
Chapter Hundred and forty two

I couldn't believe that this happened, my daughter was running away from me, the happy reunion that I had dreamt all along would never happen

 They had kept me away from my daughter all this while now they had succeeded in creating a rift between I and my daughter.

My happiness had been destroyed in just a minutes, I have dreamt of meeting my daughter I have never imagined or think that my daughter would resent me. I gulped down my drink and rubbed my forehead, the pain was like a piercing dagger.

'Why would she run away from me, I'm her mother and I'll never think if hurting her but now..... "I don't know who you are, I have only one mother and that's Tara" I clenched my glasses tightly with my hand, my heart has broke to thousands pieces just hearing her say the word.

What lies has she been fed to, doesn't she know how I suffered to be with her and there's not a single that passed by that I doesn't wish to be with her daughter. I remembered the first time that she had called but it wasn't connecting and asked Emily to check in them but found out that they had vacated from there.

I had been in tumor, it had been the one of worst time in life, staying away from my daughter and also not being able to talk to her now after everything. Her daughter was avoiding her! She smashed the glass of wine to the ground and slumped on the couch.

The pain came back again as fresh as if it never left, I have been the happiest woman in a minute and then I had also turned into the saddest one. Sunny why do you have to run and hide away from me, I'm your mother, I remember the pain of watching the picture.

I have to makeup with my daughter, I have to explain to her all she needed to know, I know I had stayed away from her so long but.... I have tried everything to get in contact with her but to no avails and now ik not going to leave her easily. 

I reached out for my pills, this has become part of my life too, it numb the pain and this would help now. I drank it and laid on my bed, tears flow down from my eyes as I remembered all the time I had spend with my daughter. 

Even her seventh birthday, I know the pain I have felt and if its within my power, I would take her along with me. But theirs was nothing I could do but say my goodbye. And I have never imagined or intended for things to go this way, I did all of this for my daughter's happiness, so that I'll bring my daughter back but.... It turns out she didn't understand that I meant well for her.

Sunny wrapped herself where a blanket, she had choose to be like this. Tara had done everything she could to soothe her down but she couldn't seem to forget that face she saw and even daring to come to her. 

She never thought she'll see that face, never thought that she'll witness that woman talking to her but it had happened this night. She felt like disappearing into thin air. How dare her claim to be her mother!

She was never her mother and would never be, how dare her think if ever showing her face to her. She would had enjoyed her night with friends not face a woman who had abandon her as if she was nothing, and now she calls herself get mother. 

What kind of mother is she then! The one who for last ten years didn't bother about her, she hated her for that, hated herself for thinking she was would come back for her then. 

"Sunny, she turned to find that Tara standing st the door with a cup of chocolate in her hand. "I thought that this would make you feel better". She walked to her daughter and sat next time her. 

"Thanks, Sunny sat up and collected the cup of chocolate from her hand. "Thanks" "Your welcome" Tara smiled and watched her stare at it. "I know you must be feeling very angry and sad but you don't have to worry about that woman, you shouldn't bother yourself about her". 

"Why would she ever think, I'll come back to her, she even dare to call herself my mother" "I know but don't mind her because if you keep worrying, it would make you think about her more often and I know you don't want that". Sunny nodded "I never want to see her again and she should better stay away from me, I hate her so much!

"Come here" Tara took her into her arms and pats her back gently. "Listen to me, if she tries anything funny, Tell me and no matter what she says don't listen to her, she had abandoned you all this whiles with her lies. So don't believe anything else she tells you, I love you so much and ain't done want yo see you get hurt". 

"I love you mum" she kissed her hair. "Now, have your chocolate and after that, you can have a good night sleep". "Thanks mum, I love you". Sunny watched her leave not really having appetite for anything but she knows she would be sad if she leaves this, she wanted her to be happy and she was going to have it.

"Why didn't you tell me that Becca was back?  "Theirs no use then and it made no different because you have already found it" Sam spoke ad he focus on his laptop. 

"You should have told me and that was the reason you came because I knew, you're not the type to come to your daughter's shows". "Quit it Tara!  

"I'm not because I know I'm saying the truth, the only reason you came along was because it would give you opportunity to see her". "Yes it would give me an opportunity to see her teary face to know that I had won again...". 

"Why didn't you tell me, I would have thought of doing something earlier". "I told you it makes no different now, she had seen that we have won this time and she got what she deserves, everything went according to plan so theirs no reason to bother about anything" 

Tara watched her husband in disbelief "whatever" she headed to the bathroom to wash up, she couldn't believe that Sam could hide this from her but on the other hand she was very happy. 

She couldn't hide the fact that she had enjoyed seeing her face on pain and what Sunny had said....she couldn't be more happier now.

 "Becca I have trained your daughter to be my pun and now I'm going to watch as everything unfold and in the picture I'll be the caring and the most loving mum to Sunny, why you....will struggle to gain her attention but I could get you'll fail" 

Sunny headed straight to her locker still trying to get herself together, the incident that happened the previous week was still troubling her but she'll try to get her life back again.

She had blocked every one out this weekend just to be by her own, age needed some time alone to cry, hate, curse and so whatever she had spend her weekend doing.

"Sunny, she heard Gina called and turned to see her running toward her. "I had been calling the whole weekend to talk to you but your cell phone was switched off, did you do that in purpose?  "Yeah, just to have the time fot myself"

She respond and continue walking. "How are you doing now". "Much better". She stopped by her locker, unlocking and taking out her books then she heard Gina mentioned Jade name and turned back to see Jade walking up to them.

"I can't believe you guys did this to me, you abandon me even when you guys know that I haven't performed yet and we had everything were going to do later planned out but....

"Jade let me explain.... Gina looked at me but we're interrupted by the noise in the hall. They all turned and stared at the directions and saw Josh "what did that rascal what now... Gina scorned. "And he's making his way here". 

"Hey, Sunny" he called when he called when he was a few feet from us. "What do you want, Josh" I glared at him but he kept on smiling. "Oh, just calm down I'm here so that you'll make something clear for me". 

"Just have it in mind that I won't listen to your nonsense" he raised his eyebrows in surprise, I turned away from him to make my way out. "Not so fast Sunny" 

He grabbed my wrist and I gave him a hard kick that sent him on the floor, half on the student in the hall, boo and cheered. "Don't ever lay your filthy hands on me!

"Really, you act so perfect and strong, why don't you take time and explain to us why you have two mums" He smiled knowingly. That rascal, he was in the hallway that Friday and this was the last subject I don't ever want to bring up not even in front of all the schools.

"What is he talking about? Jade asked facing me. "You've grown dumb or deaf right? He laughed standing up, I wanted to move toward him and give him another kick this time I was going to aim below his belt.

"Don't get me so long, just answered the question or are you trying to hide something?  "My personal life is none if your business rascal!  "Oh, look who's talking about personal life!  "Hey Josh, you better shut up or we would do it for you! Jade made a step toward him.

"Why? Aren't you curious to know what your friend is hiding from you, I swear how you were running around the whole school searching for them and they just left". "Shut your pieces of trash! Gina yelled in anger and I know that she would lunged at home but the last thing I want is for my friend to get any punishment.

"Gina, Jade, I called. "Don't get into any fight, it would led to detention. "Tell us Sunny! His voice interrupted my words. "Okay, since you don't want to tell us, I will tell them. "You rascal! She yelled at him and clenched his fist, trying not to do want she was thinking.

"Sunny has been deceiving everybody and just for you to know Tara is not her real mother" Sunny felt the pain of the word and tried all she could not to get into a fight, she saw Jade surprised look and shut her eyes. 

"And her real mum is Becca, the multi millionaire but the thing is that she hate and despise her even denying all own mother!

Everybody in the hall murmured loudly, saying and shouting at the same time, Sunny opened and eyes and glared at him. "This is payback for disgracing my friend publicly" he smiled and walked into the crowd of people, who were shouting question at me. 

"Let's go" Gina held me her to led me away but I just stood and watched them, some weed laughing others were insulting. I finally went along with Gina before the school authority came to check on us. 

Sunny was later called into his office to know what caused the noise. "Sorry Mam, I can't give any details or say what happened, Josh was the cause of those noise he has a better explanation to give to you" she watched for some moment contemplating on what to do or say but later dismissed her.

She felt like she has been stabbed, this was the part of her life she had Kept secret and now she freaks as if she has been stripped in front of the whole school.