
February 17, 2040

Dear Diary,

I'm utterly terrified I think someone is following me scratched that I know someone is following me. It started this morning while I was walking to school. I kept feeling like someone was behind so I would look and no one would be there. And every time I sped up it would speed up. What do I do? Do I call the cops? No that's to exaggerating. Ahhh I'm currently sitting outside during my lunch. Also there is a new kid he's very cute but strange. I also have this feeling as though I met him before. But I can't put a finger on where I have seen him. Hmm maybe a store no hmm park no hmmm this is going to be a headache. Well diary lunch is over it's time to return to my prison as we call school.

Diary!!!! I know where I have seen him he was the guy I bumped into the hospital where my brother died. Oh dear Diary does he recognize me. I'm going to turn on my music so I can think. I can't believe it. Is that why he sat next to me? Or is it because the queen bee is annoying? ~sigh~ I'm thinking way to hard I should not freakout I need to breath and think positive. I wish my brother was here. He would of taken me away from this reality. I should get going and get ready for bed but first is lock my door I don't want a replay of my parents coming in and beating me. Well diary tomorrow is a new day like brother said everything will work out.