


" Are you ok?" asked my on shoot assistant, " I just have a head ache." I said as I sipped on a bottle of water, " Shall I ask them to move the shoot for tomorrow? " he asked," I'm fine the sooner I finish shooting this the better." I added as he left, while I was signed there almost half dead, I received a call from Song luo which I rejected then I heard a knock on my door," Who is it?" I asked as I opened up only to see Song luo," What are you doing here?" I asked," I need to explain what happened yesterday." she said as she forced her way in," What's there to explain? you didn't show up and instead met up with your boyfriend?" I asked angrily," He isnt my boyfriend" she yelled," Wait so he is your husband too." I said as I gave a smirk," Your personal life is none of my business we are both just an on-screen couple, after all this is done we won't see each other any more so let's not create bonds that won't last." I said, looking at her made my heart ache, because I know its not her fault she chose him over me," can you atleast listen to me." she said as I cut her off," We almost shooting the show, I'm not feeling well, will you let me rest here or should I go out." I asked as she stared at me for a reason. she had tears in her eyes, " I'll leave." she said as she moved out," Arrrghhh." I screamed as I dropped my water bottle and passed my fingers my hair.

Mr Chan for some reason noticed we both weren't ok so he let us go home and have some rest," we shall shoot tomorrow. " he added as every one started packing," What's wrong with the both of you today, Song luo you just received an outstanding confession last night but you look like you received bad news in the morning. " Mrs Shao said," I just didn't have enough sleep last night." Song luo explained as every one cheered," You kept thinking about Deng Hao the entire night." they said as they cheered, I on the other hand was getting angry and before I let any mean words slip my tongue, I chose to leave.


" Have some coffee." Deng Has said as he extended it to me, even coffee reminded me of Lu yan," I'm sorry about yesterday and I respect your feelings if you want then I can explain it to Lu yan." he said ," That's not the issue now,the issue is to stop the rumours from spreading. " Tong Yao said," I can release a statement on line saying it was a misunderstanding. " Deng hao suggested but all these were pointless, I had started doubting lu yan even hard any feelings for me," Cheer up, Song luo I don't like seeing you like this." Tong Yao said as she hugged me," I want to sleep." I said as I stood from the table and headed to my room," Well have a good rest then." said Tong Yao as I continued moving, reaching my room I couldn't help recall what Lu yan told me earlier," He's stubborn and selfish he didn't even listen to me." I said as years rolled down my cheeks," I hate you lu yan." I added as I laid down with hope of finally getting some sleep.


" Why are you calling me here?" i asked Xiao Chen who insisted we meet at a restaurant, " I'm here to talk about Song luo and Lu yan." he said," Song luo is your friend right?" he asked," Yes but what does this have to do with you." I asked curiously," Lu yan is my friend really close friend and I can tell he is hurting by what is happening." he said I was surprised looks like fate always has its own plans," You know Song luo likes Lu yan and also the rumours aren't true." I explained," Actually, Lu yan was planning to confess his feelings to Song luo that night." he said," There situation is simple, we just need to get them to talk to each other but how???" I said as we both started to come up with ideas," Amusement park!!" he exclaimed," if we get them to sit in one ride together one that can't late either one of them to go away them I'm sure they will talk." he continued well Hus idea was kind of childish but it seemed to may be work," ok lure Song luo to the park tomorrow then I will find a way to bring Lu yan with me, let's settle this issue once and for all." he said as we fist bumped, " ok you can now order you self something to eat." he said as we both burst into laughter.


" Thanks for meeting me here." Deng Hao said as I stared at him angrily," I didn't agree, you burged into my cafe and I didnt want to throw you out with all my customers waiting." I said," Do you love Song luo?" he asked, I felt offended was he trying to rub salt in my wounds," I never thought Deng Hao was a nosy person. " I said as I turned the other way," Only cowards can't come out to confess their love to the world." he said, " What are you saying ?" I shouted as every one stared at us," If you here to say nonsense then please leave," I said angrily," You love Song luo and at the same time you can't even let her explain to you what really happened that day, for a minute there I really dont see why she likes you." he said, " likes??" I thought, " What do you mean?" I asked curiously," That day, both you and Song luo had to meet for dinner yesterday but I called her and told her I was involved in an accident but the truth was I wanted to confess my feelings for her that night, we'll I did but got rejected in the end, Song luo told me she likes some one else and that some one else is you." he explained for a second I felt like a jerk for yelling at her earlier," The news is just a rumour and I already posted a clarification state ment on line, Song luo doesn't like me, she loves you." he added as he stared at me, I had mixed feelings at the moment, I was both happy and helpless I felt bad for ignoring her," Well I would have chosen to let both of you have this argument and taken her for my own but I wish Song luo happiness and if her happiness lies with you then you have mu blessings." he added as he extended his hand to me," Take care of her." he added as I shook them too," Thanks for clarifying. " I said as he smiled and left, I need to meet Song luo," I thought as I grabbed my over coat and boarded a taxi to her home," Song luo." I said as I rung the bell," Who is it?" she said as she opened the door, but she looked rather weak," Are you ok?" I asked as she stared at me," If you here to yell at me again then I'm not ready." she said as she tried to close the door," I'm here to apologize. " I said as I entered the house," I'm sorry I didn't listen to you." I said as she looked the other way," I just thought I had lost you to another man." I added as I held her by the waist," I'm a coward that failed to tell you how much I loved you and how much you influence my life and I'm sorry for that too." I added as she stared at me with tears in her eyes, " Iam not dating Deng Hao." she said," I don't even love him that way." she added, seeing her like that made me cry too," I love you." she said," I don't know when you even became less annoying to me but you did and now I can't spend a day with out thinking about you." she added," I can't bear you being mad at me that's why I made an effort to explain. " she added as she put her arms around my neck, " I love you too, Song luo." I replied, " I'm crazy over you." I added as I held her even tighter, " Why does this not feel real?" she said as she came even closer to me," What if it's all a dream that's going to end when I wake up tomorrow. " she continued, " Its not." I said as I closed my eyes and kissed her, she kissed me back too, right now I felt like my whole life was set, and like I won a trophy every one has been yearning to get, I finally confessed to the love of my life.