
Chapter Hundred and fifty nine

"You have a nice and Intelligent daughter" Sam smiled at the man "Yeah, of course, I'm so proud of her" ":You deserve to be, maybe I could invite you over for a lunch party before your flight leaves tomorrow  night, how is that" 

"Is it really necessary? Sam asked with a smile on his face "Of course, it is, I'll like her to meet with my son tomorrow, they both might have something in common" They both laughed

"Sure then, we would come" The man smiled. shook Sam hand and made his way out of the dining hall, He could say he was proud of Sunny tonight, he greeted few of the guest before leaving the room. he needs to get in bed because he'll would have a very busy day tomorrow. 

After the conference tomorrow which starts by 10am and stop by 1pm, he was going to lunch with Mr. James and if everything going for lunch and if everything goes accordingly to plan, he would be back before tonight.

he had thought that Rebecca would be here instead, it was his rival, such a pity because he would have loved to torture and disgrace her in front of everyone but it turns out that his plan didn't work because definitely If Rebecca was her, she would had tried to speak with her daughter, one last time before leaving,

after tons of meeting and certain arrangement, Rebeca decided to take a walk at her  favorite place, it would help her clear head a bit, she grabbed a coffee before making her way to her favorite bench, she remembered the last time she was here.

Andrew was the one who came to her rescue, she would had been frozen to death and now she couldn't help but wondered what people might have said about her death. 

And also what the paper would write, she shut her eyes and sip her coffee, it had been a really tough months for her but this time she won't let Sam walk her over or break her down.

 They may have succeeded taking her daughter away from her but one day shall come when Sunny would learn the truth of everything would clash before them.

But she can't help and wish it was now, that everything would happen now, that done sort of miracle might happen. She leaned her body back in the bench and wrapped her palm around the cup.

And with her eyes closed, she was tired of wishing, she was tired of breaking down, that was what happened years ago when she broke down and cried.

When they had defeated her and she won't let that happen again, she was stronger now. She won't let anybody trip her over again, her daughter have failed to realize the truth as a mother she was heartbroken.

But as a woman who had gone through this pain, she decided that she wouldn't go through this again no matter how hard this pain push her.

Just with her eyes closed, she let the wind caressed her and that moment she thought of nothing and felt peace. "Of course I know I'll find you here" without opening her eyes she already knows who it was.

"Why are you here? Rebecca asked still with her eyes close "Because I want to be, I came to see you" Rebecca opened her eyes "Tell me how long you've been stalking me? "Let's not call it that, I just want to get a chance to talk to you". 

She could only chuckled and to her surprise Tara sat down next to her but still kept to her distance. "How about we talk". "How about we don't!

"You're still the same stubborn you, I see" but she didn't bother responding, she just sat and watched her.

 "Let me get this straight, I want you to give back my husband the company you took from him, compensate him for the loss you made him pass through and you don't know I could change my mind and allow you to keep talking to your daughter, instead of running away like you're doing now just this simple thing Becca and you'll have access to talk to your daughter as much as you want"

"That's a great offer" Rebecca smiled "And I could get to meet my daughter anytime I want" " You can say that again" "Well, let's make a deal first by starting this was" she stood up and empty her coffee on her head. Tara gasped in shock "How dare you! "This is where we start I think so" "You'll regret this Rebecca! "I'll be waiting till then Tara" And without another word she left soaked in her coffee. 

She felt like doing more to her but this was enough for now, she had enough of her nonsense, she made her way home realizing she only have a few days and she was not going to spend it on her.

"Do you think she had forgotten us? Jade asked as she lay on Gina's bed "I don't think so" Gina replied her "But we haven't heard anything from her, it so frustrating not hearing any words from your friends" "I think she is busy and when she is free I'm sure she would try calling us" "I don't think she should be so busy for her friends like we haven't heard from her and it so annoying"

"I know that right but I'm so sure that she would call to tell her about her trip if she's not so busy and we should wait since she promised to be on the fair tonight" "What if she couldn't make it, what if she's do cut out with her luxurious trip with her father" "Now you're saying too much" "I know right buy it just annoying not hearing any words from her and I'm nit even sure that she's going to be at the Fair"

"She's going to come, just don't make any assumption yet, she's said that she's going to come, didn't she? let's wait for her then" "Fine ,fine, let's wait for her then, it going to be really fun if she ends up coming to the Fair" " Yeah, so let's not make any assumptions yet" Jade nodded as spread her hands wide on the bed, she wished that Sunny won't disappoint them.

Sunny spent her morning by the window after her breakfast when she learns that her father was off to conference, she was brought breakfast and she could only eat a little, she only have to wait for her dad to be done with the meeting and after that they would they would make their way back home so she could make it to the Fair. she looked at the time and saw it was still 11 O clock and she finally decided to explore the rest of the hotel and maybe she could find something that would keep her busy.

After much tour around, Sunny decided to head to the spa, that would be enough to relax her, she have a lot she was thinking and needed something to distract her and just as she was about to head to the spa, she almost bummed into someone "I'm so sorry" she apologize and looked up to find herself staring staring at the man he remembered from last night, her father had introduced him to her as one of the influential person in the company" 

"Good day sir" Sunny smiled and did her best to sound cheerful "Good day my dear" he stretched his hand to shake her, Sunny gladly shake him with a smile on her face "Nice to see you again" 'Thanks" "So tell me what you're up to here? "Ummm, nothing, I thought touring around the hotel a bit around the hotel would help" 

"Of course, what do you say, you join me for a little presentation, you can stay offstage and watch" "I'm not so sure? "Your dad would be happy if you join in, just watch and maybe you'll could learn a bit more, you're very intelligent girl from what I saw yesterday" "Thanks so much" 

"The conference section is down the second hallway, this is the permit card if you want to still make it" "Sure sir" Sunny smiled and watched the man walked away.

She examine the card for a while before putting it away in her pocket, She looked at her wrist watch and found out that it was still few hours before her dad come back.

Maybe going to the presentation room would help but maybe it was going to be all those boring big men talk.

 But what would She do with the rest of her time, she looked at the card once last time before deciding to go, age wasn't with her cellphone or anything that would keep her busy maybe this would help give her something to focus on.

She took the elevator to the second floor and found herself making her way to the presentation room, when she finally arrived.

She found that their was a lot of people in the room, quietly she found herself a seat in the back. The presentation was all about business works and investment, she found half of it interesting and the less boring.

Finally when the presentation was over, she sat and waited for everyone to leave, some stayed to chat a bit while some left immediately after several greeting and appreciation.

She looked up at the stage and found the man looking at her with a smile in her face. 

She smiled back at him and immediately watch his attention diverted from her to someone at the back of the stage, she looked to know who it was and immediately caught her dad figure before the person disappeared out of the view.

Immediately she gazed at her wrist watch to find out that the conference have already ended by this time. 

She stood from her seat and made her way to the back of the room, she wondered when their flight leaves she still wanted to make it to the Fair back home because she knows howq disappointed her friends would be if she didn't make it.

She made her way too find it was an office and coming close to the door, she could see clearly her dad standing there with the man  who had invited her to the presentation few hours ago.

She would have wanted to turn away and leave but she found herself watching both of them "Is nice to see Becca's daughter have really grown kinda like her". 

"She's now my daughter and keep away from her". "You sound serious" Sunny watched the man as he chuckled and went to round to sit on his desk. 

"I met your daughter earlier today and she's such a little angel to speak to, I invited her over...... Sunny leaned farther on the wall, hiding herself on hearing this.

Sunny sneak in a peek and watch her father sigh in frustration. "Don't talk to my daughter like that".

 "I'm not saying anything bad but I'm curious why you're so concerned now, I thought the only reason you took her away then was because Tara was barren" 

Sunny felt her head swayed in confusion, what was he saying? What did he mean by Tara being barren, was that the reason her father took her?

"That would continue being the reason, Mark, I need an heir that wouldn't be the reason I'll watch you talk creepy about her" Mark shrugged and nodded. 

"Does your daughter know? "Know about what?  "Know that you took custody of her because of Tara couldn't bear a child and tell me how's Rebecca because I know she was messed up"

"She doesn't have any reason to know any of that and Rebecca us so lucky to get herself in a billionaire shoes". "Isn't that nice" Mark chuckled as age watched Sam. 

"Yeah, it is". "Didn't she try to get to her daughter because she had been trying to do that for years?  Sunny watched breathlessly as her father walked closer to the man seated on his desk. 

"Like I said before, Sunny isn't hers, she's my daughter and that's means she only knows and believe what I want her to, she doesn't need her, she needs us"

"So let me see this clearly, you made her believe lies about her mother". "To me all that she believe is the truth, She doesn't need to believe anything else!

"Poor little child" Mark smirk. "Now let's get back to business....." Sunny heard his father spoke but couldn't get herself to focus again..... what did fuck dud she just hear

She leaned on the wall, confused as hell, custody! Barren! Lies.....it was all too much to handle. The question was why all these lies! Why! And probably her mum knows all about this, if they had both lied to her..... Does this means that Tara was saying the truth!

Her head spinned and carefully she managed to stand probably and quietly made her way back to the room only few people who doesn't care about her presence was there.

Her body went numb as age made her way up to her room through the elevator, she lean in the glass wall with her eyes wide open.

Was this one of her weird dream, this couldn't be true, she had been lied to all this years. 

Her father have taken custody of her but told her that Rebecca had abandoned her.....her mum had never told her that she was barren and had take her away.

"They had told her that Rebecca never cared or wanted her back all this years but it turns out that.... she had but.....but what happened, something happened.

And what both her parents did was to lie to her, it was so hard  to breath as she made her way to her room. Even when she arrived in her room, she still felt shocked to the bone.

She leaned her back to the door and tried to breath and after some moment she looked and found out that it was already two, she needs to leave the god forsaking place maybe have time to think.

Just as she made to dress up before her father get here, then came a knock on the door. She stood there for some minutes not knowing what to do, of course she have to open the door fir her father properly.

She felt hot and irritated, she wanted to scream so loud to ask him what it was all about. 

The knock continued and shee finally found herself moving toward the as she continued telling herself that everything was okay and should calmed down.

Finally, she pulled opened the door and found herself  staring at the man who had lied to her all her life. 

"What took you so long? "Ummm, I was sleeping....." Sam stared at her daughter, she was just like the woman she hated so much but she was going to carve her the way he wants.