
Chapter Hundred and Eighty six

It had been up to weeks now and she was still bring held like a prisoner in her own home, she hadn't been seeing Sam the last time she saw him was a week ago.

It had just been one routine everyday, getting cleaned up, eating then laying lifeless till the end of the day enduring all the pain and ache with no one to help.

It just feels as if she was loosing her mind but couldn't do anything about it, this pass weeks has made her prefer sleeping than being awake. It just helped her escape reality, knowing she was bonded here with no way to escaping.

She opened her eyes this time and her stomach growl, God! She was really hungry. The food that was usually brought to her was usually little to satisfy her hunger and the worst part was that she only ate once in a day and suffer the rest hour.

Tara couldn't believe that the man she had called get husband all this tears would be the cause of her tears and pain, she knows he had anger issues but... this...he had gone too far.

She had been tied up here for up to two weeks with only one meal to eat in a day and her body bring clean like a sick old woman who couldn't afford to do that by herself. She didn't have any more strength to fight or resist, she just lay tiredly and wait for whatever that would happen next.

And now she couldn't even say where Sam had her for a week now, she shut her eyes and swallowed hard, telling her stomach to stop growling.

Tara couldn't help but think about what was going on outside the house, how Sunny was living now... she would had forgotten all about her. That little brat! How dare her to just forget about her this way, she was going to make her pay when she's comes out of here.

She couldn't be living so happy while her mother suffer, after what she had done for her. She still had the mind to live her all alone, she thought that after all this that she would never see Rebecca as her mum and would love her more than anything or anybody in her life.

But it turns out that she had been wrong all along, Sunny had left her when she could the slightest chance. What an unappreciative daughter!

Tara looked up when she heard noise outside the room, her face lit up a little knowing that she would at least have a little to stuff her stomach in now. Her stomach growled louder now and she patiently waited for the servant to unlock the door because she was the only that comes into the room except for Sam.

Suddenly the door pulled open and she foundation herself staring at the make figure standing at the door. Her eyes widened, she had been expecting the servant not him. Tara couldn't help but feel very disappointed, she was hungry as hell and instead of the servant it was Sam.

It made her realize how thankful she had been for the past week she hadn't seen him but now he was here she couldn't help but feel disappointed and angry.

"I thought you would miss me Tara? he asked as he made his way carefully into the dark room "You haven't seen your husband for a week and I'm expecting you too greet me with a smile instead all I get is this deep frown" he walked up to her and touched her cheeks lightly.

"Why are you disappointed? "Who told you I'm disappointed? Tara asked as she tried her best to suppress the anger in her voice "I'm not a fool Tara" he bent toward her and took her lips in his, Tara did her best to pause her lips. She didn't have any contact with this man who had made her life a living hell this past weeks.

"Come in, don't you want to have a taste of your husband, at least if you don't miss me, you should at least kiss me as a sign of welcome". "I don't want to do any of that! Her anger gave way but her voice sounds much duller than she expected.

Sam paused for a while then shrugged and walked over to the cotton and within a second, he pulled it open allowing sun light into the room. She felt blinded instantly because for weeks she had been living in total darkness, since he had closed every area in the room.

"How generous of me Tara" he said abd for some minutes she struggled to open her eyes and finally when she cracked her eyes open for everywhere was so bright. It made her realize how much she had missed light and being outside.

But why had he decided on doing this? Had he decided to let her go? "Do how are you feeling now that you can finally see some lights after weeks of being in total darkness.

He walked over to the bed to cup her face in his palm "You need to sunlight, you know..." He smiled at her, just then someone knocked on the door and he went over to open the door.

"Don't worry, I'll feed and clean her today" Tara watched as he collected the tray of food and bucket of water from him. What was he planning to do, he must be up to something. She didn't want him to come any closer to her but she doesn't have any strength to resist or fight him because that would be effortless.

He finally shut the door and walked up to her "Let's get started wife and I'll love to know how you've spent your week". "How did you expect! She was getting more annoyed and angry, every touch and stroke make her to flinch and he wiped her body.

"Anything would do" he answered with a smile "I'm doing my best to make sure you're okay instead of letting you starve in hunger" Tara tried her best to ignored him and tried to pretend that he wasn't there but it was kind of impossible since she can feel his touch on her body.

After cleaning her up, he pushed the bucket aside and brought the food close. "Time to feed you and now you'll listen while I tell you about my plans to get your daughter back, just listen and don't speak or....

He stared down at the food "You wouldn't be getting any of this, do you understand? He waited for her to answer, having no order choice she nodded and allowed him to feed her while he told her how plan.


I just can't believe that we're finally graduating very soon" Gina threw her head back and laughed happily "Believe it baby, we're soon coming out if high school and I'm going to make my life an adventurous one" Jade clasps her hand in excitement.

"Do you have any plans of travelling? Sunny asked, discussing this part in their life was always difficult but like Gina had once said, it needs to be discussed.

"Umm, I don't know for now... Maybe...it would happen, I just hope not sure about anything" she answered while she swinged her foot uncontrollably "What about you Gina". 

"Same as Jade but my Aunt Nina called last night and asked if I would visit when I graduate, I told her I would think about it, I'm not sure yet" "Do what about you? Jade asked 

"Well, I'm not making any plans on travelling, I just want to spend more time with my mother maybe she would like to go on vacation after I'm done, I'm hoping she does because it would be adventurous" she winked at the girls.

"Yeah, it will be" Gina nodded and raised her glass of coconut milk to them, slowly they need the sane and cheers for adventurous life after graduation.

"Theirs something bothering me" Sunny blurted out after some seconds and they both stared and waited for her to speak "Yesterday, when I was coming back home after a drive through the city, my driver and I noticed that their was the vehicle following us...

He did his best to outsmart whoever was in that vehicle which he suceededly did and now I can't help but get worried" "Did you mum know about this?  "No, I asked the driver not to tell her, I don't want to add to her worries"

"It something to worry about, what if it a serial killer or a kidnapper, rapist!  "I think it my dad" Sunny blurted out cutting Gina words out. "It isn't a serial killer or whatever, I think it my dad". "Why would you father stalk you? Jade asked worriedly.

This was really sick but she just realized something now. He wasn't just stalking her, he wanted her to know that he was doing it... "He was doing it to threaten me...just like the other day"

She looked up to meet her friends stare "What do you mean? Jade asked now, afraid of what she was going to hear. 

"Last week..." Sunny sighed breathing in and out as she trued to remember what had happened, the sound of his voice...he had threatened her that night and he did it again yesterday. 

"You're making me lose my mind if you keep making up to wait" Jade groan loud "The other night, he called... "How did he get your number? Gina asked. 

"I really don't know how but he claim that it was my mum that gave him my number!  "Your mum can never do that" Jade said trying to convince them. 

"Of course, I know she would never do that, all he wanted to do was to threaten me and that night I had a panic attack which made my mum really worried and now he's doing it again"

"Doing what again? "Hest trying to threaten me, make me afraid and then make mum worried, if he had just wanted to stalk me he would had done that without making me or mum to know about it"

"He wants you to notice he's doing that" Jade replied "Yes". "What kind of a father is that? Gina felt disgusted "First it was Tara who pretend to love you and now Sam" she shook her head in disappointment.

"So what are you going to do now? Jade asked sitting up and Sunny could see that she was now concerned and worried "I don't really know but thing I want now is to make Rebecca worried, she's stress enough and I don't want to add to it again". 

"We totally understand but you know that your father is dangerous, remember what he had done to you that night you went to a birthday party? Sunny had already forgotten that she had told Gina but of course she remembered.

"I'm not sure but I won't let him get to me because that's what he's probably trying to do" they nodded still not convinced. "But this stays as secret between us, I don't want my mum to find out, I just to spend only happy moments with her"

"You need to buy gun I'm telling you" Sunny laughed at Gina, she was trying to help but she can't imagine herself with a gun "You can help me to keep it, when I buy one" the look on her face made her and Jade to burst out in laughter.

She got home and felt more like herself having spent time with her friends "Hi mum" she walked over to where she was sitting over the dinner table and kissed her on the check "I missed you today" Sunny smiled at her as she pulled out a seat for herself.

"How was your evening? Rebecca asked as she watched her daughter closely. "It was fine, fun and okay, we discussed about what we're going to do after graduation and a lot more" she answered, scooping some rice into her plate.

"You know mum this is one of the hardest part that we never love discussing but we need to and I know that no matter what we're going to have fun together when we're fine with school, somehow we're going to do that".

Rebecca watched her daughter as she ate her dinner without saying a word, she listen as she tell her about the evening with her friends. Maybe, she would bring up what happened that night when she had been out.

It had been a week now and she had been patiently waiting for her to say something "What happened the other night you went for a drive?

The question threw Sunny off guard abd she stopped eating to stare at her mother. "Nothing" it came as a whispered and not that convincing.

"Why are you lying to me". Sunny waited for a while knowing that she had found out what happened one way or the order "I don't want you to worry mum". "You endangered your life Sunny" 

Rebecca couldn't believe her daughter, she should never hide this kind of thing from her. "I did not, It never happened again mum". "Sunny" Rebecca called her as she watched her daughter. 

"I really don't want you to find out mum because I know you'll be worried and I don't want that, I don't want you to get worried". "I know you cared for me but you don't have to keep hiding things from me especially this... what if whoever it was had caught up with you!

"But he did not mum, I saw the fear in your eyes that night I had panic attack and...". Without allowing to finish her words, Rebecca reached out and held her by the hand.

 "I'm the mother here, I'm supposed to worry about you not the other way round, I have to keep you safe, I need to keep you safe and hiding this kind of information won't help, please don't... instead for the past week I found out, it just seems as if it been driving a sword into my chest"

"How did you find out...a week ago? Sunny asked her mum surprisedly. "The work of everyone in the house is to make sure that you're safe no matter what, that's their first priority Sunny and you can't make that to change, I'm sorry to tell you this daughter.

But on this issue about your safety they only listen to me". "Silo the driver told you? Rebecca nodded, Sunny sighed and sat back. 

And after a long silent, she finally found het voice "You know who was behind it right" it wasn't a question because she knows her mother had already found out. 

Rebecca nodded with a sad smile to his daughter "And you also know that he's doing it purposely so that you'll know he's threatening me, he's not only stalking mum, he just have a plan"