
Chapter Hundred and Ninety seven

Sunny opened her eyes, this time her head was aching it spinning badly, and her vision was no longer blur but still, she couldn't see a thing in this place, everywhere was so dark except for the little window that was way higher than her.

She knows that she couldn't reach it even if she stands to from here, she quietly played all that happened that night in her head.

She had been taken away by some unknown stranger...not just taken away, she had been kidnapped.

 She felt goosebumps all over her skin, as much as she wanted to scream her lungs out she felt unbelievably tired just laying down here.

Her mother! How was she? She'll be so worried and Josh, her friends, everyone would be looking for her! She can't rage, nobody would know where she was...she doesn't even know where she was!

She started to get to, pushing herself to sit up, forcing herself to ignore how tired she was, and sit up. She has to find a way out, a way to escape from here, from this darkness.

Back at the fountain when hands were clasping her mouth and body tightly, she thought she was going to die, she thought it was the end of her but here she was in this dark place trying to know her way out.

She finally scrambled up and felt a bit dizzy as she tried taking a step forward, she had to stretch forward her arm and look for where to mean for a while before staggering her way forward with her hand stretched forward looking for any possible exist.

It was like a dead end, maybe whoever had kidnapped her had kept her in here to die with no one around to give her a beneficial burial.

When it felt that she had reached the room she used her arms to trace her way out, looking for any sort of door. She felt as if she was blind in this dark room, she could see nothing except darkness as she pushed her palm on the wall.

Pushing hard and trying to open any door nearby and finally she came across iron steel...this must be the door.

She pushed her weight on it but it didn't even bulge despite how much she pushed against it and hit her fist on it. It remains shut, the door had been locked from outside and she was trapped in here.

But she shouldn't give up yet maybe if she continued maybe it would finally be pushed open but after hitting it for a while she found out that the door haven't moved a bit it was only her fist that had turned sour.

"Help me! She finally yelled despite her mouth being so dry that her lips cracked as she continued yelling but no one came to help.

Everywhere was just quiet and only her voice disrupted the quietness of this dead place. It was just like they had been thrown into a deep pit and left to die, who could have done this to her?

Somebody who had spoiled one of her best nights and left her to die in this darkness, she felt hot tears as they dropped from her eyes.

She needed to get out of here, she wanted to go back home, escape from this darkness. She slumped back to the floor when she couldn't stand it again and pushed her leg up to her chest and cried.

She could imagine how much her mum was hurting now, her friend...and no she forced herself to breathe, to stay alive and figure out what she would do next.

Gina and Jade had to go through an interrogation from the police despite being scared they both forced themselves to tell the policemen all that they had seen and the last time they both saw Sunny.

"Do you think she's fine wherever she is now? Gina asked Jade when they were finally outside. She could see the tears that Jade was holding back, Gina knows how much she was pushing them back, how much she was forcing the tears back.

"I hope so" her voice terrible as she answered "Who do you think is behind this? Jade asked her back and the only person Gina could think of now was Sunny's previous parent. 

She remembered how Sunny's dad had stared straight into the car that day outside the mall. She knows how scared she was that day, she knows how she held her back and waited for him to turn away, and then Tara...

She was just the worst human being on earth. "I think it's them" she diverted her attention back to Jade, she knows who she was talking about because she had been thinking just the same thing.

"Sam and Tara" Jade whispered and Gina could only nod her head. "I just hope Sunny comes back to us soon" she blinked away the tears in her eyes just then the car that was supposed to take them back home appeared and they both became silent.

That doesn't mean it stopped their thought from wandering far...

Rebecca made a hundred calls as she asked for any update from the search, she kept her cellphone close as she paced around the polished white tile in her study.

She felt miserable, angry, and worried all at the same time, she forced herself to breathe each second and tried to figure out everything. 

She couldn't stop reminding herself that her daughter might be having the first night ever wherever she was now. 

It was now 3 am but still no news of Sunny, she felt like someone had dug a knife in her chest. "News is everywhere that Sam has been stabbed last night, so he couldn't be the one to kidnap Sunny". 

" Last week, John found out that he was going on a conference outside the country then how come he was found at home in the pool of his blood, I think there's something off about it.

One he shouldn't be home at all and second, his security is very tight how then could someone sneak in and stab him and shut one of his servants"

"And his wife? Andrew asked as she watched her pace around "She traveled to the states a month ago from what John gathered and the police had reached out to her to inform her of what had happened to her husband, 

My daughter is nowhere to be found and that son of a bitch is laying St the hospital bed while his wife is out of the state...something is very fishy here, something that I can't quite put my hands to"

"Are you saying that Sam planned to be stabbed? Rebecca stopped her pace and turned to Andrew who was standing at the glass window with a worried expression.

"As much as I know Sam, I know he'll fo anything to get what he wanted but harming himself...he would never do it, he's very selfish and would not even think about anything that would hurt or stress him when doing it...

He would never plan on hurting himself for his plan to work, I think someone else related to him did this.

His accomplice, maybe they negotiate for money and it turns out bad, something like that Andrew...

Andrew looked startled for a while " Let's find out the truth then, because if this your theory is true then it means that he had planned out this perfectly with his accomplice to get Sunny and this same person is the one who had kidnapped Sunny and also stabbed and shot his servant.

Maybe someone who had overheard the conversation? It is likely to be" he stared at Rebecca for a while before continuing.

"Look, we're not sure that any of this is true, we're just making assumptions in case...

"Theirs no way both incidents could be coincident, it links somehow, and I'm going to uncover the truth and bring back the truth then make whoever is behind this pay miserable"

Andrew stood up and walked up to her. "I think you should go and get some rest...

Rebecca cut him short by moving away from him. "You don't understand...you don't understand what it is like to find out that your child is missing, don't tell me to sleep or get some rest when my daughter is out there somewhere!!

"You think I don't understand right? but I do Rebecca and you know that I do more than anyone close to you, Sunny is more like a daughter to me just as sane as she is to you, I'm very worried about her and you!

"Then don't tell me to go and rest while my daughter might be fighting for her life out there! She was at the point of breaking down but she has to stay strong and tough this out.

"How will feel if Sunny sees you this way, you look like you'll drop any minute, I'll call Emily to stay in with you to make sure you get some rest" Andrew reached out and touched her arm gently.

"I'll see you in a few hours, we're going to find her Rebecca, she's going to come home well and okay". Rebecca gave him a slight nod and watched him walk out of the door that was only when she let the tears she was holding back dropped.