
February 14, 2040

Dear diary,

My name is Liliana, I'm currently 13 years old. My therapist told me I should start to write down my feelings or my story. This is kind of stupid. Well I'm going to try. My life has nothing but pain. I remember the first time my parents started to hit me. I was only 6 I saw my mom kissing a guy. So I told my dad he wasn't happy. But my mom told him I lied and that my diary is when I felt pain. Ever since then I've been punched kicked thrown and starved. But it was nothing the most painful thing was losing my big brother. It's been only a year and I still have nightmares. I was with him. He protected me from a shadow man. The police ruled out to be just a horrible robbery gone wrong. But it wasn't I keep on telling them that the shadow man was following us. I couldn't tell how he looked like but he fought like an assassin like the ones from the movies. But they say I was shock and my mind made it up but I know what I saw. Well diary that's all for today I need to go to sleep for school tomorrow.