
Unforgettable Night.

In order to save her father company from bankruptcy, Ina decided to help her father. Ina is a cute and mischievous girl who can easily make any man fall for her. But her way of help is not an ordinary one. To spend a night with the most famous/bachelor, Womanizer in the whole country. Damien Rey! Will he be able to forget about this wiled kitten that has crossed his path? That is a question that can only be answered through time. ...... Follow me on Instagram Author_Cornflower

Cornflower · Urban
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223 Chs

Their wedding night part two

hello everyone, I published a new novel called, It All Started With Hatred, please don't forget to add it to your library and vote and Review it!

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Ina smiled shyly at his words, But she wasn't planning on stopping, This is their wedding night, A night where they should create memories that they can always remember, Besides she wants him to enjoy every second while she still can move on her own before the next relapse.

It's a sad thing to think that there is a day when she won't be able to touch and hold him and her children, But she doesn't want to just drown in sadness and fears of the future, Instead, She wants to take advantage of every second in their life, That's why she decided to make the first move tonight.

"I'm not pushing myself, I want you." Ina whispered as she held her hands against his chest feeling the hard muscles against her palms.