
Chapter Forty six

"I'll pay you off, I heard him say " what! I raised my head to stare at him "I don't need your money, Sam! I need you!  " Then leave! If you don't need my money leave! He turned to stare angrily at me. "Why! Why can't you give me another chance, I love you". " And I don't anymore and you want to know why right? It's because my parents are going to cut my inheritance off if I marry you and I can't afford to take that risk"  yeah, how can I tell him to leave all his wealth just to marry a poor girl like me. I dried my tears standing up to move close to him. "What about the baby," I said. "You can abort it, I don't want anything to do with it". " it? Really!  "Rebecca! See, I don't care about the baby or you get it in that silly skull of yours and also I'm not going to marry you if it's money you want you can take it and do whatever you want with the baby! Jeez, he muttered dragging his hand through his hair " And.. He pointed at me, I don't want you to blab to anyone about me being the father of this...he gestures to my stomach because If you do... You're going to be sorry for your damn rot life" he spat out. Emily was right, he never loves me the way I did and now, he was denying the pregnancy.  "How did you find out that I was at the hotel," I asked throwing him off guard with my question "he stares out of the window for some time just as I was about to give up waiting for his response " I followed you" he spoke still not looking at me "why! I asked persisting to know the full details. " I was outside your house that day, I was...there to tell you that I wasn't going to go on with the marriage, so when I saw you leave the house, I followed you". I sigh nodding my head. "Your time is up" he announced moving away to open the door for me, I just wish that things haven't turn out like this, I just wish that the baby would somehow bring back our relationship but I was wrong, he couldn't lose his wealth or accept that the baby was his. Staring at him now, all the love that I once felt for him seem to die and the hope lost, there was nothing there to hold unto again, I felt empty. As I walk out of his office, I slipped the engagement ring off my finger and threw it away in anger. I have lost everything that I have hoped for now and the only thing that I could hold unto now is this baby now. Mum was there to give me a hug when I arrived home. "I think leaving with aunt will be the best" I have told her, so tired to think or shed tears I have fallen asleep in her bosom.

I packed my last cloth into my back, as I let slip down my cheeks. "I know it hurts but we're here for you," Emily said hugging from my back "so dry up your tears unless you want your baby to be a cry baby like you" she smiled kissing my cheeks. "Girls!! I heard aunt call downstairs. " it time! I stare at Emily who winked at me "it time for us to leave here and I hope you'll start a whole new life". " let's hope so" we dragged our bag downstairs as usual dad wasn't there just mum who was there to hug and kiss me goodbye "Dad? I asked her worriedly " you d have to worry about a thing, I told him about it and he approved. I know that has avoided me, he couldn't even talk or look at me, I just wish I can say goodbye to him before I leave even though I was still ashamed to show him my face. "I just want to blade him goodbye" mum nodded and planted a kiss on my forehead. What was I going to say to him, it was hard for him not to have a male child now only that he doesn't have a male child he also has a child that has disgraced and shames him. I stopped midway discouraged to showy face to him, but I have to try, I can't just go without blading him goodbye. Tapping on his door, I heard his response that I should come in. He has grown so thin! Was I the cause? I didn't want him to suffer because of my mistake. "Dad! I called still standing by the door, he didn't turn or respond but I know he was listening " Am...sorry dad, am sorry that I have brought disgrace to you and the family. Please, Dad, forgive me" I sobbed I watched him turned slowly and stare at me this time, I didn't hide my face or looked at the floor, I stare pleading at him "am not angry at you Becca! I'm just sad that things haven't worked out the way, I have expected. He beckons me to come and sit  next to him " Am sorry if I have not been a good father to you, maybe it my fault" for the first time I saw my father weep "it was all my fault, please not blame yourself, he used his finger to fry his fave before looking up ate again " I still love and care for my daughter, you don't have to be sad" he said stroking my hair. I couldn't hold back the tears now that have started falling from my eyes, "I try my best Dad! I muttered between tears be just nodded and smile sadly at me " you have to get going or you'll miss your flight" I didn't want to go while he was still hurting, even though I knew that he has forgiven me I know he still regret not having a male child. On my way out, I stopped midway to stare at his weak figure this was just because of my mistakes "Am sorry dad for disappointing you" I said before finally existing the room.

Keep updating forore interesting chapters😍😍

Love from Casey ❤️