

I had a strange feeling because myself and Satara never even looked at anything alone and that time when Satara stared at her, I felt like I could even see what she sees, and before I could tell her she said she could feel what Aria feels and that she could sense fear, shock mixed emotions in her head all of a sudden.

General then asked us to go find our parents which we loved as we could talk to many of them. We discovered that there are 5 different ancestral families are there and that man was from the Miedan family which was the same family like us and unluckily Aria's too.

She then refused to talk to anyone else and went to the backyard which we didn't even bother of saying to anyone. We talked to many of them but as every minute went by our hope is deteriorating.

The head of our division Mrs. Patrick Ken told us to gather in two hours, then they found Aria missing which left us shocked and we stood there blank as we couldn't say anything now anyway that she went backyard which is prohibited.

So she insisted on leaving without seeing our dad and the general agreed to it and ordered the other heads to search for Aria.

We came to our room but something felt wrong so I asked whether I could go to Aria's room to check if anything could be found. Suddenly I realized that I came alone and now all I could see is some dark clouds which I felt, it could be the vision of Satara. Anyway, I left for Aria's room and searched for hours and found one photo in which Aria and one of us were hugging one another but I couldn't say which one of us is that. Before I could search for anything, I heard the voice of Satara calling me to say something.

Satara told me while in the ceremony she found out that she could sense and feel the emotions of the person she is targeting. Before saying anything I asked her whether she slept or seen anything dark like clouds which I guessed correctly, while we were away I could see what Satara I seeing. Then we went together to search for something in her room but nothing is there except a normal needed thing even the photo wasn't there.

Sensing my worried emotion Satara asked Mrs. Patrick ken if we could visit the division again so that we could recall some memories.

To our at the most shock, she went wild and said that we got memory loss and she would never allow us to go there and she uttered that she don't want that to happen anymore. So we ran quickly to our room and Satara told me to keep our skills a secret because she sensed something wrong with her, like frightened and the guilt to lie to someone and one emotion that she couldn't express.

Months went by we didn't find any improvement in our brains with their training like deep meditation in a cave inside the building and staring at the candle for 4 hours straight and trying to move objects with mental power, the ability to read and understand faster. I got frustrated as physical ability training is not much appreciated in division 2 as done in division 3.

Satara soon found out that we could have telepathy and as our bond is so high we could practice on each other it worked well and we improved it drastically but Satara lagged in some fields which I didn't and we exchanged our answers via telepathy which we didn't say anyone that we are that much bonded. Satara aced it with my help but I felt worried and told Satara that I missed our dad in case she senses my emotions too

One day at 3 am, Our head woke us up and told us that the General called us to division 5 to talk about Aria, and the head said that the letter came with a code red which symbolically represents the Most important and deadly serious urgent issue