
CHAPTER TWENTY SIX: Relationship exposed


" Where is he??" I asked as we waited for Chi yan," He told me he shall find us here." Tong Yao said as she sipped on her glass of juice," Hey guys long time." said a deep voice from the back on tuning it was a tall handsome guy smiling at us," You are???" Tong Yao said as he burst into laughter, " Chi yan why? can't you guys recognize me?" he said, no one would recognize him I mean usually we see this in idol dramas it's like one time he was a nerd and now his a hottie," Are you messing with us?" Tong Yao said as she stood from her seat and stared closely at him," Why do you feel at loss for not accepting me back in college?" he said as she quickly sat down," Sorry even now I would not accept you because I have a boyfriend. " she said as she winked at me," I have a girl friend too so we even." he replied as he pulled out a chair and sat down," Are you sure this place is safe I mean you know how crazy Song luo's fans are these days." Tong Yao added," it's safe plus she has a mask and a cap on." he added," Any way I checked out the video you sent me and it's fake, it's soo fake ." he said which made me cheer up," Really, how can we prove its fake infront of people like can you help us?" I asked," I can it's actually quite easy but do you think it will be able to prove you innocent? " he asked," Why not it will atleast prove that some one is plotting against her." Tong Yao said," What you need is the person who is plotting, only his statement can help you, I can post a video online telling every one this is fake but will it help?" he asked again, he did make sense but the problem was that I didnt know who it was," Just post the video, it can atleast calm the situation down as we look for the culprit." Tong Yao suggested," Wait!! the board meeting is after tomorrow first keep the video with you, I will look for some more evidence." I said as we all agreed.


" Can you zoom that pic please?" I asked as we stared at the Smart cafe photage after I recalled seeing Xiao Wei the previous night," Here!!" Eric said as I was shocked, so it was n't just my delusion it was her and some guy I failed to spot out," So we have the ip address and the this photage is it enough??" he asked," Wait, I know her isn't she Xiao Wei Wei, the idol?" he asked he he zoomed it again," it's her but why was she at smart cafe?" he asked," I think I know why, first keep that with you I need to meet some one." I said as I left and pulled out my phone to call her," Hey finally you..." She said as I cut her off," Lets meet." I said angrily," Sun set barbeque, 7pm sharp." I added as I hang up," why did you do it?" I asked my self as I looked around when I received a text from Song luo« Still at Tong YAO'S place will be back soon.» it read,« OK make sure you safe.» I replied as slipped the phone back to my pocket, my mission now was to ask Xiao Wei why she spread the fake news about Song luo...

" So why did you finally ask to meet you, did you realise how immoral you girl friend is." She said as I glared at her, " Yoh spread the news. " I said as she looked around and giggled," What I can't stoop so low." She said," I have evidence but tell me why you did it." I added as my tone changed," What do you think?" she said as she turned and stared at me," She deserves every thing I did, she is a man stealer I mean if she wasn't then how did you get into her trap?" she said as I hit the table out of anger, " Stole me from you how could she still some thing you didnt even have in the first place?" I said, " Look better clarify the news and this will end right here because if you don't then am going to expose how low you can stoop just to get your way." I said as I stood up," One more thing Song luo isnt immoral turns out you are." I said as I turned to leave when she grabbed me by the wrist," Lu yan, what happened to us you said I was the love of your life." She said," Two years ago, you were two years ago but you no longer are and today I thank God you left, I mean how else would I have met Song luo." I sat I pulled her off," Lu yan!!!!" she called out as I continued moving, I was soo angry," Hey Eric send all the evidence to me, I will sort things out." I said over the phone as I turned to leave..

Reaching home, I found that it was surrounded by reporters," What?" I said as I felt some one pull me by the wrist," You!" I exclaimed as Song luo covered my lips," Haven't you seen??" she said as she pulled out her phone and showed me and article,« LU YAN AND SONG LUO LIVING TOGETHER, ARE THEY DATING??» It read," Well turns out some one took a pic of me and you coming out of the house and posted it on social media so now every one is questioning our relationship." She added," Could it be.." I said as I noticed Song luo staring at me," Who??" she asked," No one, so let's get a place to spend the night, I will clarify this tomorrow. " I said," Are you hiding some thing from me??" she asked," No, it could be the person who has been spreading the rumours." I said as we ran away without getting noticed," So where are we going to spend the night?" Song luo asked," You will see. " I said as we got into the taxi and headed for my parents place," What is?? " Song luo said as we reached," My parents house." I said as she held me back," Won't it be trouble some, I look like well I'm... " she stuttered," Calm down, you look ok." I said as I pulled her," Lets go." I added as we knocked on the door....


" Have some water." said Mrs Lu as we sat down, the house looked quite exquisite exactly how I pictured it," Thank you Mrs Lu." I said as I took a sip," Stop being formal with me, call me mom." She said," Mom!!" I exclaimed as I stared at Lu yan who seemed to be enjoying," Yes I have always wanted to have a daughter sadly I got two sons." She said as Lu yan looked at her with disappointment," Ok mom." I said as she smiled at me," Well, dinner is about to get ready so how about you go and take a shower fast then have it." Mom said as she cleared the table," I will show you to the guest room." She added as I stood up to follow her," I will go and take a shower too." Lu yan said as he left, while we were going I bumped into a boy, he was atleast 16 years," Mom, I..." he said as he stared at be and remained dumb founded," Lu jing this is.." Mom said as he cut her short," Song luo, my goddess. " he said right then I knew he was a fan," You know her." Mom asked," Every one knows her, and by the way I'm sorry for what has been happening lately but no matter what happens I will always be you fan." he said which made me smile as I recalled my little brother," Right some times I forget you such a famous person." Mom said," Well you should get ready for dinner, I will take your sister Song luo to get ready too." She added," Sister, Wait you my Brother Lu yan's girl friend?? " he asked," Well yes." I replied as his smile got even wider," Wow nice, first time am appreciative of my brothers dating choice, Well I should let you leave we shall talk more later " he said as he left.

After a while, we were sitted at the dinner table while I noticed Lu jing staring at me a lot," You might seem young but I get really jealous when a male looks at my girlfriend like that." Lu yan said as I felt my cheeks becoming hot," You should get used, do you know how many guys stare at her like that?" lu jing said as Lu yan glared at him," Stop it, this is the first dinner Song luo is having with us the least you both can do is to make it great." Mom said as we all got back to eat," Have some more rice." She said as she added more to my bowl, being around her really made me feel loved, After dinner, I sat by the balcony feeling the freshness of the night breeze falling onto my face, a lot has been happening and I was shocked I'm still standing," failed to sleep. " said Lu yan as he came and covered me with a cloth," Are you used to sleeping next to me." he whispered in my ear as I quickly turned around and gave him a spank on his hands," Stop it." I said as I looked away shyly," I was just thinking about how nice youth family is and how your brother reminds me of mine." I said as he looked at me," He would have been the same age by now." I said as my voice stared to Change," Well if it makes you feel better then I can give you mine, he is always bothering me and it looks like he likes you a lot." he said as he made me smile, " Thank you." I added as he stared at me, " Keep smiling, it looks great on you." he said as he came closer when," I have finished. " said Lu jing as he turned the other way," I didn't see any thing." he added," Stop it, I will be there in five minutes." Lu yan said," ok Good night sister in law." said Lu jing as he ran away," See, thats why I should give him to you." Lu yan said as he turned to look at me," Well you should get to bed too." he said as he kissed my fore head," Good night." he added as he gave me a warm hug," Good night." I added as I hugged him back, having him Is the best decision I have ever made.