her forehead and wiping the tears that were already sliding down from her daughter's eyes. 

"No need to cry, baby" "Thanks, mum" "You're welcome, now happy graduation" Sunny gently pull away while her mum made her carry the cake, she smiled and walked over to drop it on the table then sliced into bits. 

She handed her mum, some of the sliced cake and took the other. "We're you up all night? I should have helped if I know you were down here". 

"If you had found out about this then it wouldn't be a surprise". " I guess so" she soon happily and went to pour out tea for herself. 

"You know mum, I just can't wait for all this to begin" she smiled while she sip her tea. "Sure". Rebecca watched get daughter's happy face, she could do anything to make sure her daughter lacks nothing.

"Before I start preparing, theirs one person, I'll like to speak with" Rebecca watched her walk over to get their cellphone and dial some number on her phone. She immediately figured out who she wanted to call "He can't just be absent today, I won't be happy with him". 

"Go ahead and call him, I guess you both can sort it out". John picked up the cellphone after the first ring and smiled when he found out who was calling. 

" I hope I'm safe" he laughed knowing how angry Sunny was because he won't show up.

 "No, you're not, I did not expect you to be absent doing one of the important days in my life".

 "I'm sorry that I won't be able to make it to your graduation, I promise I'll make it up to you" "I never going to be the same thing, you know that right?  

"I know and I'm apologizing". " Fine but I'm still angry at you till you make it up to me" she heard him chuckle before the call disconnected. 

Sunny turned and found her mother smiling at her "I'm telling you if he doesn't make it up to me, I'm never going to forgive him" Rebecca shrugged with a smile on her face "I think it's between you two, you should go and get ready now"

Sunny sat quietly as she watched them call out the final year student, she fixed her gaze on each student as they walked forward and collect their certificate.

She was nervous and at the same time happy to be called "I can't wait to drink myself to sober at the party" Jade whispered in her ears

 "Then you won't be able to enjoy the rest of the party since you'll be laying drunk on the floor" she whispered back, just then she heard her name called in the crowd.

Rebecca watched her daughter happily as she walked forward to collect her certificate, she was proud of her, a few months ago, she wouldn't believe that she'll be here and witness her daughter graduating.

After four hours of being in the school hall, they were finally outside to celebrate the rest of the day with their families and friends.

Sunny took her time with her friends as they walk around, getting lost in each activity happening, they just wanted to enjoy today. 

She was going to get back with her mum after spending some time with her friends, but there were still a lot of people her mum had wanted to introduce her to. "I just wish, I'll always be happy like this". Jade laughed as she gulped down a glass of wine.

" You're always happy". "I mean today's is special a different of happiness" they laughed. "We shouldn't drink a lot of wine if we want to stay sober for the last dance". Sunny smiled at her friends, they were waiting for the last dance.

Where parents had all gone home and the rest that we're around won't pay any attention to them. 

Josh made his way to the three friends when he sighted them watching the school musical dance. He had come to apologize and congrats his friend who he had hurt. 

He could see from afar how beautiful she was dressed, in the crowd that was filled up with beautiful females that are well dressed, he was only attracted to her. He felt a pull toward her that he had never felt all his life, he was in love with her...not just liking.

He was madly in love with them when he was finally close enough to touch her, he said there staring at her back. He wanted to be in her arms when she turns him, he wants to see her smile at him.

He didn't want her face to hold any angry expression, he wanted her I've happy when she meets him, see her sadness will break him into tiny pieces.

" Josh" He looked up to see that Gina had already turned to see him. "Hi, he smiled at her, then followed by Jade who turned to hug him telling him how much she has missed him.

He felt a bit relaxed that they weren't despising like he thought they would, he waited for Sunny to look up at him after she had turned alongside her friends.

" Congratulations guys", he said with his eyes still fixed on Sunny. "What are you doing here today, I thought you had been on your way home". "You know, theirs no way I can leave without apologizing to you"

Sunny felt a sudden wave of anger as she heard him speak, she was hoping that he wasn't going to leave again but it turns out that he was still leaving. She doesn't know why she's being this way but she just wants to be alone.

"I don't gain anything to say to you and I'm not willing to hear anything from you! She started at her friends and turned and walked away from them, she would have given him a chance to apologize but she still couldn't stand the fact that he was leaving.

Instead of walking toward her mother, she made her way to the adjoining part that leads to the school fountain, she was just going to sit there for while before joining the others at the party.

She wanted to listen to him but the feeling when you have one of your favorite person leaving you, she just wished that he'll announce to her that he was not leaving again instead he had come to apologize that he was leaving her.

She thought that they will always be together but it was just like Gina had said they somethings are meant to be discussed no matter how hard it seems, she had never wished to discuss with him about it.

Because she was scared knowing that he'll leave her someday. 

"You should go and talk to her, we know she's angry with you but that's doesn't mean she won't miss you" Gina had told him, Sunny was going to miss him. He wanted to make things right before he leaves, he wanted to tell her how much he had fallen in love with her.

How distance would never be able to stop his feeling, he would love her forever no matter where he goes. He followed her, when he lost her in the crowd.

 He asked about for her, she was hard to miss because she was the most beautiful of them all, like the light in the dark or the golden rose in the middle of the desert.

He finally sighted her turning toward the school fountain and hasn't up to meet her there but now he was staring at the empty bench, he had seen her making her way here but now their was no sign of anyone here.

He looked around searching the whole place but she wasn't there and the only sign that she had been there was her hairpin laying coldly on the bench.

"Sunny" where was she?