
Chapter Hundred and eighty four

Tara didn't have any options but allow the servant feed her, she had to eat and survive only then could she be able to think of a plan to escape.

 She was tired of sitting down here with her wrist and legs tied up, her whole body was aching like hell, she just have to find a little bit if strength to be able to tolerate all this.

It had been hours since the servant had left and she was just sitting and waiting for anything or any sign that would help her to escape from here. She hate yo admit it but she was helpless now being tied up and no one to come to her rescue.

Sam had already taken her cell phone, God knows what he was telling her friends and family. What a jerk! After what seems like an eternity of waiting, she heard footstep outside the door fir the second time that day.

This time she waited for whoever it was to reveal him or herself, she was done resisting or fighting because instead of that to help, it turns out that she was just hurting herself and she was tired to do that.

The door cracked open... She couldn't help to wonder who it was?

Sunny sat quietly with smoothie on her hand as she watched Josh sketching on her board, it was an interesting sight since he wasn't wearing his shirt. He had earlier pulled it off to draw which she had no complain on that because she had been mesmerized just looking at his broad shoulders.

She wasn't the type of girl that get fascinated while looking at a man's apps but his, she was speechless as she watched how his body moves when he sketch.

She tries to focus her thought on other things but it was very difficult, she really want to walk toward him to take a peep on what he was drawing but they made a bargain.

She wouldn't see it till he was done and she couldn't help but feel impatient, she wasn't tired of watching him, she was just impatient to see what he had been sketching for hours.

Just something, anything to move close to him "Gosh! She muttered already tired with the type of thought she was having. "Are you okay? She looked up to find that he was now looking at her for some minutes she didn't know what to answer.

"Sunny, are you bored? Josh asked again as she moved the brush in front of her face to get her attention.

"Umm, no, I'm fine, just sweating" "Why..." Josh glaze narrowed to her body, she felt bare immediately even though she knows that he was just looking at her clothing.

A baggy short then an over sized shirt and she had packed her hair up so there was no way she could be sweating even the window was up and the weather wasn't at anyway hot.

So she was just a miserable liar because he wouldn't understand her own definition of sweating. "Are you sure? He awkwardly stared at her "Just don't mind me and focus on your drawing I'm okay"

She waved him off "Well, if you say so" he smiled then turned back to his drawing, she wondered what he was drawing. For some minutes, she stared at him, his body movement, position of his lips.

She wanted to reach out to touch those lips, those body but instead she tighten her fingers around her cup of smoothie and decided too look outside to the calming environment.

It was beautiful just sitting abd having a great view outside the house "I'm done" she was jolted back from her thought. "Are you ready to see it". "I guess" Sunny stood up but he held out his palm to stop her. 

"You guess? "Yeah, she was laughing now as she stared at her pouted lips. "Fine, I'll like to see your drawing". "That's good now, you...can come". 

"Thanks sir" she walked to stand beside him and was first dumbstruck on the drawing. Saying it was just beautiful was a way just to understimate the drawing, it was realistic...

Like she was looking at the other end of the world "What do you say? Josh asked but she just stood there looking at the way that leads to another realm of beauty. She reached out and touched it, just feeling it under her fingers.

"A secret world?  "Yep, a place that opens to beauty and only the luckieste  people can find someone who holds the key to that beauty" he explained "Isn't that great 1Touch and hold a clip to pin it. Unpinned clips will be deleted after 1 hour. this another way for saying soul mate". 

"Exactly, the everyone has a soul mate but only the luckilest get to meet their soulmate and open that world of beauty". 

"So you believe on soulmate? Sunny asked as she walked to the window, she would never grow tired of admiring the beauty it possessed when she turned back to him, she found out that he was watching her.

"I don't know but...kinda". "You wouldn't draw this, if you don't believe in soul mates". "I don't know maybe I'll be one of the unlucky people" he shrugged with a smile not seeming bothered by it.

"And why would you say that? Sunny asked sipping her half drained smoothie. "I don't know, just saying". "Gosh, you're annoying! She walked toward him and now was only standing few inches away from him.

"Drink" she held out het smoothie "What?  "Just take a sip Josh". Without a word, he bent and sip the liquid when he finally looked up he found her staring at him.

"What? "How are you feeling? "Okay, I guess". "Better" Sunny rolled her eyes at him "You worry too much and fir the record we're still very young to bother about soulmates". "Yeah, I guess you're right". "I'm right, you better get that into you thick skull"

Josh chuckled as she watched her in that baggy t shirt, she looks beautiful and cute in such a serious way.

When they finally learnt that they had her staring at themselves, Sunny tried to back away but Josh held her. "Don't" he whispered and she felt her bone froze and slowly she felt his finger in her face.

Gentle and slow as it traced her cheeks the lips, it was too hard to breath now, not in a kind of asthma panic but in a more different way.

It all seems as everything had just blacked out that they were the only existing human on earth, everything freeze the minute he took her lips in his.

It was calming, smoothing it many kinds of way, it seems as if all his worries has evaporated and he was only here with his peace of mind.

Suddenly, the knock on the door interrupted them and they both pulled away forcely as the watched the door swung open "Mum! Sunny felt her face heat up as her mum stared at both of them.

Rebecca felt awkward stare as she walked into the shirtless young man and her daughter in the drawing room by the look on her daughter's face she guess she had interrupted a very heated moment.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything, I promise" she backed away and quietly shutting the door behind her, she really had walked in at a very wrong time.

"Ummm...Josh turned back to Sunny who was clearly frozen at the spot "Do you think... "she knows? Sunny asked the question now. "I don't really know, I just don't know" she also replied to the same question she had asked herself.

"I'm so sorry...  "Hey! Don't apologize" Sunny shot him a deadly glance "Okay, I won't" he walked over to pick his shirt up. "Do you thinking she's angry at me? That's the last thing I want Josh"

"Hey, calm down" he walked to her and held her gently on the shoulder "She's not angry at you, I'll bet on that instead it would be me". "You can't....". "Shhhh! He placed his finger on her lips 

"Your mum is not angry at you, you just need to calm down okay" Sunny nodded but still have dozen of doubt in her head. 

"Why don't I try speaking with your mum for you, maybe to plead on your behalf...are you okay with that? Sunny stared at him for a while before nodding her head "Okay". 

Josh smiled and moved close to kiss her on the hair before leaving the room, she really hope she hadn't done anything that would bring cause any problem between Sunny and her mother.

He found her in the kitchen, why was she cooking while having thousand staff in the house but he walked up to her still keeping his distance Incase she was really angry at him.

"Mrs Rebecca" he called and washed her looked up at him in that strict but motherly way "Hi Josh, do you need anything". "Umm, just wanted to know...if you're okay seeing me with your daughter". 

Rebecca just watched him for a while before beckoning him close "Here, he handed him a glass of Juice. "Thanks" he sipped the orange liquid and turned to watch Rebecca as she sliced the cabbage.

"If you're here to ask if I'm angry at her then you have to give a one reason I should be angry...do you guys do something terrifying or wrong....

Josh felt instantly speechless as she watched her. "I don't have any reason to be angry unless you guys had done something wrong and by the look of it..." Rebecca looked up at him.

"You both had done nothing wrong, so why would I be angry Josh". Josh sip his drink just to avoid looking at her, he really don't know why he was being so nervous probably about the kiss with her daughter.

The last thing he wanted was for her to get in trouble because of him. "Just do me a favor will you? "What's that? He dropped his glass gently on the counter "Just make sure, she's always fine, whenever she's with you.

I was worried about her, that's why I decided to check up on her not knowing that I'll interrupt you guys...

"She's...fine ... always even when she's with me". "I know that but...I'm afraid to tell you that her panic attack is back". "She didn't tell me that...". "Didn't know about that, she might be waiting fir the right time to break it to you but Sunny is having an asthma attack and for long, it haven't happened to her...

And I thought that she had finally grown out of it but unfortunately she had one yesterday and ...since you're close to her make sure she's always safe with you Josh"

Josh found herself nodding, Sunny had never told him about having a asthma attack. He just felt lost "I want to know that she'll be okay whenever she's with you?  "Yes, sure, she'll be". "Thanks Josh"

Sunny knows quite alright that she had paced up to hundred times but couldn't bring herself to stop, she have to go downstairs and found out. Immediately, she made to walk to the door, it was probably Josh. "Come in". 

She couldn't wait to ask him what he talked about with her mum, was her mother really angry at her but it turns out to be her mother not Josh.

"Mum" Sunny called as she watched her walked in. "How are you feeling today" Rebecca asked as age walked up to her as she checked her temperature. 

"I'm fine mum, no need to get worried". "I'm happy that you're okay, come let's have dinner" she held out her hand for her daughter, Sunny stared at her mum for some time. 

"Mum" she called again "What Sunny? "Are you angry at me?  "Why would you think that?  "I don't know maybe because I was with him". "Tell me about it then" 

Rebecca chuckled as she retreated made herself comfortable on her daughter's bed. "About what?  "The kiss, come on?  "Did he tell you, I thought you might be angry?  

"I don't really have a reason to be unless you don't want to tell me about it and no ... Josh didn't tell me about anything, he was too shy to let the cat out of the bag"

"Then how did to find out?  "I'm your mother Sunny and I don't know why you think I won't find out just by looking at your face". Sunny speechlessly watched her mother without knowing what exactly to tell her. 

"Fine" she said with a smile as sat beside her mother "What exactly do you want me to tell you woman" she was now laughing now. "I guess everything". Rebecca laughed watching how happy her daughter was, she would give everything to make sure that she never stop smiling.

"Would it be weird to tell you that this is my first kiss? "No, really? How did it happen? Rebecca made a surprise face as she listen to her daughter.

Tara patiently watched Sam as he go s about his daily routine without speaking or acting as if that she was still tied up.

She also tried to ignore all the noise, he makes, while looking for some pairs of pants or while he was in the showers. She was just waiting... looking for a way to get out of here.

She just have to calm down and think of something "The servant told me what you asked her to do Tara". She opened her eyes to see that he was seated st the edge of the bed. 

"Why would you do that Tara? He asked with an unreadable expression but she didn't even utter a word to him. "what? Won't you speak to your husband?  "You're no husband of mine Sam, you're mad man, a monster!

Sam nodded at that and was instantly at her side as he hit her hard across the face. "I'm not mad Tara, I'm just doing what's necessary! Despite her pain, he didn't stop but continued hitting her.

She felt her head spin, her teeth hurt and it was as she was going to throw up but he didn't stop despite her plea. 

"You want Sunny back and that's what I'm working on, I'm going to get your daughter back while you sit patiently and watch". She wasn't really paying attention to him, she was in pain. 

"Do you understand me wife? She ignored him and instead cry out in pain "I said, do you understand me!! She have no other options that to nod in agreement.

"Better, that's show that you're a good and understanding wife and I love you for that" Sam stood up and watched her bloody face "Guess, I'll have to clean your face now, to look beautiful again" he bent and kissed her roughly on the lips.