
Chapter Hundred and fifty nine

"Both of you had been quiet since today, what's wrong? Jade asked ask as she kept writing down on her note, Sunny kept tapping her pen on the desk feeling really disturbed for no just reason.

She shouldn't keep thinking about that woman but she can't seem to forget the pain and unshed tears in her eyes.

Of course, she was a liar and she shouldn't be thinking about her. She let out a deep breath and look up now making up her mind not to meet thinking about Rebecca, she was leaving the country soon and she should be ready happy not overthinking herself.

"Rebecca came over my house" she finally let out and both of her friends looked up at her. "Really, Jade dropped his pen and stare at her. 

"Are you serious! I taught your mum asked her never to step foot in her house?  "Of course, that's what Tara told her but she found a way to overpower my mum, which us a big surprise to me" 

"What did she say? Gina asked for the first time since she sat down with her friends. 

"She said a whole lot of things that's obviously lies, bunch of lies". "I meant what exactly did she say to you, was Tara present?

"Of course, Tara wasn't there, she demanded some privacy which she succeeded in having and then....God! I don't want to think of the lies she told me....about caring and blah blah blah, listening to her made me hate her even more"

"So....what later happened at the end? Gina persisted to know. "I told her that no matter the amount of lies she choose to tell me that she can never be my mum, I have Tara as my mum and that's final"

"I'm so sorry that you had a tough weekend" "I'm actually happy now". "Why? Gina asked wanting to know all.

 "She's finally leaving the country, she realized that her lies couldn't didn't work on me, that's why she decided to do want was necessary.....to leave and let me live my life peacefully". 

"That's a great news, you wouldn't have to so messed up anytime you come to school or be with us, you'll be more happier now". "Yeah I will" Sunny tried her best to smile but the truth now is that she was now sad for no just reason.

"So.... Gina" Sunny turned to her friend, trying as much as possible to push the attention to Gina. "Why have you been sad and moody?  

"Um mm, she didn't want to tell her friend, she was supposed to keep it to herself but everything was just weighing on her, she really needed her friends right now.

"My....my family has been facing a tough time this days and we have been kicked out of our house since a day before.... She tried to keep the tears in, she wanted to be strong.

But she saw herself sobbing just remembering how they were kicked out, how hurt her family had been". 

"And you didn't let us know? That's was Jade who was now fuming now. "We're your friends for Christ sake and all this while you've been carrying this burden all by yourself". 

"It's not how you think Jade, I thought....I thought that we're....that I was going to work it out". "And tell me how far you've gone with that". 

"Hey Jade calm down" Sunny spoke as she drew close to Gina. "What happened, you told us recently that your dad has paid all the bills he was owing, how then was this possible?

Gina pressed her lips together, looking for the best lie to tell them, she can't just tell them that Tara was responsible for what had happened to her or else more hell was going to let loose.

"Tell me, why would this happen if your dad has paid up the debt?  "Um mm I thought he had already done that but ....it turns out that he only paid back little of that money, so..... This happened"

"Tell me, how much is that, I could talk to my mother for you, I'm sure she would help". "No, no, please....." That woman would not help instead she was going to make her suffer more.

"Why? You know Tara would be happy to help". "I...know....but I don't think its necessary". "Of course it is, I want to help and I won't listen to anything you have to say"

Gina bite her lips hard, Of course Tara would fake her pity towards her but wouldn't bother to help her, she had told her to leave after she told her that she was tired of being her spy and she was relax and gave her the impression that everything was okay.

"Sunny...." "Don't....I'm going to inform Tara and I know she's going to help" Gina nodded reluctantly knowing it was useless to argue with her)

Rebecca stir her drink aware that John was watching her. "I have made up my mind". She looked up and saw John questioning face??

But she didn't respond or try to clear the air. "Made up your mind on what? John finally asked when it was obvious that she wouldn't try to explain.

"I'm leaving" Rebecca said as she sip her drink and lean back to watch John reaction. "Why did you want to leave and without your own daughter....."

"I think she have already made her decision?  "And what would that be??  "I'm leaving John, when this project are hand is done in about a week I'll be leaving, I don't have any reason to be here again?

John stared with out saying a word, Rebecca knows that he wouldn't want her to leave or even to give up fighting for her daughter but she had seen how determined Sunny was, nothing she would say would make her change her mind and she wasn't going to force her if she can't see the lies and truth if this situation....

She had tried her best, she sighed and gulped down her drink. "And you think that's the best decision?  John asked still watching her, he would hate for her to leave and also he knows that she would never be happy without her daughter.

"Do you think you'll be happy?  "That's a question that don't need any answer". "Of course, it does.... Leaving won't make you happy Rebecca"

"And staying here won't make me either". "You still have chance to win over your daughter and let her learn the truth". 

Rebecca shook her head sadly "I don't think I'm ever going to convince her, she has made her decision and no matter how hard I try it still going to be the same thing her decision would never change and I think I'll leave her to live the consequences"

"I'm really going to disappointed if you give up Rebecca". "I am too and I'm sorry but I think its time to leave, their isn't much for me here anymore". 

"I think I'm also the cause of this" he said after a brief silent. "Why would you say that" Rebecca asked sitting up. 

"I feel guilty for making you leave, if you had stayed here, I don't think that any of this would have happened".

 "You know have to apologize John, this is unlike you, you made me who I am today and if I had stayed here, it wouldn't have change anything or make me into the person I am now, I would had still be powerless"

They both stared sadly at each other before John finally gave her a brief nod and watched her leave afterward.

Rebecca felt the tightness in her chest, she was making a big decision but she thought it was worth it, staying here won't make anything different.

She had lost her Sunny to one of her biggest enemy, giving up seems so stupid but fighting seems meaningless.

It really hurts when you watch your daughter saying a lot of hurtful words to you after everything. She wouldn't cry, she was tired of crying. She wanted to be strong that's the only thing she have to do now.

She wouldn't give her enemy the chance you finish her up, she went home in her massive apartment and took her time and pace around the house.

She had bought all this with the hope that Sunny would finally join her and they'll build a home after all this years but turns out she was wrong.

She was always wrong and this hurts, Emily was going to heartbroken when she'll hear of this but she have to do this.

This would had been the perfect home for them, she stared outside and it was already late but she was going for a walk that would help clear her head.

She picked up her coat and made her way to her garage, she was going to gone some hour. It was cold out here but she hope that it would help numb her pain.

That's the only thing she wants now, she wanted to stop feeling, she wanted to stop the pain because it was too much to bear but she got this.

She was going to through this and survive maybe....because she wasn't so sure. She drove down to a place she had remembered so well.

A place that has once gave her peace and hope it still will, she drove despite the cold weather. If she can make q wish they would be that her pain would be numb forever just like her fingers was feeling now.

When she finally pulled to a stop , she stayed for a while with her head down the steering. People can still be seen around minding their own business, she got out of the car and headed up the cold bench.

People would think she's a crazy woman ready to freeze to death but right now, she did not want to think about them the only thing that keeps playing in her mind is Sunny"s hateful words.

Those words was like an arrow I n het chest, hurting her each and every moment, she leaned back and shut her eyes.

All she just have to do now is to inhale deeply and try to clear her head, it just peaceful here like always, she would say she had fallen in love with this place.

Here, she could let out all her worries and sadness, she could try to forget the hurtful words from her daughter and also try to forget the anger and hatred in her eyes, nothing would make her change her mind on her decision.

"I don't think anybody would like to see a dead and frozen woman in the morning" Rebecca snapped my eyes open and to my biggest surprise I saw the face of the man I never knew she would see again.

Rebecca stared in surprise and she have to blink to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. "It nice to see you after all these years". 

All she could do was to nod, She was lost of words and after what seems like eternity. "What are you doing here" from all this words in her head this was what came out from her mouth.

"Let me call it a little vacation" Andrew smiled a bit as he watched her, he couldn't believe that she was the one here freezing you death.

It just seems so unreal that after all these years that this was the place they'll finally meet up "Little vacation" Rebecca mumbled as she nodded. 

"I think we should get out from here unless we want to freeze to death" it was really awkward speaking to her after all all these long.

"So you're scared of death". "I'm scared that I'll have to die so awkwardly" Rebecca shrugged and shut her eyes one more time trying to get her mind back together, she was just messed up and maybe speaking with someone might help.

"Okay, let me take your advice then" she got up and tried rubbing her palm together to send heat and warmth to her hand. They both made their way down away from the cold and freezing bench. 

"How about some hot coffee, it would help send the cold away. Rebecca stared ahead at the restaurant nearby as much as she wanted to refuse but their wasn't any harm in speaking to him after all those time.

She would use this opportunity to speak to him before leaving. "I'll be glad to have a cup of coffee" she smiled for some reason she wanted to reach out for his hand to see if it still feels like before.

She suggested heavily, she should be thinking about this things, she just met him but she couldn't stop the thought and that was when she saw the ring on his fingers.

The immediate tightness in her chest relief, sadness and happiness that she couldn't just understand filled her body. She dug her hand deeper in her Jacket, it took out the chill a little bit.

But didn't seem to deal with the one she was feeling in her chest. Rebecca watched as Andrew pulled open the coffee chop, the smell of hot caffeine and chocolate bread filled her nostrils.

The cold immediately was replaced with sudden wave of heat, she took her hand out from her pocket and placed them gently on her face as the simple gesture spread the heat all over her body.

She hopes no one would recognize her here, the last thing she wanted was drama. They spotted and empty table beside the window and went forward to occupy, it was really awkward having Andrew with her.

She felt happy and at the same time sad, she didn't know how you express this feeling. 

"So you're here on vacation" Rebecca asked after they both ordered some coffee. "Yeah, just few more weeks left here and I'm grateful that I saw you tonight"

"Yeah me too but...it feels so strange after years of being......". "Away? Andrew asked and she nodded, just in time for the bartender to come with their drink. 

"So.....how's your work over there" She asked knowing too well that if they let the silent to crowd them it would destroy the wall that they both had build from each other so, she had to keep going with irrelevant questions.

And had to fight the urge of throwing her arms around him and confessing how much she missed him but that wouldn't happen.

She was just going to spend this night with him and leave in few weeks, she's happy that he has finally moved on that's the reason she was feeling relieved.

Rebecca sipped her coffee and tried to calmll her thoughts and heart. "So tell me whstwhat you had been up to these past years" Rebecca smiled.

"It just going to bore you". "Now I'm interested to know" Andrew Wouldn't leave her to slip out of his hands just like that, it would be a big relief to him you know that she had been doing well.